
Fate/Marvel: The Arcane Daemon

Strange had once believed in second chances... But not anymore. Not after what he had done. After resigning himself to an eternity spent watching over the Infinity Stones, a second chance abruptly reveals itself in the form of an Earth Goddess. Now in a new world, Strange have to try once more and maybe this time, bring a little light to the World.

vtorx_0867 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

He who is called Magic (Part 1)

(Waver Velvet P.O.V)

It was normally when there was this kind of humidity in the air and the mild sunset chill that Waver would promptly light up a cigar for his own relaxation, rather than for utilization of magecraft.

This had been in his own way; a method of congratulating himself on another tiring day spent… Or rather, survived.

From the class of Modern Magecraft, where he would be assailed with an agonizing migraine by the 'Two Living Moronic Geniuses' –Flat Escardos and Svin Glaschiet- to dealing with his hellion of a sister, Reines El-Melloi Archisorte and sadistic thrill seeker lurking around, Melvin Weins.

Even for a second-rate Magus with no true prestige or fortune to his name, having such an unenviable schedule could get exhausting and really draining at times.

But at this moment, Waver would have gone to the Holy Church, kneeling before the Christian God with the petition that he would be granted the agonizing migraine of his day-to-day activities over this.

That would have been much better.

Adjusting the Mystic-eye Killers frame that he had obtained with no small amount of pain. Waver sighed, making an effort to focus on the living train before him and not at monsters that currently surrounded him.

Standing at both his left and right side were his hooded disciple, Gray and somewhat latest student who had been quite tenacious in wanting to accompany him into this den, Caules Forvedge Yggmillennia.

Waver's hand twitched, habitually heading for his breast pocket. But he stopped himself from doing so, halting himself with sheer will.

It was neither the time nor place to lose himself to the nicotine delight.

Rubbing the back of his head, Caules –for not the last time- bashfully apologized. "I'm sorry for shoving my seniors aside and volunteering to come with you."

Volunteering? More like demanding.

Letting out a light breathe in faux exasperation, Waver replied. "Like I said before; don't worry about it. Flat and Svin wouldn't have been able to make it in the first place as they're both having extracurricular lessons."

Truthfully, Waver very much preferred Caules accompanying him than those two problem children. Most especially Flat who could be aptly described as the dreadful combination of a busybody and a blabbermouth.

Just thinking about the hypothetical horrors, the idiotic genius and his other half could have wroth, had they had boarded that train was enough to give the Lord a stomach cramp.

Indeed, Caules is the better option.

But then again, while it is true that Waver fancied Caules as an escort than the two twins (in all but blood) due to his temperament. Waver would have much preferred that Caules hadn't followed them at all... At least, not to this kind of place.

But Waver already understood that would just be talking to a dead horse.

To become a Magus means becoming a creature of illogical reasoning. It was an instinct ingrained in each and every proper Magus to waltz into the unknown –however dangerous the abyss it held may be.

When thinking about it using that perspective, Waver could boldly say that he envied Caules's determination and zeal.

Nevertheless, the Lord wouldn't fail to remind his student on the importance of being cautious.

"In any case, Caules. Make sure to be very careful when you are on the train."

As Caules nodded to his words, his apprentice Gray asked in a tone that held no small amount of wariness.

"Sir, it is a dangerous train?"

"It is, Lady." Waver replied. "Rail Zeppelin… It is a train created by superhuman Vampire to make deals concerning Mystic Eyes. Its existence itself can be equated to that of the underworld."

In truth, the stories and rumors surrounding Rail Zeppelin only affirmed to Waver that train was undoubtedly an unsafe place to be in. But at the moment, he had no choice. The Lord's choice on the matter had been taken away from him, the same way [It] had been taken away from his possession.

On Waver's hand was a jet-black envelope which he eyed with a frigid anger he refused to show on his face. Discreetly casting his gaze to the figures a few feet away. Waver furtively observed the Mages strewn around with suspicion in his eyes.

"It is possible that among those customers is the culprit who stole the Relic. Even if the culprit isn't here, only supernatural beings would want to board this train-"

"And that's why you brought with Mystic Eyes Killers to spare yourself from being ensnared by any unwanted effects being done to your person. You really make good preparations."

The feminine voice that had interrupted Waver's explanation was a familiar one. It had belonged a porcelain beauty of Far-Eastern descent.

Dressed in a furisode, Adashino Hishiri smiled at the uncomfortable Lord who appeared all but pleased at seeing her.

