
Fated To His Darkness

FATED TO HIS DARKNESS "Are you trying to gain my attention?" he asked, a note of cynicism and gave her his devilish smile. ______________________________________________ "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how... In a world where vampires and witches secretly coexist with humans, there lived a fragile and timid vampire named Aliena. Her life took a tragic turn when her mother left her, leaving her in the care of her cruel stepfamily, the Anwars, who despised her for being different. Aliena was not like other vampires. She possessed no remarkable abilities or strengths, often the target of her stepsisters' mockery and mistreatment. Forced to live in secrecy among humans in the Mundane universe, her life was a never-ending nightmare. But destiny had different plans for Aliena. The vampire kingdom of Nacrifa, in the mysterious realm known as the Dark Universe, was on the brink of war. The current king, summoned all vampires in the Mundane universe back. Upon her arrival in Nacrifa, Aliena was introduced to a world of darkness, magic, and intrigue. The royal court was a complex web of vampire politics, where alliances were fragile, and betrayals were commonplace. Amidst the chaos, Aliena found herself inexplicably drawn to the enigmatic Crown Prince, Sebastian. He was not a pure vampire but a rare hybrid, born of both vampire and witch bloodlines, and carried an air of mystery and danger. As Sebastian and Aliena spent more time together, their connection deepened, and a forbidden romance blossomed. But the path to their love was not smooth, as both their worlds were threatened by external forces. Dark creatures and powerful adversaries sought to tear apart the kingdom of Nacrifa, and Aliena discovered her unique abilities could be the key to victory. Yet, the mysteries didn't end there. The Crown Prince harbored a hidden identity that even his closest confidants were unaware of. Secrets from the past began to unravel, and their intertwined destinies became entangled in a tapestry of love, magic, and danger. As the war loomed over Nacrifa, Aliena had to find the strength within herself to rise above her weaknesses and embrace her true self. In a world where strength came in many forms, she had to prove that even the weakest vampire had a role to play in the kingdom's survival.

Deborah_13 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Another week

I stood frozen, my jaw agape, having just spilled tea on Prince Sebastian's attire. The entire table gasped at my clumsy blunder. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, my Prince," I apologetically bowed, reaching for a napkin on a nearby plate, but he forcefully pushed my hand away.

"Forget it," he dismissed, abruptly leaving the room. A woman's angry voice pierced the air, questioning my competence as a maid. "Do you know who he is? He's the crown Prince, the next heir to the throne, and you dare spill tea on him. What kind of silly mistake is that?"

"I'm sorry," I apologized once more, met with disdainful looks from everyone, especially the king. However, my father wore a protective expression, ready to defend me. Despite this, I signaled him not to interfere.

"You're a palace maid; you should be professional without making mistakes," the woman continued, insinuating her mansion's maids were superior. The King remained silent, and I brushed off the woman's words, focusing on my duties.

After completing my tasks, Prince Sebastian returned in a new attire, briefly locking eyes with me before shifting his gaze elsewhere. Anticipation and fear lingered as I wondered about the impending punishment. Following the other maids, I served flawlessly, observing Prince Sebastian eating less and speaking sparingly.

As the meal progressed and we stood by a corner, my side glances at Prince Sebastian continued. Speculating on potential punishment, I feared tasks like washing clothes or cleaning his room. Little did I know what awaited me.


The topic shifted to the impending war, a cloud hanging over the kingdom. Court members discussed strategies, alliances, and the sacrifices that lay ahead. Aliena, standing in the periphery, couldn't help but eavesdrop on the grave discussions. The weight of the news bore down on her, and she felt a profound sense of unease.

"Today, I received a news, a detrimental one at that" the King stated, everyone at the table became keen to listen as they waited for the king to continue with what he had to say, "They found a body, it's head ripped apart and there was this scarification on the forehead of that body, on the hand there was a lettering stating 'We're coming for you.' The guards that found this tried to trace the people responsible for the act but to no avail."

Everyone at the table allowed the information to sink in, they have never had an issue like this one before so it was terrifying to them. An unknown kingdom killing the people of Nacrifa, they needed to act fast before the situation gets out of hand.

Prince Sebastian, as the next heir to the throne was expected to contribute to the topic but as usual, he wore a calm expression on his face, the king looked at him expectantly to say something but he calmly ate his food like nothing they said was a serious issue. How could someone be so calm when his kingdom was in a dilemma?

