
Chapter 7: 0808 800 5000

Somewhere in the omniverse.

"Hahahaha did you see his face." Kazuma was laughing his ass off.

"It's not funny!" Aqua yelled at Kazuma.

"Don't be angry just because I made fun of your little boyfriend~" Kazuma teased Aqua.

"He is not my boyfriend!" Aqua screamed at Kazuma.


"Stop it!!" Aqua shouted at Kazuma.

"Never!!! Oh, sweet revenger all these years of putting up your teasing" Kazuma said cheerfully but after a few seconds Kazuma made an evil smile. "But know this is my moment, and I'm going to enjoy it like you have no idea."

Aqua gritted her teeth. When Kazuma and Megumin she will admit that she teased them a little… okay she teased them a lot and may or not made some comments about being a lolicon. But fate is funny thing and now it was her turn.

"Okay, make fun of me as much as you want, but why the hell did you did that? Now he will be on Dumb-ass-dore list." Aqua was really angry at this, maybe Dumbledore isn't very strong, but he is a sly fox so if Yozora was on his sight he would be at disadvantage.

Kazuma rolled his eyes "While I did make a vault for him, I didn't make that part of the background, Fuga the one in charge of that world did it."

"And why he did that?" Aqua said very annoyed,

"Don't know only Celes-chan knows since she is the administrator of the system and she doesn't want to tell me, but from the hints that she gave me it isn't all bad."

"Stupid gods." Aqua snorted

Kazuma just raised an eyebrow. "Do you realize that you are a goddess?"

"Anyways, if he hurts Yozora he will suffer from he will reactive a God Requiem!"

Kazuma just sighed at Aqua's declaration, in all honesty he couldn't fathom the reason of why she was so attached to Yozora. He knew that it wasn't for his looks since even if Yozora was a 'pretty boy', Aqua know people more handsome than him also she wasn't a shotacon even if I teased it with that.

"Aqua why are you so engrossed to him?" Kazuma asked bluntly "I mean I know that you are not so frivolous to be hooked by his physical appearance."

At Kazuma question Aqua started to sweat a little bit. "I-I told you that I'm not interested on him, I just feel guilty, so I don't want him to suffer anymore."

Kazuma narrowed his eyes at her. He has been friends with Aqua for Eris knows how long and he could smell something fishy about this. "So, if you are not interested in Yozora maybe you want to join the bet that some of us have"

Aqua just raised looked at Kazuma with a confused expression "What are you betting at?" The goddess asked curiously.

Kazuma just grinned. "Well since he would most likely become a harem protagonist, we are betting of who is going to be the first woman to join his future harem."

"W-WHAT!!?" The blue-haired goddess screamed loudly.

"Yup, Megumin betted that the first one would be Gabrielle, Yunyun for Luna, Darkness for Daphne, Wiss for Fleur, Celes-chan said that she didn't think that it would be someone from that world and I betted for Tonks."

Aqua's eye twitched a lot. "As if those bitched would stand a chance against me" Aqua muttered so low that Kazuma almost didn't hear it.

"Oya, what did you said?" Kazuma asked teasing Aqua…. Again.

"N-Nothing, anyways so he won't be in a precarious situation?" Aqua trying to change the subject.

Kazuma obviously knew that but decided that it was enough of teasing Aqua… for now. "As much as he would in any regular mission, but for what is going to happen we need to wait."


With Yozora at Gringotts.

'Okay I need to calm the fuck down, this must be a very meticulous prank from Kazuma, there's no way that the Kingdom of Lucis existed in this world, I mean the world of Harry Potter is dark when you think about all the disgusting politics and let's not talk about the inbreeding… but at the end of the day is not a world with a high power scale and certainty there is no way that THAT kingdom ceased to-'

*Ding* Ding* *Ding´*

Mission: Ye,re a wizard Yozora.

Description: Since most of the events of the plot occur in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding you MUST enroll to the school.


Enroll to Hogwarts. (Complete)

Make a good impression to Minerva McGonagall (Complete)

Open your vault in Gringotts (Complete)

Hidden Objectives:

Learn at least 5 magecraft spells before meeting McGonagall. (Complete)


300 store points

1 random mystic code (Can claim in any moment)

1 random book. (Can claim in any moment)

Hidden Reward:

1000 store points. (Claimed)

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

New Mission: Rise of the Luci


"Hello is your favorite god Fuga here~ You se…. I'm bored so the great me decided to give you a mission so alleviate it. You might think. Why is this asshole making my life harder? Oh you ruined my plans to become the hidden boss and blah blah blah. But dude think about me. Having to see this world history repeat over and over again. The first couple of time was interesting but it turned bland after the 3587 time. So I want you to make something different so this is a start."


Claim your inheritance.


Everything inside the vault.

Linked mission.

'Huh, so for the first time its neither Aqua's nor Kazuma's fault, that's something new.' But I frowned at the implications.