"Ugh… You again." Waver groaned, though it wasn't out of surprise. "Although I really shouldn't be surprised to see you here. Especially if you're here based on the information, you had procured concerning Wills and his Mystic Eyes."

It was a case that had occurred not too long-ago concerning Trevor Pelham Codrington's death and his son, Wills. It had been centered on his Workshop's Inheritance due to his standing as a Spiritual Evocation Authority.

The unexplainable murders which were due to a glitch in Trevor's usage of the Black Dogs and Wills departure to Reverse Side in order to stabilize the Fairy Gate that had manifested due to a malfunction in Trevor Codrington's Workshop.

According to the copy Adashino had lent him –which was the main reason why Policies had gotten themselves involved with the case in the first place- Waver had found out that Wills Mystic Eyes weren't originally his own.

They had been bought from this very supernatural train, Rail Zeppelin.

It wasn't his business anyway. Adashino Hishiri's matters weren't Waver's and Waver's issues were not Adashino's issues… Not like he wants the vixen to be involved in his matters in the first place.

Just as the Lord was about to put Adashino's expected appearance at the corner of his mind. The Animusphere's heir came riding in… As anticipated, she was a wild one. Using the words of a genius fool, (Flat Escardos), Olga Marie Arsimilat Animusphere could be likened to those Tsundere characters in Galgames whose first impression always ticks you off.

Not like Waver would ever say that out loud. He still wanted to live, thank you very much.

Thankfully, the sudden impromptu greeting of the Animusphere came to an anticlimactic end. Just as Waver was about to sigh in relief that at last, it was over-he suddenly froze, eyes dilating in fear.

He wasn't the only one.

"Si-Sir…" Gray whispered, drawing closer while her hand went towards the Mystic Code she hid on her right shoulder within her cloak.

Caules on the other froze before a queer look flashed on his face. With his hand edging to the side of his blazer, he whispered in trepidation. "Sir, what's going on?"

'I too would love to know what's going on as well.' Waver thought while gritting his teeth, sweat gathering at the sides of his face.

The mana level around the area was rising at an alarming rate. It was to the extent that Waver who had no proficiency in mana sensing could clearly feel the ambient mana tingling his skin. It felt like he was experiencing a low-level electric shock.

Casting a Strengthening Spell that shockingly whirred up easier than expected. Waver casted a look at a particular vacated spot some distance away. The mana converging at a particular spot surpassed that of Grand Magecraft.

The Lord felt like he had been transferred back to 10 years ago. Back when he had foolishly decided to participate in a certain ritual in the Far-East.

Indeed, the increase in mana ambiance reminded Waver Velvet of fantastical war fought by Heroic Spirits—the 4th Holy Grail War… Only on a much bigger scale.

A web fissure appeared on the space before Waver. It broke before expanding into a circular portal which its edges were decorated with flowers. In response to that, the air suddenly took on a refreshing scent.

Even as a second-rate Mage, it was expected for Waver's mind to be fortified against most forms of mental or astral effects –barring the use of Mystic Eyes and esoteric spells.

But try as he might, the mesmerizing calm the earthly scent brought with it seemed to slip pass his defenses. The Lord couldn't muster up the will to set anything up.

It was only the sound of tearful sniffing that spurred Waver out of his dream-like state.

Towards Gray who had suddenly began sobbing, Waver asked in concern. "What's the matter, Gray? Is the scent affecting you adversely?"

"N-N-No... I mean yes, sir. It's just that..."

Gray robotically shook and nodded her head at the same time, and slowly pointed towards the flower tinted portal.

As Waver whirled to see the source of his disciple's ail-time abruptly grounded to a halt.

Reines had once explained to him about the seizure-like sensation she had experienced when initially meeting the Princesses of Gold and Silver. At this moment, Waver could empathize with her.

Without a doubt, Waver's senses had been seized, and it definitely was not due to an effect from Mystic Eyes.

It was something much more than that.

The Tower Lord could be a liken to a second-rate mage due to his poor Magic Circuits and Od Generation, but in terms of Spell Dissection, people who knew him says that he is second to none.

But that was why Waver knew what was before him wasn't just some spell. It wasn't even a spell at all.

It was [Mystery] in its rawest form.

Out of the portal came out two women of transcendent beauty.

One of the women was a verdant hair beauty with a comely, motherly, yet regal aura that emanated from her with such intensity that the Lord was surprised he hadn't fainted yet.

