

Hi everyone>_< this chapter is about Tomomi's past How her parents died,And why was she so shocked to see that certain someone.


Back in Middle School:~

Everyone: QUEEN!!!*Bows*How are u ?I heard u took care of the east school gang.You're amazing!!

It's before I came to korea when I was in Japan.

Yeah, that's right, I used to be a delinquent in middle school.A s to why everyone is calling me Queen it is because at the first day of my middle school I took care of some delinquents from other school. And why I did that because they were bothering some girls infront of school and everyone was just looking instead of doing something.At that time I didn't knew that the school I was going to attend was full of delinquent like that and some innocent students who had nothing to do with delinquents suffered. So in order to protect them I helped them(I know I sound like some hero when i am not,but my father was a Martial arts teacher and he teached me all sorts of fighting stances and told me to use it only to help people.). Soon the word spread and many of them started calling me queen.I know it wasn't a good thing to become delinquent but I didn't had any choice.

One night ,the darkest night of my life when I was out with my gang in the streets I heard a loud crash sound from the road.


CROWD;:OH GOD!!!! Call Ambulance there's an car accident.

I cut out from the crowd and saw a car which was totally crashed in a wall and blood was spread everywhere.But when I saw it's car plate##1238.

My legs couldn't endure the shock and it gave out I was on my knees.

Me:OKAASAN !!!!!!OTOUSAN!!!!*screams*NO NOOOOOOOO IT CANT BE* sob** sob **crying*

My tears couldn't be stopped my vision was getting blur.I was sitting on the road crying the hell out.


After that I lost conscious and when I woke up I was in a hospital bed my hand felt warm and the white ceiling made me feel like I was dreaming.When I sat up I saw grandma holding my hand tightly there were tears stain on her eyes.I still felt like whatever happened was a dream and I was dreaming.

Me: Grandma why are u crying?What happened? where is mom and dad?They told me they were going to bring my favourite pastries.*smile*Where are they?

Grandma looked at me with her eyes filled with tears she hugged me and started crying.

Soon my eyes were filled with tears too

Me:NO It can't be right?Tell me I am dreaming grandma *tears flowing*

Grandma:Sorry tomo *cry*My baby I am sorry.



After that day even in my parents funeral I was just sitting just like a corpse without a soul when someone hugged me and consoled me my tears would start to flow and my face would look just like a corpse no expression at all. I just stayed in my room stared at the photo frame where I was similling with my mom and dad.Few weeks stayed like that I would eat very less I would just stay at my room and started piercing my ears with a needle to lessen my pain.My life felt meaningless to me.Grandma couldn't take any longer she was so sad looking at me breaking down, she already lost her son and daughter in law who was more like a daughter to her she didn't wanted to loose me too.She came to me,slowly started patting my head and told me that father and mother will be so hurt in heaven to look at me getting so broke down she knows how much it must have hurt but I have to stay healthy I have to live a better life so that one day when I go to them I could tell them with my heads up that I lived a good life.

After that day my grandma and I moved to korea for a change but mostly it was because of me.I told my friends (who weren't really my friends but just those who used to say good when I helped them but abused me in my back )goodbye,in my mind I wished that I never meet them again in my lifetime . Grandma didn't wanted me to break down again by getting reminded of the accident again.I enrolled to the high school which was close to our new home.I had a month before my first semester started so I found a new hobby and that was writing ,I also joined a gym and worked out a lot to relieve my stress and moving on from past hoping something good will happen in future.

After two years in my last year of high school something good did happen I met seven really amazing people and my life started to change thanks to them.

Aloha~Everyone ,sorry for the late updates>_<

I am going to publish the next chapter in a week as I too am in my last year of high school and studies are killing me.

Anyway HAVE A GOOD DAY AHEAD ;-) ;-)

Agust_D_03creators' thoughts
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