

Reincarnation into a verse like Fate, how could that go wrong, right? Reborn as Liam Zepter of the near-extinct Zepter Family Line specialising in necromancy and infusions, a defining experience came as his father, the only member of his family other than himself was ruthlessly gunned down and torn to bits via explosives by THE Magus Killer, Kiritsugu Emiya. Naturally, Liam no longer held a 'good' stance towards the man despite being aware of his existence beforehand. Now, armed with a centuries old crest and a plethora of abilities, the young Zepter heads towards the city of Fuyuki if only for the sake of having a chance at obtaining a Magic. Does he want revenge for his dead father though? Who knows.

Dreizehnn · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Liam Zepter

Undisclosed Location,

"Shitty verse, shitty life.... I wanna break something."

Such were the words of a young man treading down a dirt path, with farms on either side for miles on end, the occasional trees being the only things to stand out.. not that any ordinary person would notice them anyway.

Grumbling, the young man lightly kicked at the dirt, his red hair swaying in the calm breeze...

A lot made sense now, as did his behaviour... He was a ginger, being soulless was only par for the course.

Fair skinned, golden eyes, well kept light red hair and a tall somewhat broad frame, Liam Zepter was surely an attractive individual worthy of a second look... not that that really mattered in his current 'situation'. He wore a plain white shirt, and black jeans, with similarly coloured shoes. A string necklace was worn around his neck, holding a golden ring.

He used to be a regular teen before all this, before his life became a shitshow and he woke up as the only son of a 'magus'.. Yes, magus, as in from Fate.... He hadn't let that drag down his mood too much though and that turned out to be a mistake, his father, a man that went against the stereotype and raised him like an actual father would, was killed for being 'heretical'.

Still, the man's own teachings dictated that Liam not mull over that fact for too long and he'd respected that... That was why he was here, in this stupid country that had way too many, too religious people for his tastes.

"At least...." Liam sighed, scratching the back of his head as he stared at the blue cloudless sky above, the bright rays of the sun slightly stinging his bare skin, "The magecraft was nice." He softly touched the right side of his neck, a thin smile forming on his face.

The Zepter Family Magic Crest, containing at least centuries worth of magic circuits and research, along with innumerable spells... It made the usage of magecraft a simpler task than one would initially expect, with the spells being 'encoded' in it akin to programs that only needed to be activated through magical energy and used after.

Liam was grateful to his father, he really was.


Well, the man had conducted experiments that fused together man and beast, creating hideous monstrosities and in the end, in 1978, he'd turned himself into one but before he did that, he transferred the Crest to his young son and even in his bestial form, driven more by instinct, cared for him and looked after him.

Liam Zepter, now nearing 20, was aware that his thought process wasn't normal but 'normal' wouldn't cut it in Fate... He needed to be as he was currently if he was to thrive... Yes, thrive not survive.

All this might sound like it was great for him but it really wasn't, after his father was hunted and put down with him only escaping because Heinrich Zepter, his father, had sent him to New York on an errand.... even with his maniacal self.

Liam clenched his fist, visibly dissatisfied, didn't magi do much worse than what his father had done? Why did he deserve to be put down when those who did worse went on freely? Still, he understood it was beyond him to do something about that.

Surveying his surroundings, the young magus quickly noticed a few brown skinned folk walking down the road in the distance.

All the Zepter assets were seized by the Clock Tower, and Liam was frankly put, without any kind of funding at the moment.

Using the last of his meagre wealth to come here, to India.


Well, he wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War and the command seals had already manifested on the back of his hand... And he was qualified, more than so actually. Calculations came as a strange instinct to Liam and so, much of the hard part of magecraft was made far easier than it should have been...

Dabbling in necromancy and fusion, he'd... made progress.... Progress that he didn't want to disclose at the moment... He'd also studied the summoning circle used for servants and made certain... changes.

Gifted with immensely bountiful magic circuits, capable of processing vast amounts of prana (Magical Energy in the atmosphere) and massive reserves of od (Magical Energy in the body, made in the body. Replenishes over time). Liam Zepter, was a prodigy through and through....

