
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
340 Chs

Chapter 336

"...I believe you have the power to destroy the world, using that ultimate and pure evil, the one forcibly imposed upon you by humanity..."

Everyone present was shocked by these words once again!

Even Shinji was taken aback. Orochimaru wasn't his hired sidekick, but his sidekick skills were impeccable! Shinji even considered hiring him as his personal sidekick permanently.

"Really? This kid who looks less than twenty years old?"

Juzo Biwa's straightforward nature was a breath of fresh air in the Akatsuki. Obito couldn't compare; he was just a clown.

"Twenty years old? Hahaha... I think you should add another six thousand years to that number."

"Poof!" Juzo Biwa spat out in surprise, "Seriously? Over six thousand years old? That's a true senior!"

"Well, that's beside the point." Orochimaru, always observant of Minato's expressions, shook his head and looked at Shinji with a disinterested expression. "After seeing your follower's unsurprised reaction, my guess should be correct, Angolmanue, or should I say Mr. Anri?"

Shinji shrugged it off, replying, "Is that so? But I see many errors. I don't have the power to destroy the world. I'm just a demon specialized in killing humans. If it's about killing, I'm probably the strongest in this world."

"Immortal, unkillable, and unrivaled in killing humans. That's why Konoha fears you and ensures every ninja carries your portrait, right?"

"You seem to know a lot about me, snake boy."

"Don't misunderstand, I just have a habit of collecting interesting, special, and little-known information."

"Hey, why does Konoha make every ninja carry this... Anri's portrait?" Juzo Biwa asked.

"Of course, it's to avoid provoking him and getting revenge. No matter how strong a ninja is, they're still human. As long as they're human, they can't fight against him. It's that simple."

"Hmph! Exaggerating too much isn't good either!" Kakuzu huffed heavily, proving that hiding behind the Deva Path indeed boosts confidence!

"Unbeatable against humans? Then why did I easily get defeated when facing my brother..." Before Huang Quan could finish, he realized he had misspoken and quickly hid behind the Deva Path.

"Huang Quan, you were once one with the priestess, born from her desires and later separated. Since the priestess is human, you are still within the human category."

"Orochimaru, you even investigated me?" Huang Quan was surprised, not expecting to be so thoroughly investigated without his knowledge.

Orochimaru didn't deny it and openly admitted, "Of course, my greatest interests are the unknown and immortality. Whether it's you or Angolmanue, you're rare immortals in this world, so naturally, I'd investigate."

Having heard enough, Deva Path interjected, "Enough, Orochimaru. Discussing this further is meaningless. We are now in a cooperative relationship with Angolmanue."

"Understood, leader."

"In any case, this matter is settled. When there's a mission, it will be conveyed through the Illusionary Body Technique. Disperse for now."

During the pause, Minato, who had just learned the Illusionary Body Technique from Konan, wanted to say something but found himself unable to speak.

"Ah, boring. Shouldn't we have some activities to deepen the relationship between new and old members?"

"Exactly, like a gathering or something, right?"

Obito chimed in, following Shinji's lead, his lively and comedic persona fitting well.

Before Deva Path could respond, Shinji quickly raised a finger and said, "To build rapport, let's talk about our XP!"

"Yes, yes! Let's talk about our X..." Obito naturally followed but soon realized something was off and asked Shinji, "Mr. Anri, why are we discussing such a topic?"

Shinji casually draped an arm over Obito's shoulder and said matter-of-factly, "Well, don't you know? The best way to build rapport is to share some embarrassing secrets."

"I see!" Obito clapped his hands in realization.

"Then you go first."


Obito feigned panic, sweating and looking around nervously. Fortunately, Juzo Biwa came to his rescue.

"Hey, that guy's obviously a virgin. How could he answer such a question?"

"Really?" Shinji feigned surprise.

"Heh heh... I... um..."

Obito pretended to be shy, but inside, he cursed Juzo Biwa profusely for hitting the mark too accurately.

"But I think he has his preferences. Let me guess..." Shinji pretended to scrutinize Obito and then nodded. "If I'm not mistaken, you like girls who are underage, no older than thirteen, around 140 cm tall, and weighing no more than 40 kg..."

