
fated to death

Most victim's are the ones we call villains: Jevis_508. ************ They will leave amongst you, will be cast out by all kinds, rejected by destined, looked upon as a curse.A savior to all kind they will become and destined to old souls they are, the seer chanted like a possessed soul in a hall of royalty and elders and the declaration of the prophecy has left everyone shaken except one man who sat with an unreadable expression, the crown Prince of Goderian, sat amist a group of royal and nobles lycans and dires with a rigid face and sharp eyes, whiles the rest were in shock and confused, he had know change of expression. ***************** How could his highness be destined to a mere human,who is viewed by his people as a weakling, they will only be disappointment and angry with such fate. So I will do you the honour, I Orana Hertta reject, before she could finish she was pulled roughly by a hand, before she could talk he yelled STOP THAT! you have been gifted to me and nothing will change that so you better get use to it, he replied. So what she yelled pushing against his chest, this definitely left him speechless as no one had the guts to even dare walk the same path with him without permission talk less of touching him, who else had the audacity if not she these little human girl destined to be his, his train of thoughts were broken when the woman in front of him snapped her finger in front of him. Pointing at him she warned, you do not own me, and I will never let you control me, if I want to stay out then I will, if I want to date someone then I will and if I feel like having a one fun night with a hot lycan then I will she declared and walked out. Orana whom hasn't had an easy life, not even when she was young was she spared, was destined to one of the most difficult men on earth and she had to deal with it. Orana is a 20 years old human with a dark past, wounded heart and a duty to the world and she has to bond with her destined to accomplish that but what happens when she is destined to a difficult and strong headed crown Prince. *************** This is a story about the golden Roses, gifted to old souls of broken hopes.

jevis_508 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6 dark moon pack

Beautiful things hold many mysteries. Jevis_508


In the middle of a city called Hulvie, stood an enormous deep, dark and beautiful forest. Parents and people who lived in Hulvie tell their children bedtime stories and sometimes scary stories to stop them from venturing into the forest out of curiosity, while myths and all sorts of theories have been made up about the forest to scare people from exploring it and also avoid late night movement by the citizens of Hulvie.

However, all these myths did nothing to deter some people whose hobbies are to explore such forests or those whose jobs are to explore such places but even this explorer could not cover half the forest even after many years of exploring, they also found nothing special about the forest. Many explorers and adventurers stop going into the forest when a female colleague of theirs never came back after going into the forest and even after a long search for her was not found.

What these explorers do not know and will never know is that in the middle of the enormous and mysterious forest lays a secret and a bunch of mysteries. In the middle of the forest stood a community many would say but they call themselves a pack the dark moon pack to be exact the explorer who was dimed as missing had crossed into that territory and had come across a man who had identified her as his mate hence she was allowed through the protective barrier that had been placed around the whole pack to keep intruders out and to keep the pack hidden from human eyes.

The dark moon pack is the second-largest pack in the realm of shifters, after the Godderien pack ruled by the royals. The dark moon pack is the only pack close to humans and stands between the human and the shifter's realm.

The realm of shifters contains any supernatural creature with the ability to shift like werecats, shapeshifters, were cheetahs, vampires, lycans, wolfhounds, Direwolf etc.

All these creatures live within the shifter realms but live with their kind and in each territory, there is a leader.

Back to the present.

After calling the initiation of code red Axel Mateo the alpha of the dark moon pack had taken off in the direction of the pack borders where a fight had broken out between his warriors and the invaders.

Reaching there, before he could even register what is happening and check on his warriors something moved towards him so fast in an attempt to attack him but the lycan alpha was too fast and skinned his canines into the werecheetahs neck killing it immediately and then he continued like that making sure no one made it past the border and into the pack, while the alpha and warriors were defending the pack the luna and some female worries were initiating code red and leading everyone to the safe house in case any intruder made it past the first and the second defence and got in, but that was not happening today as all the intruders ended at the first defence point.

A howl from the alpha meant the problem had been solved and they had come out victorious had everyone relieved.

All the women, children and disabled that were taken to the safe house started coming out, all the mated female stood a step behind Amiri Mateo their luna and waited for their mates who finally started appearing one by one with blood stains on their bodies and a brief, all the warriors who had mates came back to assure their mates that they were safe and also confirm that their mate is safe while those who do not have mates stayed back to patrol the borders.

After all the mated warriors lined up in a line finally a man with silver hair and clothes covered in blood emerged from behind the bushes and took a step forward and stood in front of all his warriors as his eyes locked with those honey beautiful ones of his mate filled with tears as she stared back at him, feeling her emotions, happy, worried, fear, pride, love, admiration and many more, he felt from her. I am fine he whispered and that had broken the trans as she took off in his direction and jumped into his armed he spun her around before he let her down and she desperately checked him for injury when she found non she exhale breath she did not know she was holding, grabbing his face she locked lips with him as they kissed passionately in front of the crowd, howls and cheers of happiness came from the as they felt the same feeling from their alpha and luna and the other women whom also took off in the direction of their mates the moment the luna did.

After the celebration outside everybody went to their respective homes. Reaching the packhouse where the alpha stays with his family, Axel and Amiri went into their rooms Axel carrying Amiri in his armed, reached the room he shut the door with his foot, I am fine rose he whispered to her as his forehead rested on hers and their breath mixed, I want to confirm it by myself she whispered to which a kiss was her reward, the kiss started slow before turning passionate while he walked toward the bathroom with her in his arm.