...Not that that mattered too much considering there were none to affirm or even witness it, what with his unwillingness to disclose it. Liam Zepter was, essentially a fallen noble.

India though, coming here was a simple decision for anyone somewhat versed in the Nasuverse.. Indian servants were op as fuck, plain and simple as that. It would enhance his chances at victory in the upcoming murder death kill... Holy Grail War.

"What's wrong with that man's eyes?"

"A Foreigner here?"

"Haven't they taken enough already?"

The musings of passers-by brought Liam out of his musings and snapping his head in their direction, the magus appeared less than pleased, "I'm German and American, not British. Fuck you." He spoke their language, irked by the stereotypical discontent with foreigners the more traditional Indian people had with a glint in his, quite literally, eagle-like eyes.

What? That was their base of research, fusion between man and beast.

Of course he'd made certain that he wouldn't end up a monster like his father but Liam had infused a fair bit of beasts of nature into himself.... Why an eagle though? Eagles had eyesight four times better than that of a human, that's why.

Seeing his words go ignored, the magus only slightly scowled and went on his way.


"Serves em right."

Liam grinned widely, eying the summoning circle on the ground with folded arms.

At his feet, was a massive red circle made of blood, dotted with intricate writings and certain changes in formation that would greatly intrigue any magus versed in the summoning of Heroic Spirits. And to his side, a dead bull whose blood he'd used just to spite the locals for their poor reception of him..

Powerful beings revered and/or feared for their inhuman feats summoned to do the bidding of Magi and battle others like themselves in a war for supremacy.

With the visualisation of a lion roaring, the Zepter's magic circuits flared on, appearing as a red network of circuits on his body. magical energy spiralled around his figure, his own Od adding a more primal feel to the already supernatural event, releasing an invisible pressure.

Liam refused the chant, seeing no need to say something so demeaning and strange.. It sounded like some chuuni 13 year old had written it and he as a 19 year old refused to utter it. It would be a breach of personal code and a blow to his dignity as a reincarnator, armed with knowledge of the future.

It appeared as though whatever force was responsible for the summoning well understood that.

A summoning ritual, was essentially summoning a copy of the soul of a figure from the past or the future, from a record of their being isolated from time and space, known as the Throne of Heroes. Then providing them a vessel and binding them to command seals that could force them into obedience... though, powerful servants could oft simply reject the 'force' part.

What followed was a blinding explosion of light and the crack of thunder.

Liam's instincts warned him of impending danger and he reacted quickly, vaulting back just in time to avoid a tail ripping apart the ground where he previously stood. Instincts honed over a life spent among beasts, in the wilds and added to by fusion between him and said beasts... though, more spiritual in nature than physical.

"Really... You humans know no bounds.... Summoning a snake like me.... Now that I'm here though... Don't even think you can tame me..."

A dark dress sticking to her figure, bright piercing golden eyes, orange blonde hair only slightly visible through the shawl covering her head and shoulders, a massive trident-like spear in her hands and a massive dark blue scaled tail slithering around behind.... Her face was veiled but revealed enough for him to know the servant was indeed Indian, judging by the colour of her skin.

Liam had summoned something monstrous..... Even her voice seemed to make the very air stand still, as if afraid of somehow offending her.... To the Zepter, it felt as if the world had stopped moving.... and yet, his baser instincts refused that he backed down in the face of this 'woman'.

"I'm Vritra."

'Vritra', observed her surroundings for a moment before noticing the dead bull and as she did, her mouth split into a pleased grin, revealing sharp teeth, "It pleases me that that was used... Daring of you, human." First-born of the Dragons and felled by the Storm God Indra, fated to battle again and again... This was Vritra... A dragon that held the waters of the world before it's demise and one that would devour creation.

Liam, finally regathered himself and met the woman's grin with a grin of his own,

"Taming beasts happens to be my specialty."

"Hoh? A cheeky, daring human?"

This was going to be amusing.


New fic I guess... Share thoughts.