'Troublesome, I can't ignore this mission since it would be suspicious and I'm really curious of what is inside… Fuck it, I knew that my life was going to be a mess when I accepted the job, I might just make it sooner than later.

"So how do we proceed with this… inheritance?"

"We can start the process anytime you want but I would advice you to do it when…" Brodob stared at McGonagall "When you are alone Heir of Lucis Caeulum"

I actually have to agree with him since I don't know what is inside the vault and what she will tell Dumbledore. "Very well I'll do it another time since I don't want to take too much time from the Granger's but in the meantime can you help me to exchange some muggle money to this wizard currency?"

After a quick money exchange Brodob told me to ask for him when I came to claim my inheritance.

I walked with everyone and to buy the supplies but the situation feels a little bit… awkward. So I did what I do best.

"Yes.Well.Who's hungry?" I said a reference that no one understood.

Everyone stared at me with a deadpan expression.

"Mr. Hoshimura I don't think that you understand the severity of your situation."

"What is so complicated to understand, I mean I just got money and whatever is inside the vault, it is not complicated to understand." I said feigned ignorance.

"Yozora, Professor McGonagall is right." Hermione stared at me. "You became the heir of a house, I may not know something about the wizard society, but if it is anything like how it was with us, people will expect thing from you."

I just shrugged at Hermione's comment "Not my problem"

"WHAT?!" Hermione yelled.

I just sighed at her reaction. "Look, maybe inherited something from a magical house, it's does not mean that I own the something to the so-called nobles" I said with some disdain in my voice.

"Mr. Hoshimura if I may ask, why does it sound like you hate people from noble houses?" McGonagall asked curiously.

"Hate is a strong word… but I don't hate them if you ask me, I just don't want to get involved in troublesome thing."

"Troublesome thing?" McGonagall asked confused.

"Yes, if I get involved with all of this 'Noble Houses' I will get involved in politics and politics mean paperwork and that means no free time." I said this with some truth, I mean in the DxD world Sirzech Lucifer, the strongest devil even more than the original Lucifer, one of the top 10 beings of that world… was drowned in paper all the time. He always complained that he didn't have enough time to be with his beloved wife, son, and little sister.

So… there is no way in hell I would enter in that death trap.

"I see…"

"Anyway, let's get down to business, we need get all our supplies before the end of the day" I said cheerfully.

To my surprise everyone looked like they forgot about that, maybe for them this was too shocking for them that even forgot the real reason of why we are here. It didn't take them a second to start walking to the main street.

At first, we wanted to go to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, to buy the uniform but there was a lot of people here, maybe Harry already pass this place and the people here wants to see him or talk to him and since we didn't want to waste time so McGonagall decided to take us to Flourish & Blotts and oh boy…

"What should I take first, where are the book for beginners, no first I need to buy the ones in the list then everything else!" Hermione said with… stars in her eyes? I thought that this was a thing in anime worlds.

"Take it easy, the books are not going anywhere… I think so? Professor McGonagall they don't, do they?" I asked McGonagall recalling the book that Hagrid used for his class.

McGonagall chuckled at my question. "While some books are quite… lively but you do not have to worry about them since you are first year students."

"That is a relief" Hermione breathed in relief.

I chuckled all sections in the store, but it was kind of exasperating since the order here was chaotic. Maybe the employees here know how to find the books.

So, I went to the used section since maybe I could get a version of the book with different spells since I don't doubt that the ministry censored something after the last war against the nose-less mongrel. Also, if I'm lucky enough I could get some get useful annotations but what I want more are rune books since I want to know the difference between what I know and what they use and after a couple of minutes I found a book about runes, but McGonagall saw me.

"Mr. Hoshimura why are you looking for runes? I think that is a little to advanced for you as we teach that as an optative course from the third year." McGonagall commented.

"Is that so? Well, I am interested in runes since when I went to the Scandinavian countries last year they seemed interesting to me and now that I know that magic is real I thought that it could be interesting to study." I said trying a give a convincing lie.

"I applaud you dedication and thirst of knowledge" McGonagall looked at the book on my hand. "The book that you have in hand it is a good choice for a beginner, but I would advice you to not get anything more advanced."

I just nodded at her words, in all honesty it hurts my pride to be called a beginner since I had knowledge from Cú Chulainn, but I know that she said it out of concern and most importantly, she doesn't know that I could blow up a building only using runes.

After half hour we finished the shopping. There were some books that I was interested in but I decided to comeback another time without McGonagall since I didn't want her to know it.

After that that we bought the miscellaneous supplies, and as a person from a modern society I was reductant of writing with quill and parchment, but since I wanted the full experience at Hogwarts, I will buy them, but I also take some pen and notebook in case that it becomes bothersome.

