
Part Eighteen

The fair had not changed at all. I couldn't wait to see everybody. Devon and I walked to homebase and went inside. I couldn't help myself and yelled out "PEPSI" and everybody yelled "COLA". I waved to Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and Devon went to talk to Mrs. Griffith. I looked around and saw my trumpet section staring at me. Then one of the players named Noah yelled out "NIKKY" and they all turned and ran towards me and all hugged me at once.

They were hugging me so hard I couldn't breathe. "Okay guys let go. I can't breathe" I said and they let me go. I was so happy to see them and I could tell they were happy to see me. "What are you doing here" another player named Jake asked. "I moved back to Lackawanna yesterday with my boyfriend from Florida and today I saw the flier and I wanted to see you guys and your performance" I said. "Wait Devon's here" another one of the players named Tom asked. "Yup he's outside right now" I said. The look on their faces were priceless.

They ran passed me and went outside. I walked outside and saw everyone literally in a dog pile on top of Devon. I laughed and said "Okay guys break it up" and they got off of Devon. I helped Devon up and he said "Well I missed you guys too" and we all laughed. "So you guys are gonna watch are performance" Tom said. "We wouldn't miss for the world, man I missed you guys" I said. "We missed you too" Noah said. Then Mrs.Griffith came outside and said "trumpets we need you back inside. We are going to leave" and then she went back inside. "Well we will leave you guys to it, good luck we will be rooting for you bye" I said. We all said goodbye to eachother and left. "Let's get something to eat before the performance" Devon said and I nodded.

We went around the fair in search for some food until we found a Chinese place that we could get food at. We both got lo mein with general chicken. This chinese place had the cute little take out boxes so we were able to take it to watch the band. On our way to where the band was playing we were eating our food with chop sticks and talking and laughing. This was becoming an awesome day. Devon and I arrived at the park where the band was playing and they were setting up.

We sat at a bench to watch and everybody from the trumpet section waved at us before they started playing. We waved back and they started playing. I knew all the songs they played,but my favorite was when they began playing Safety Dance and 25 or 6 to 4. I was just singing along to the songs in the bench and Devon couldn't stop laughing. "Stop laughing you know how much I love these songs" I said. "I know and I love you because of it" he said. I was kind of blushing and I'm pretty sure he knew it. "You are so adorable when you blush" he said. "Shut up" I said and I punched him in the shoulder.

We both laughed a little until Mrs.Griffith began to say something. "Thank you everyone for coming, our last song we will be playing is a song that was requested so the color guard will select a couple of people from the audience to come up on stage and dance for us".

They began to play a song that I recognized almost instantly. It was Marry You by Bruno Mars. This was a song that I love to dance to. I was dancing in my seat until one of color guards came up to us and pulled us onto the stage. Two other couples were there already dancing,so Devon grabbed my hand spun me to him and we danced. It was nice dancing with him. It was almost the end of the song and the song slowed down and got quieter. Devon spun me away from him, but then pulled me back to face him. That was until he started to go down. He went on one knee and he held both my hands. I couldn't believe what he was doing.

He let go of my hands and reached in his pocket and took out a small Pandora box. When he opened the box a beautiful little blue diamond ring appeared and I couldn't help but cry a little. It was so beautiful and the fact that it was from Devon made it even more beautiful. Then he said those 4 words "will you marry me" and I couldn't help,but start crying even more. I looked at his face and couldn't help,but smile and say "Yes". He took the ring out of the box, put it on my finger, stood up and kissed me.

Everybody began cheering and the trumpet section ran up to us and started going crazy. I couldn't help,but smile. This was the happiest I have felt in a very long time. The day could not have ended any better.

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