
Song hye Kyo's bg file

Lee Tae Hwan looked at the file with dark eyes. Holding into file quietly not showing any expression on his face as though he was reading a simple book or something.


Name : Song Hye Kyo

Age : 23 years old.

Gender : female

BOD : 12 april 1995....

There were every single details of Song Hye Kyo from her birth details to everything.

From register's information Song Hye Kyo was born in abroad and stayed there till she was 7 . At age of 7 she got into an accident later she recovered at the age of 9 later when her brother went out of Song Mansion to living on his own she followed after him. Their parents let them live on their own because they knew the kids will be able to take care of each other.

At that time when Song Hye Kyo left Song Mansion With Song Young Jin she was only 13 year old.

During this time Song Young Jin get multiple part time job for their living expenses. He does not have to care much about Song Hye Kyo at that time because she spend most of her time in school.

There were also a case where Song Hye Kyo was bullied by her fellow classmates during her middle school. Because of that incident Song Hye Kyo Started isolating herself.

No one knew what those kids did to her and how she dealt with them but all those students are struggling in their life right now. Reports also says that Song Hye Kyo was not the only student they bullied before... But Song Hye Kyo was their last case.

Their was no complaint filed against them. Song Hye Kyo's academic and sports records were also good.

During her high school days Song Hye Kyo took part time job at a cafe and work there for a year.

Her engagement were fixed by her grandfather befire he died.

After graduating from high school she joined Royal University and took Marketing management as her major. After graduating she immediately joined Song's company as a manager under Song Young Jin.

This was all the information was personal, most of the information Lee Tae Hwan never knew about it but what he want was a more detailed information.

Lee Tae Hwan immediately called Kang min. "Hyung? Can I get more detailed information?"

"Hwan, my men got this information with lots of difficulty. Especially about her birth and living in abroad. There isn't much about her past but I was shocked that she is from Song family. She also seemed to be anti social from her reports but she looks all fine right now. "

"..." Lee Tae Hwan cut the call without answering. Pondering and reading the file again and again.

From what he knew Song Hye Kyo was Different from this there's no way she is Real blood of Song Family.

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