Finally, we decided to go to Ollivander's to get our wands and I was rather curious of what will happen in my case since they are considered a 'weapon' by Armirger I could virtually use any wand, oh by Zeno-sama this would be annoying.

But our path was stopped by a big person in front of the door and when I say big I mean 'enormous, the man is easily above the 2 and a half meters and had a large physique, that along with a long mane of shaggy black hair and beard made him look a little bit intimidating… if it wasn't for the fact that his facial expression gave the vibes of a soft person making him look like an oversized teddy bear.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall good to see ya" said the big man with a friendly smile. "What brings you her?"

"Hello Hagrid, is also good to see you, and I am helping a couple of new students to get their supplies" Answered McGonagall and at the same time signaling at our direction.

Hagrid looked at out direction and smiled "Hello kids, the name is Rubeus Hagrid you can call me Hagrid you don't need to be formal with me."

"Hello Mr. Hagrid my name is Hermione Granger and this are my parents Elliot and Catherine Granger, it's a pleasure to meet you. Are you also a professor at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I am not a professor, I'm just the gamekeeper and keeper of keys and grounds but if you have any doubts at magical creatures don't think twice to ask me since I'm a little bit knowledgeable about them."

"Oh, please Hagrid don't be humble, you could might as well a professor if we had a vacant, Miss. Granger and Mr. Hoshimura, you should take Hagrid's offer." McGonagall said making

"I will Professor McGonagall, it's a pleasure to meet you Hagrid my name is Yozora Hoshimura, and this is my grandpa Lee Hoshimura, please take care of me in Hogwarts and… is that an owl?" I asked looking at the soon to be Hedwig.

"Oh yeah I bought it as a present for…" But before Hagrid could end the phrase, he was interrupted by someone.

"Hagrid, I got my wand!!" The voice of a kid sounded behind Hagrid.

Hagrid took a step aside letting us see who was talking and what I saw made me feel livid. The kid was wearing old and clearly oversized clothes, but the clothes couldn't hide the his very skinny frame I didn't have doubts that he was starved for a long time, also he was shorter for a kid of his age I think that he is even shorter than Hermione maybe a consequence of malnutrition. I didn't have to use structural analysis to see poorly healed injuries specially the one of his right arms the kid in question was no other than Harry Potter.

{Yozora is that…} Asked gramps.

{Yes, he is the child of the fate of this world, but his situation is worse than I thought}

{Indeed, even if it was normal when I was alive to see kids in similar conditions most of them were homeless orphans but to be like that when he is living with his relatives is rather sad}

{I knew that they treated him poorly I feel pissed seeing this.}

{You must remain calm for the moment, remember the plan, you will have an opportunity in the future to help him}

{I know…}

"Harry congratulations now you are a Wizard in process" Said Hagrid cheerfully. "Oh by the way" Hagrid leaned Hedwig cage towards him. "Happy Birthday Harry" Hagrid said with the biggest smile that I had seen.

Harry looked incredulous at the owl as if was some kind of sick joke "I-is this really for me?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Of course is it wouldn't be a birthday without a present" Hagrid responded at Harry's question.

Harry looked at the owl for a couple of seconds and very slowly moved his arms towards the cage as if he was reaching to something that he shouldn't have and when his hands touched it, he took it as if it was so fragile that it would disappear as if was some kind of illusion.

After a few moments realizing that it was really in his hands, the kid hugged the cage as if it would be taken from him at the moment, he leaves it and he… started crying.

Hermione looked confused as she didn't understand why he would cry for a present, but her parents had a sad expression on their faces as they noticed that the kid didn't have a good life.

McGonagall felt distressed, she knew how bad the Dursleys treated Harry but it broke her heart to see that a simple act of kindness would make him have this type of reaction.

Hagrid seemed confused and worried for Harry as he didn't know what to do.

"Harry I'm sorry if you didn't like it, maybe I…" But before he could finish,

"Is not that" Harry said between sobbing "I like it very much, it just that… this is the first time that anyone had gifted me anything" The boy said trying to stop crying.

After hearing that everyone felt bad for the kid, McGonagall was trying to hold her tears, Elliot and Catherine had red eyes and Hermione was already shedding some tears.

And me well…



{I was just wondering but…}

{Do you think that it would be an overkill beat the living shit of the Dursleys and impaling Dumbledore with Durindana?}


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I want to apologize for not uploading a chapter the last couple of days, some shit happened and it made me unable of writing but luckily it was solved this morning so I had time to finish the chapter.

So Kazuma and the others are betting on Yozora's love life, what people do when they have to much free time. Jezz

So our MC finally meet this world MC but it wasnt like he expected and before you ask if he is an justice idiot or someone with hero complex, please keel reading and your doubts will be solved.

Tomorrow i will try to upload another chapter but its most likely it would be the day after tomorrow when I'll do it.

Anyways leave in the comments if you like the chapter or even if you didnt like it hahahaha.

See you again in the next chapter.

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