The other was a jet-black haired woman with piercing golden eyes, who on the other hand felt very familiar, even though Waver could have sworn that he had never meet her in his life.

It went without saying that her aura didn't lose to the verdant beauty in the slightest.




"Strange, how long are you going to keep us waiting?" The golden eye woman said, without caring about the chaos her appearance had caused. "You're the one who said we shouldn't enter the train directly, so what's taking you so long."

The verdant beauty chidingly tapped her companion's (?) shoulder.

"Oh, let him be, sis. You do understand what will happen if he carelessly reveals himself to this type of folks. We may be fine with turning humans into a gibberish mess when revealing a hint of our true self, but my Strange isn't like that-"

"Alright I give, before you start another tirade of praise…" The golden eye woman said and sighed, shaking her head. "I wonder how those 'Servants' of yours would feel when they realize their Mother has now become some love-struck maiden."

"Humph… I'm pass caring about those failures of mine. And besides..." The verdant beauty said with a knowing smirk that illuminated her beauty even more. "I'm not the only love-struck maiden now, or am I, sis?"

"Hrrk… Y-You!"

"Alright, no fighting now."

A voice interjected as a man of average size garbed in a hooded robe of black and gold which hid his face stepped out of the portal that promptly closed up. Unlike his companions, the unknown man appeared disappointingly normal.

Though the currently frozen mages didn't let such an appearance fool them. It was common knowledge that it has always been the ones who appeared 'tame' that were the dangerous ones.

"Last time, your catfight almost had blown up Antarctica to kingdom come. Really ran me rag, running around fixing everything."


"No whining-ah, see."

Strange gestured towards the train doors that opened.

"Looks like it's time to board the train, so get your act together."

"Tch..." The verdant beauty disdainfully clicked her teeth. "I would have obliterated the entire train if it made us wait for even a moment longer."

Sighing the man's hand rubbed his forehead. "We'll talk about this later, Gaea. But for now, please temper your emotions and don't do something stupid."

"You are the one who made me this way, Strange." The verdant beauty, Gaea said with a pout, before sighing in acquiescence. "Well, alright... Let's just get this over with... But I'll expect something from you later."

"Just as long as they are not crazy ideas."

"How rude! Back me up, sis. Tell Strange that he's being delusional."

"Strange, just make sure to be careful. Who knows what she'll ask, later on."

"Eu tu, Alaya?!"




Waver regained his ability to breathe as soon as the mysterious trio had entered the train. It wasn't just him. Caules gasped as if he hadn't been breathing for quite some time. Gray seemed a bit better, but that could be due to her unique circumstances.

"Sir…" Gray held his sleeve, shivering. "Are those two …Humans?"

"I don't believe so, Lady." Waver replied, desperately trying to keep his voice down. "But that is only my speculation."

For a moment, the thought flickered through his mind; whether they were the ones who had stolen his Relic. But the 'whydunit'; the reason for taking the Relic couldn't surface in his mind.

This is turning from a Nightmare into a All Hope is Lost kind of mission.

With head aching, Waver gave a cursory look at both his student and disciple.

"The situation has taken a whole new turn, so I'll ask this once before it is too late. Are you both still willing to join and enter Rail Zeppelin with me?"

Gray took a few moments to stabilize her breathe. Laying her hand on her chest, she said. "I… I will, Sir. I had promised to help you in whatever way I can."

"And what of you, Caules?"

The spectacled boy who was still retching, said between breathes. "We-Well, Sir. While I hadn't expected to see that… I'll still want to join you. I don't want to let this be the end when I'm already at the doorstep."

Waver sighed. "Good… Then let's go."

So, the two mages and grim reaper with bated breath, entered the supernatural train constructed by a Dead Ancestor: the Rail Zeppelin.


"Hmm~ interesting." Strange commented as he looked around. "Geometric spacial expansion, huh."

"Still a load of rubbish."


"Ugh." The World's Consciousness in question flinched, before crossing her arms. "Fine, Strange. I did promise that I would not destroy the train. Then again, nothing stops me from saying my mind, every now and then."

Alaya only sighed without giving any comment.

As expected, they were other humans who had gathered in the train; they are this Age present supernaturals. Though it was obvious to Strange that they appeared too uncomfortable with Gaea and Alaya's presence.

It wouldn't be hard for Strange to cancel their aura or rather 'dim' it to a certain extent. But with their own Level of Omnipotence still in play, that would only just bring it back… There was also the fact that they were both doing this on purpose.

