
Part Twelve

Devon and I walked and talked for what seemed like hours. We walked to a pair of big boulders and sat on them. "This night has been one of the best nights I have ever had" I said to him and he said "me too". I put my head on his shoulders and he wrapped his arm around me. This was the best ending for a date.

For a good twenty minutes we just stayed there just watching the water and the moon. "Let's go home" he said and I said "ok". We got up from the boulders and we walked to the car.

The car ride back home was quiet,but I guess that was because I had fallen asleep. I could feel Devon holding my hand the whole time and it felt really good.

The next morning it felt really different. I opened my eyes and I realized I wasn't in my room. Where the hell was I? I thought to myself. I'm in someone else's bed. I looked around the room and see some football trophies, a picture of Anaisa,Brendan, Devon and I on the wall next to the bed and a couple of skateboards.

This must be Devon's room. Man I haven't been in his room in like forever. Wait...why am I here. Wait...what am I wearing. I looked under the covers to find me wearing a pair guys shorts and a camouflage t-shirt.

Then I felt a arm wrap around my waist. I turn myself to see Devon looking at me. He then said "Before you say anything first of all,if you are wondering why are you here in my room it's because I couldn't find the keys to your house so I carried you into my room and second of all if you are wondering what are you wearing, you are wearing my clothes and I have to say you look hot in them and third of all if you are wondering if I changed you, well that is a yes, I covered you with a blanket and took off your dress and slid my clothes on you. I promise you I didn't see anything even though I really want to". Well I don't have anymore questions since he answered all of them.

Devon then got up and left the room. I got up and tried looking for my phone around the room. I finally found my purse and took out my phone. I had a whole bunch of messages. They were all from my mom saying "where the hell are you" or "do you know what time it is".

I quickly texted saying that I was on a date with Devon last night and I had fallen asleep afterwards in the car and he couldn't find my keys to the house so he took me to his place so that's where I was now. I swear that woman texted me so fast I couldn't think for a second. "Oh okay. Have fun. Use protection" she said and I dropped my phone on the floor when I read that message. What the hell is wrong with my mother.

"You okay there" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Devon at the door with a tray of eggs, bacon, waffles and orange juice. "Yea I'm okay. My mom just sent me an interesting message" I said as I picked up my phone.

I walk towards him and showed the message to him and he started to laugh and said "man your mom is awesome".

"Now shall we eat breakfast" he said and I said "yea let me just wash up". I went into his bathroom and washed my face.

Then I felt something hanging on my neck. I looked in the mirror to see a locket. I was about to touch it when I looked and saw Devon's ring on my finger. I was so confused. I opened the locket and saw on one side a small picture of me and Devon with our custom jerseys on and on the other side it said forever 5/14.

'What was going on' I thought in my head. I started to call Devon's name but when I turned around I saw Devon standing at the door. "Devon what is this?"I asked and he started to recite a poem that was my favorite when we were little.


"Your love warms me like my favorite morning tea

Your love comforts me like a lake in august heat

Your love melts me from my eyes to my toes

Your love means everything to me and I will never let you go."


"You are everything to me and I never want to let you go so I was wondering if we could make us official and be my girlfriend but I want 5/14 to be our real date not today".

I looked and saw he meant it and I said "yes". I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He was shocked but eventually began to kiss back.

We stayed there kissing for little while until his mother came and saw. She started going crazy and said "AWWW".

We quickly pulled away from kissing and she looked at me up and down. "You are wearing Devon's clothes did you guys--" she said and we quickly said "NO" and she said "okay chill" then she looked at my neck and hand.

"Did Devon give this to you" she asked and I nodded and she said "you gave her a locket. That's so cute and you put your ring on it. Oooo oh snap".

I was a little embarrassed and she said "you are special to him because he never takes that thing off".

I started to blush and Devon said "mom don't start" and she said "now I have to get my camera" and she ran to her room. "Here we go again" I said and he nodded.

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