
Fatal Verse

“You are weak…. You know nothing of strength, Strength of mind, Strength of body, …Of conviction, You have no spirit… Alas there is nothing I can teach you..” ======================================= Synopsis: Will is reborn in a fantasy world like the ones in RPG’s he used to play. As an orphan ward of the monastery, Will spends years learning the way of his adopter’s traditions and disciplines honing both body and mind to prepare him for the outside world. But will he ever be truly ready? … Backstory: After his death, a young failure is reincarnated into a fantasy medieval world as “William Warson” a child left in a monastery by his parents shortly after his birth. The monastery is full of warrior monks who seek physical and mental strength through spiritual enlightenment, known as the monastic warrior priests of the Storm gods of yore. Several centuries after the calamity, these monks guard the Stormlord’s artifact… Will’s name was left embroidered on the blanket when he was a child, but his last name was given to him by his mentor Kyord.

Subliminal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Promotional Chapter

- (Prologue Coming Soon!)