"I think I know what we can do" the king's advisor Afonse, voiced out.

"Speak" the King ordered.

"During the ball, I remember that the King announced that everyone was going to participate in the war."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

"Well, what I'm trying to say is that, we could organize a training ground here in the palace. All we have to do is distribute letters to every family in this kingdom starting from tomorrow, we have enough guards that could train everyone, both male and female just for self defense" he proposed.

"That's such a good plan you have Afonse" Egeus remarked.

"Yes indeed it is, but after training what do we do?" the king asked.

"We do nothing" Sebastian chipped in, "All we have to do is to sit tight and wait for the next attack" Sebastian poured wine into his cup and continued, "Let them think they have the upper hand, during this time, we'll carefully construct a plan and our guards will try to trace this unknown kingdom and we'll strike back with full force"

"How can you say we do nothing?" Prince Miquel attacked Sebastian's proposal and gave him a questioning gaze.

"What do you suppose we do then?" Sebastian gave him an icy stare.

"We strike back now" Miguel said with affirmation, looking at everyone around the table.

Sebastian laughed heartily, confusing everyone around the table, Aliena couldn't help but wonder just how crazy he was.

"Have you gathered an army? Have you trained your men? Have you prepared your men? Miquel I don't want to believe that all your years of strategic thinking training has gone to waste" Sebastian stated and smiled cynically.

Miquel stared hard at Sebastian, there was this unspoken rivalry between them. Everyone at the table waited for one of them to say something but no one did. Miquel stared unblinkingly at Sebastian while Sebastian chuckled as he gulped down the rest of his wine.

"Okay," the king cleared his throat to make his final decree, "We'll go with Afonse's proposal and that of Crown Prince Sebastian's, but I'll commend your proposal Miquel" the king faced Miquel and spoke, "Sebastian is right, we haven't gathered an army neither have we trained our men".

Everyone nodded in agreement and they discussed about other issues before everyone dispersed to their homes.

As the plates were cleared, an announcement echoed through the hall. "In preparation for the impending conflict, all able-bodied individuals are to report to the palace for training. Letters will be dispatched to every family with the details."

Once the dinner concluded, Aliena escorted Prince Sebastian to his room. Just as she was about to leave, he stopped her with a curt gesture. His eyes bore into hers as he reminded her of the earlier incident—the spilled tea.

"I clearly remember that I did lay down my rules and you broke one of them" Sebastian drawled as he drew closer to her.

"Well..I'm..so..s.. sorry" Aliena stammered as she took a step backwards. Sebastian stared at her as if trying to figure out a puzzle, his eyes bore deep into her soul.

Aliena squeezed her toes, she felt like peeing under his scrutinizing gaze, "It was a mistake I promise not to make that mistake or break any of your rules again. Forgive me your highness" Aliena bowed her head.

Sebastian walked closer to her but Aliena sheepishly moved back. Sebastian took her by surprise and caught her by the wrist and drew her closer to his chest. Aliena shocked and mortified couldn't help but give out a loud gasp.

The heat emanating from his body made her legs feel weak and numb, she stared into his icy golden red eyes, a hint of mischief reflected in his eyes. What just was he planning? She wondered.

"You've proven to be quite the liability tonight," he remarked coldly. "And for that, you shall face the consequences of your actions."

Aliena stared at him unblinkingly, Sebastian let go of her and stared down at her, waiting for a reaction.

Aliena braced herself, expecting a task involving cleaning or washing. However, Sebastian's punishment was more severe than she anticipated.

"Another week of servitude," he declared, his voice cutting through the air.

The weight of the sentence settled on Aliena's shoulders, words couldn't form in her mouth. She nodded silently, her eyes downcast. As she left the Prince's chamber, the weight of the impending war, coupled with the consequences of her mistakes, left her feeling a profound sense of uncertainty about the days to come.

Sebastian stared into the empty space where Aliena had just gone away from when he felt a presence at his back, no two. He sighed and faced the two people behind his back. It was Miles who was putting on his regular outfit which was a black cloak and his grandfather Egeus.

"Tell me, how ruthless could you just be? Another week of servitude?" Egeus shook his head in pity, "I don't know where they got you from, honestly speaking."

"What are you both doing in my room?" Sebastian asked tiredly as he walked back to his bed.

"We came to discuss some issues with you" Miles said.

"I'm listening"

"They want you back in HELL"

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