The former Sorcerer Supreme could understand Gaea's reason for doing so, but Alaya, now that's a surprise.

With a small breath escaping Strange's lips, he led the transcendent ladies towards a seat at the extremities of the spacial-expanded room. As soon as they were all seated, a dome like barrier simmered around their circumference before fading away.


Strange matched the glare both sisters threw at him.

"It is obvious that you both don't want to keep a low profile, and even though it's more of less a trickle. Sooner or later, someone's gonna' go mad when that aura of yours stays on for too long. So I figured I might as well just block it off."

Of course, it goes without saying that there was no Spell; magecraft or True Magic that could block the potency of Alaya and Gaea's aura. That is if it belonged to this World. So what Strange did was simple; he had created a pseudo-Mirror Dimension.

Crossing one leg over the other, Alaya smiled a bit and shook her head. "You really are too kind for your Species, Strange."

With that, the Spirit of Humanity pulled back her aura. Gaea who saw the smile and nod that Strange threw at her sister also pulled back her own aura, subtly preening as she also got the same smile directed to her.

Coughing, Gaea said. "So, what's the plan, Strange?"

Right, it was the entire reason why Strange had boarded Rail Zeppelin in the first place. It was something he wanted manually done, rather than to utilize the Godlike Gifts bestowed to him by the two sitting beside him.

"It's actually quite simple." Strange said, comfortably reclining on the cushion. "I want to speak with the Dead Ancestor that is in charge of the train... Or I should be calling them Senior Dead Apostles in accordance to this Reality Iteration?"

"It's your choice. But Strange…" Gaea raised an eye. "We all know that the flower girl isn't on this train anymore. The sister of the True Magic User had chased her off. So why still come here even though it's in vain?"

Strange's lips opened a bit-before spreading into a cryptic kind of smile. "Alright, you got me. While it is true that I've got some business with the officials of Rail Zeppelin, there is someone else I want to meet."

Alaya eyed her contractor for a moment before sighing. Casting her gaze towards a particular group, the [Story] that was about to happen in this Timeline was revealed to the [Human's Consciousness].

"You and your love for happy endings." Alaya said, shaking her head in resigned acceptance.

"While I can't stop you. All I ask is for you to remember this; every action, thoughts, and decisions tends to shape the course of a Timeline. It could either save lives or destroy millions down the line. There was a reason that I created the [Counter Guardians, you know."

"I know, Alaya." Strange said, bearing a somewhat faraway look. "I've already run the calculations. I, interfering in this [Story] doesn't affect the narrative in the slightest."

There was also the fact that even if it does change the [Story] negatively, Strange had the option of utilizing his trump card. In a way, unlike his home Multiverse, this one granted him more influence in manipulating future or past outcomes.

If only he had been given such a chance with Christine.

Eyes widening at the thought, Strange smacked the side of his face. There was no use thinking about it. He didn't want to resurrect Christine only for her to see what he had become, and the atrocities he had done in her name.

"As long as you understand." Alaya said in conclusion.

"Ahem…" Gaea mocked coughed. "Casualty and Paradoxical problems aside. Since we're already here, why don't we get to the first of your agenda, after all…"

Turning to the side, [The World's Consciousness] regarded the genuflecting trio which comprised of a thin man dressed in what could probably be Rail Zeppelin's uniform, a woman dressed in a fur coat with a strip of leather wrapped around her eyes, and a ghostly apparition that had a feminine shape.

"I'm tired of seeing these guys kneeling there in silence. It's spooky and all."

Once again, the room was quiet. Though this time, this silence came from the fact that supernatural beings in the room couldn't make sense of what they were seeing.

Rail Zeppelin—a Mystic Eye collecting Train created by the Superior Dead Apostle, Rita Rozay-en [The Rose Princess]. It was a train that spoke of the pride of a being regarded as one of the top creatures in the present Era.

So, it makes sense to say, the deference being publicly shown towards the trio of peerless beauties and an ordinary man itches a question in the minds of every mage present…

'Who the hell are they?'

Sighing, Strange stood up. Ignoring the tension spike of the other occupants and said. "So much for playing the mysterious character…"

The Sorcerer turned to the genuflecting trio.

"How about taking us to a private car. I don't think I have the mind to talk calmly, when the tension around here is so thick you could actually slice it."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

vtorx_0867creators' thoughts