
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

Gigai · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 17. Freya's tricks

After 15 minutes, the group found themselves at a tavern called "Mama Mia". Victor in real life for some reason always associated this name with pizza.

In the tavern, some shouts, conversations of drunken adventurers, etc. were heard.

Oh yes, now the whole group is no longer hiding with the help of a spiritual form. Why? Since Freya noticed them, it means that rumors about their arrival may soon go in secret from everyone. Which may attract them to unnecessary questions and troubles. Therefore, it was decided that it was not necessary to hide anymore. Of course, not all were disclosed. Katou Danzou and Li Shuwen used their assassin skills and continued to hide and gather information.

- "It looks like a lot of fun there! Master, let's go there as soon as possible. Maybe we can fight with someone and at the same time try their beer." - Lancer Cu forgot what restraint is and got into the atmosphere of the tavern.

"I agree with that too. What could be better than killing someone and drinking beer at the same time?" - Cu Alter had the same thoughts as Lancer, only more bloody.

"I can't remember the last time I drank my last beer. I think today I will definitely get drunk" - Cu Caster wanted to get drunk very much, which was unexpected.

"Although it looks like a barbaric place, the atmosphere here is quite pleasant. This king even wondered what their beer tastes like. Ozymandias, like those three, had thoughts about beer.

It can be said that for most men beer is an integral part of various bars. That's pure male instinct.

Nitocris, hearing the words of the Pharaoh, thought about how to prevent the Pharaoh from getting drunk and demolishing the tavern.

Lancelot and Bedivere were a little uncomfortable. For they very rarely drank, as they should always be in full combat readiness. After all, in most cases, a drunk warrior is a dead warrior.

Masha was looking around the tavern and she was very curious about how everything inside is arranged.

Da Vinci was the only one who behaved as usual.

It was with this mood that the group entered the tavern.

The first thing they saw was a lot of adventurers eating and drinking beer. Conversations, laughter and shouts were heard everywhere.

Victor's ears ached a little from being unaccustomed. After all, this is the first time he comes to such noisy places.

Immediately after their entrance, a girl in a waitress's work uniform approached them.

She had brown hair with cat ears on it and a tail on the back.

- "Miau! Welcome to our tavern dear guests. My name is Anya and I am glad to see you. Miau, right now I'm a little busy so I won't be able to serve you, but there is a large table just nearby that was recently vacated, so please take it as soon as possible. Miau! Sire, can you take these guests' orders for yourself?" - The cat girl enthusiastically greeted Victor and the others and then turned her gaze to the girl who was standing not far from them.

A girl in the same outfit as the girl standing next to them came up to them. She had hair and eyes of a bright gray color. There was even a certain nobility in her.

- "Good Anya! You can count on me. So dear guests, let's go to your table," Syr began to lead the group to the table.

Victor looked at the Syr and immediately realized that it was Freya in disguise and not the "real" Syr. She usually used the identity of Syr when Bell came into the tavern sometimes to get to know him better. But it seems now it also applies to them.

Do not forget that the owner of this tavern is the captain of the Freya family, which is now the sixth level. Anya also belonged to this family but also decided to work in this tavern. But only the innkeeper knows the real identity of Syr.

Victor gradually began to fear such boldness of Freya. After all, if her so-called love reaches the highest point, then she can charm the whole city and rewrite everyone's memory. Even other gods cannot resist it except for one god. And that's what pushes Victor to join this family. Although it will be a cliche, there is no other way out.

Syr led everyone to the table and gave everyone the menu of the tavern. Everyone chose different dishes, but for the most part they took beer.

(I immediately say that I do not know about the prices of all items, etc., so improvisation)

After all the dishes were brought along with the beer, the meal began. At least it was.

Someone calmly ate their food and someone got drunk to the fullest.

The three Cu decided to check who would drink the most and started competing.

Archer, as a "mom", began to try the dish and ask how exactly it was prepared in order to repeat it in the future.

Lancelot and Bedivere sat in silence and ate their fried chicken.

Ozymandias ordered a lobster and was delighted with its taste. It is very rare to find seafood in Egypt, so this was a new discovery for the Pharaoh.

Nitocris also took a fresh salad and ate it very well.

Mash ordered something that was more or less familiar to her. Namely rice with chicken and mushrooms.

The same thing was ordered by Da Vinci and Victor.

In the middle of the meal, someone was heard talking outside the tavern.

- "Bete how many times have you been told not to climb ahead of everyone! Gareth has said many times that you need to be careful!" - a woman 's voice shouted

- "Leave me alone, you stupid Amazon! I can take down these weak monsters myself without any problems! And don't lecture me like you're older than me! a rough male voice sounded.

-"Bete in the next expedition we will go to deeper floors, so a strategy is necessary. Therefore, next time, so that there is no such behavior," another male voice sounded.

"Looks like Baby Bete got scolded again. Well, what kind of children do I have, only Ice pleases me eh"

- "Loki, once again I'm telling you not to get Ice with your "peculiarities"" - another female voice sounded.

The gate to the tavern opened and the so-called Loki family headed by Loki came inside.

Looking around, they saw Victor and his group sitting in their usual place.