This revelation made even the uninterested members look at Obito with disbelief.

"Hey, liking little girls is a bit too much, don't you think, Afei?" Juzo Biwa remarked.

"Don't joke, Mr. Anri. How could I like little girls? Hahaha..."

Obito laughed awkwardly, internally cursing Shinji and adding Juzo Biwa to his death list.

But damn, he was spot on!

"No, I'm never wrong~ You indeed like underage girls, and that pure love..."

At this moment, Obito really wanted to kill someone. He didn't expect anyone could see through him completely and then announce it in front of everyone, twisting his words into something even more sinister.

As Obito was about to defend himself again, he heard a light voice directly in his ear.

"Relax, I won't expose you. Your true identity and real purpose, I won't reveal them in front of your puppet. But if your evil changes, I will kill you. Understand?"

This whispered message, unheard by anyone else, shook Obito to his core! Indeed, he was completely seen through!

His false identity, using Nagato, everything was seen through and understood instantly!

Angolmanue, the evil of this world, he had indeed underestimated him! He truly had the ability, as Zetsu investigated, to see the evil deep within people's hearts and discern their secrets!

"Don't forget the ten billion debt, kid."

"Uh... yes, yes."

Obito could only touch his head and smile foolishly in response.

Konan, on the other hand, was pondering something else. The fact that "Madara" didn't refute the claim about liking little girls meant he really had such a preference...

Shivers ran down her spine.

Konan decided she must protect the young girls in the village from Madara's potential harm in the future!

"So, shall we continue the previous topic? I personally like women around thirty years old. Their..."

"Tolerance and gentleness are unmatched," Shinji interjected.

"Oh! You get it! Exactly! What about you? What's your type?"

"As long as they have a good face and body, I'm fine with it."

"What about personality?"

"Doesn't matter. Men are only after women's bodies, right?"

"You're quite the scumbag."

Hearing Juzo Biwa's evaluation, Konan silently nodded in agreement, while Deva Path, seemingly annoyed by the trivial topic, spoke up.

"Enough, stop discussing such trivial matters within the organization."

"Aww..." Juzo Biwa dragged out his response, dissatisfied. "If you were going to stop us, you should have done it at the start of the topic. It's unfair to stop us now!"

"Exactly, exactly!" Shinji fanned the flames, pointing at Orochimaru, Sasori, Huang Quan, and Kakuzu's current unnamed teammate, "It's your turn now, spill it."

"I'm not interested in women," Orochimaru said.

"If it's unrelated to my art, I have no interest," said Sasori.

"Pathetic," Kakuzu grumbled.

"I don't care either," said Huang Quan.

"I... prefer younger ones," said Kakuzu's current teammate, Bao Hong Yihao.

"I'm not interested."

The half of White Zetsu present spoke up.

"Well, it's fine if you don't answer. Given your body, you indeed have no interest," Shinji casually remarked, then turned his attention to the last three members who hadn't answered: Deva Path, Minato, and Konan.

"Not interested, enough, dismiss now."

Deva Path's tone was somewhat impatient, and Shinji finally understood why Juzo Biwa and Kakuzu's teammates died early. In the entire organization, besides them, no man showed interest in women! If they didn't die first, who would?

"Hey, are you guys really men?" Juzo Biwa looked incredulously at his colleagues who claimed no interest in women, "If you're men, you should have some interest in women, right? You guys are too..."

Before he could finish, Deva Path glared at him, silencing him.

"Speaking of which, what about this 'little Minato'? Don't tell me he's not interested in women either?"

"No, he..."

Shinji didn't finish his sentence but signaled Juzo Biwa to look at the door. Although puzzled, Juzo Biwa approached the door.

"By the way, what's with this door? Is it meant to be installed here?"


The kunai at his neck made Juzo Biwa freeze mid-reach. The killing intent from behind made him realize something.

"You're the weirdest one here."

About half a minute later, Juzo Biwa muttered.

This guy can even be interested in a door???

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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