

I got used to death before, after my grandmother, my uncle Peter, and a few of my parents' high school friends. I thought I'd be able to get used to it out here too, but I guess things are different when you're the one causing the death and when you have no one to help you get over it. I wish I could do things right. For myself, for the people around me, the people I love. It never works out that way though. I do stupid shit and it has consequences, I know it does but I keep doing it. It's like my body will do anything to survive but my mind wants the exact opposite. This is not a story about love. It is not a story about heartbreak but my life revolves around that. After what I did to him it's all it can revolve around. I deserve death. He deserved to take me with him, but he didn't. Unfortunately I'm still here. ---A spin-off to the After Death series. This story focuses on a new group of survivors, including an apocalypse-orphaned 17 year old boy from Ohio named Valentine Evans, as they struggle to make a life for themselves. Warning: This story contains adult content and is intended only for mature audiences

RudyGasparrini · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

chapter 15 (pretend)

chapter 15: pretend

valentine evans

september 2023

about 16 months after outbreak

mandarin oriental hotel, miami

season 2


"valentine, wake up."

"where are we?"

"we're inside a hotel, we got separated from the others, i killed the dead for you. you passed out, you're running a fever."



"i don't think i'm okay."

"you're gonna be fine, we're gonna make it back to the rest of the group. you probably caught some sort of bug or something, we can probably find medicine here, or maybe the others did-"

"i don't think you get it, arwen."

"what are you talking about?"

"i've been on meds, i got bit," i pulled up my sleeves and unwrapped the bandages slowly.


"maverick tried to cut the bite out but the infection is still inside of me-"


"i didn't want to tell you but i don't think i'm gonna be here much longer."

"you're gonna be fine, val."

"you don't need to waste your energy on me."

"valentine, i love you."

"don't do that to me-"

"i love you."

"you don't have to do that just because this is the end."

"it's not the fucking end, valentine! don't fucking do this to me, i can't lose you."

"it's not like i can control it, arwen-"

"then let's pretend, let's pretend like nothing's wrong and just find the others," they panicked, frantically.

"okay, let's find the others, they can't be too far."