
Chapter 1 Again


" This place is...."

Waking up in the middle of nowhere, a blob of light feel a little confuse.

When he wakes up seeing the surrounding blanket in the black of darkness, he felt utterly confuse as to how he can be here.

"Where is this place?"

Seeing that none other than only him when the surrounding enter his vision, a question enter his mind.

This place look familiar to him, alas it still differences than the place that he has been thrown into.

Before he still has a body, but now. Not really the right word to call that this as his body.

A white blob that floating in the maze of darkness. Uhm.... That good sounding.


It has been quite a while that I have been in this space.

What is the reason that myself to be here?

[Welcome to the end of the life!]

Really weird, I thought that there a sound in my head.

[It is not an illusion of your, Nasrul. That your name is it not?]

"Yes, Nasrul. Who are you? The one that talk in my head"

[You can call me something like manager?]

That is really weird sound calling oneself.

"Why do you call yourself manager? Isn't the cliche setup should be god?"

[Sorry to disappointed you that I am not a god. I am one of the hand and leg that has been given the job to supervise the world that you are in]

[Also, please do not call us as god. We are also one of the creation of the god]

That is weird.

"Is this the afterlife? Why am i here?"

[Yes and No]

[This is the afterlife where every end will be meet, but for you not quite the same]

"Why is that? Why am I am not the same?"

[That because you have been given a chance to reincarnate into the other world]

"I can reincarnate. Should the god be the one that usually came and inform me?"

[If that happen than your soul will never be able to with stand the presence of the god and your soul will cease to exist]

[You human are too delusional. Not every story that you guys wrote is true. The god love human more than other creature in this world. That is reason god create us and send me to you]

Hearing that, he does not know how to say it. The thing that happen before is too painful.

"Then why is that before...!"

[That because you have been taken to other entirely different plane of existence than the one you originate. Please do not misunderstand it]

When he wanted to cry out the reason for everything that happen. Cut off.

His word was cut off before he can finish it.

"Why god let it happen?"

The question that is on his mind when he heard it.

Just why.

Just why.

The inhuman that happen. Cannot be denied.

[Then I need to tell about the worlds]

"The world?!"

[Yes, the world]

[There not only exist one world, there a lot of world that god has created.]

[In this world, different kind of existence exist. Move the mountain with a flick of finger, cut the ocean, making the world tremble and etc. A lot of unbelievable thing that not exist in your world exist here.]

[The place that you came from is in another plane of existence from the rest of the other creation that god made]

[The god said that the creation of the human in your world is the biggest existence that the god made.]

[Even thought all of us doubtful of the claim made by the god, we accept it as the truth.]

[The love that god have for the human in your world is stronger than anything that god make an entire new existence all together to place the beloved creation of him.]

[No other creature will have the means to go to your world]

Hearing this make he feels really weird as though everything just an illusion.


He does not understand any of this, why is that kind of thing happen to him and the others?

God love us more than the other creature, so, what is that hell?

[You guys are powerless. No special ability, power or any kind of special trait.]

[You guys proof to us, the other creation of the god that can interact with you guys, that without any kind of special ability the human of your world have a life and technology more advance and capable while having the tenacity to reach further]

[Even though the world is at peace, a lot of people wish for more suffering for the other]

[So god made another word in the same plane as your world where only people who chose it may go]

"You mean to say that, it is all our fault for wishing is?"

[Yes, it is. For wishing for disaster to happen, it then is realized.]

Hearing that all what happening before because of our own wishes. It really frustrate.

"So, what gonna happen to me? Is it heaven or hell?"

To the inquiries that Nasrul made the being answered with word that he do not expected.

[You can choose between going to the heaven or being reincarnated to the against the god. Which one will you choose?]

Going to the heaven or reincarnated. That is really hard question.

"If I choose to reincarnate can I retain my memory and will I be able to have perked of my choosing?"

[As compensation to being reincarnated to other world there will be few perks that you want will be given and your memory will be preserved.]

[Even calling it reincarnate, you will still be reborn as a youngster with the same age as the main character that you know. You will not be born into a family, you need to find your own bearing]

"Is that so. Then I choose to reincarnate"

Hearing the perk that he can have, he clenched his none existence hand and choose the one that he want.

The journey and adventure look like it will continue.....

Really hard to make a proper background. Wonder how can they easily make this kind of thing.

nazrul_nasrulcreators' thoughts
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