

                           Chapter 1


In the land of Holto, a young boy fell from heI aven this was surprising to every citizens of that area,a man who was released from prison after living in the prison for about 29 years in Holto community happens to be a strange man but come to reside in that area saw the young boy and took him home.

After he took him home, he clothed him and asked for his name but the young boy insisted he has no name, and he didn't know how he came to existence this shocked this man whose name was Arthur and he told the young boy not to worry that he will serve as a father to him ,and he told him that as from today he will be bearing the name Revenge.  The boy grew up in wisdom and stature , but the way and manner he was being  was different from other children in the society.

Revenge was introduced to an high school where he study poetry after his good and fantastic  performances in the secondary school. Revenge's first day in high school his lecturer asked him to stand up the very first day and they asked of his name , he told her saying I'm Arthur Revenge , wow everyone yail at the name saying this dude sounds funny. Are you kidding our lecturer , a tall girl interrupt what did you mean your name is Revenge , Revenge slapped the tall girl immediately without thinking twice. How dare you question my Authority? I'm given this name by my dad and there's nothing wrong with it , so don't ever asked me any question is that clear?...The tall lady he slapped refused to answer him and that's not his concern .Revenge took his books and headed home to his father Aurthur .He sat his father down and asked him the mystery behind his name, he asked why he was given the name Revenge , but his father refused to answer him. Instead Arthur said when it's time for the son of man to deliver his job neatly and perfectly ,i will tell you. You are here for a purpose for me Revenge 

Arthur continued saying Revenge can you tell me what brought about your question and why you wanted to know about the name , but Arevenge explained the in the class and how he slapped the girl who laugh him because he was bearing that name. Arthur told Revenge that slapping the girl was a good reaction to what's on ground, you acted wisely , females didn't deserve any respect ,you can play with your fellow men or guys but when it comes to the issues of female if you are given the chance to kill them, do not hesistate to because by doing this you are growing, and fulfiling my mission before leaving this planet earth..

I have been hurted in the last 29 years by a female , so loving a female is not worth it .Revenge wanted him to continue with his conversation but he skipped and told Revenge that the story would be shared when the time comes

When Revenge started having a girlfriend , he was stopped from not having so many times and this makes Revenge developed Hatred for Females.

Revenge excused his father and went outside to think about his future, and why they named him Revenge. He pondered about the matter, but there was no reasonable answers to it from his mind. He got tired , and he tore his cloth screaming loudly saying where am I from ? What am I sent to do? What's my mission in this world? Arthur came outside and told him saying I want the best for you , you just follow my commandments runaway from female they don't deserve any respect .Revenge answered okay dad if you said so no problem there is nothing I can do about it. 

Next morning Revenge headed to class, he was sitting alone , doing things alone and even refused to smile with anyone. They greeted him , he gave no response when a lecturer tried to fight him for that manner said a word to the lecturer saying we are different from each other , i live my life following people emotions hereby trying to avenge people of there adversaries ,I think that's the reason I was born , so my thinking is going to be different from yours..But if you keep your nose in what is not your concern I will have to kill you secretly is that clear ma , the lecturer lady co-operated saying a thank you to Revenge.