"It seems we won't be able to have a drink at the tavern today. Let's take a drink with us and drag it home," Loki said when she saw people sitting in their place.

All the members agreed in principle with Loki except for one werewolf.

- "Why would we bring booze home if we can drink everything here, huh? And in general, everyone knows that this is our place in the tavern. I think these damn newcomers have just arrived in the city and don't know their place.

Bete who was recently scolded was already so angry and now some "newcomers" are going to spoil his mood. Now he wants to teach them a lesson.

Loki's family commander Finn wanted to stop Bete but Loki told him to leave him. Otherwise, when we return to Loki's estate, there will most likely be a small rout due to his anger.

Meanwhile, the drinking contest was over. The winner was Cu Alter. Although other Cu had skills that remove all negative states, they did not use them because it was so uninteresting.

Cu Alter poured himself another mug of beer and was about to drink it when a voice sounded next to him.

- "Hey damn newbies! This table belongs to our Loki family. While I'm kind, get out of here quickly, otherwise I'll show you how things are solved among adventurers.

Bete came to the table and stood next to Cu Alter.

Victor understood in two seconds why the reason for which they were led to this table.

There will be a conflict with Loki's family

Loki's family will hold a grudge against us.

To protect yourself from the Loki family, you need to join a family of equal strength with the Loki family.

And naturally it will be Freya's family. For as soon as word spreads about how they clashed with the Loki family, none of the families will accept them. Except for Freya's family.

But the third point is useless. After all, Victor and his group can at least match in strength or even destroy Loki's family, but Victor will not do this because so he will become an enemy of the entire city of Orari.

While Victor was analyzing further actions, the sound of a blow was heard.

The figure quickly flew out of the tavern door without breaking anything. This person, or rather a werewolf, was Bete.

The other members of Loki's family were stunned. They were initially preparing to let Bete let off some steam and then stop him, but something happened that they could not have expected.

Cu Alter came out of the tavern and looked at the lying Bete and said:

"As a sign of respect for good beer, I sent you flying so that you wouldn't break anything here. And now get ready to die, kid" - Cu alter summoned his scarlet spears that were hungry for blood.

Bete, who had just recovered from the blow, looked at the man in front of him and was shocked that the "novice" sent him flying.

Then, in anger, Bete rushed at Cu Alter. His speed was so fast that he couldn't even be noticed. Bete aimed at the stomach and wanted this man to know the same pain.

But Cu Alter saw everything clearly and hit Bete right in the stomach with a powerful knee blow.

Bete fell to his knees due to a strong blow. Although he recovered quickly, he couldn't get up due to the impact being too strong.

-"Shopping center. I was talking about weaklings here, and in the end you became them. However, stop talking and die" - Cu Alter looked at Bete with contempt and attacked him with a spear.

But before getting into the Bete, the spear collided with the green barrier.

-"Sorry, but we can't watch our comrade being killed in front of our eyes. Therefore, let's resolve our differences peacefully," Riveria said, holding a staff in her hand.

Cu Alter was furious. At first, he was not allowed to drink beer properly. And now they are also asking to stop when they themselves started this conflict.

Cu Alter applied his power to the spear which soon broke the barrier.

Riveria saw this and wanted to stop him, but suddenly the scarlet spear was stopped by another spear.

"As the captain of the Loki family, I want to apologize for our comrade's behavior. So please, you can put your weapon away," said Finn, who blocked the scarlet spear's blow.

Although Finn didn't show it, his hands were shaking a little because of the huge strength of the Cu Alter.

Cu Alter looked at Victor who had already left the tavern with the group. Victor nodded to him, which meant to end the battle.

Cu Alter returned his spear and returned back to Victor's group.

Then the whole group decided to leave this noisy place.

- "Hey, wait! I invite you all to join my family. Although there was a small dispute between us, but I very sincerely want you to join me," Loki, who was silently watching all this, suddenly made such an offer.

The adventurers who were also looking at this scene were stunned. The god Loki, who heads one of the most powerful families in Orari, invited unknown people into her family.

Victor looked at Loki to make sure of her intentions. It looks like she really wants them to join her family, but part of the look was directed at Mash and Da Vinci.

Victor understood the essence of this goddess and said: "Sorry, but we are not going to join somewhere in the near future"

Then, without waiting for an answer, Victor and his group quickly left.

The adventurers were stunned. Someone really refused the offer of one of the strongest Orari family.

Loki was not upset, but on the contrary smiled and watched Victor's group with her eyes.

Among the members of Loki's family, there was also a light-haired girl who looked at Victor's group and felt their strength. She wanted to catch up with them, but given their current relationship, it's unwise.

Soon everyone quickly dispersed and the tavern continued its work.


"Victor, so what are we going to do now? We have offended Loki's family and perhaps none of the family in Orari will accept us," Da Vinci said, looking at Victor.

Da Vinci has always wondered how Victor finds a way out of such situations.

"It's unlikely that Loki's family took this incident seriously. But this applies only to their top members. The mid-level and low-level adventurers of the Loki family will be hostile to us. And as for the family that will accept us, I already have one in mind," said Victor and they began their journey to the Tower of Babel.