
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Ação
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12 Chs

Chapter 4; Estranged from normality.


 Large bat wings emerged from my back I turned into dozens of bars and flew to where my sword was turned back and picked it up. 

" Give me everything you've got" I said and he shifted back to his former state and came at me again but this time was different from the others this time charged by vengeance I defended all his attacks but still got a few hits making me temporarily leaves my sword and switch to crescent daggers. 

To prove my skills with such a weapon I had his hands sliced off before he could breathe, slashed at various places before finally laying hold on my sword and immediately dug it into his chest, pushing harder with each name I mentioned. 

" For Big O and Steiner" I said and twisted the blade before pulling it out and watched him fall to the ground struggling in pain but as vicious or powerful as he might think he was, he couldn't fight death knocking on his door. 

After pulling the daggers buried in his stomach I turned to the onslaught still going on below but saw that some FBI had arrived bringing the werewolves down with their improvised silver bullets, Xi'an and Xander probably having seen them coming had vanished, which I guess I should probably do too I thought but not before one of them spotted me.

" Hey you there...!" He yelled just before I turned to bats and flew away. 

*** *** ***

 It'sbeen exactly a year since the death of Anthony, during which I tried to behave normal during the first few months I saw humans as prey and a source of food rather than the intelligent beings they where so I trained my self to differentiate humans and food, the latter consisting of heated blood from the blood bank. 

Since I discovered that the sun has no adverse effects on me so long I limit my exposure, I began interacting with humans and openinga small automobile company with the cash from one of my foreign accounts I was still in touch with Anthony and Xi'an who had dispersed to various places for some sort of stability in the absence of our last moneymaker but during the years we all worked together we all had enough cash stuffed in an encrypted bank account enough a buy us a small island. I was almost getting to actually like the normal form of life but I couldn't get used to it; Anthony left quite a mark for the werewolves never fully got extinct and each time a new one popped up it was up to me to either; kill it or relay an anonymous message of it's location and how to attack to the "FANGS" an organization founded by the government and some wannabes with deep pockets from the name I'm sure you can guess what they do.

 Primarily they're hunting me with neither thought of me being their anonymous helper nor my face the only guy who saw me that day just got an insignificant glimpse on a very dark night but with so many werewolf cases coming up they probably gave me second billing in their list of problems. 

There was one particular night when a werewolf when berserk I downed a full tumbler of carefully heated blood and cocked my pistol, this miscreant had been responsible for the deaths of three family because he was after their hearts, I discovered that was the energy boosting part of a human they love to eat, I was standing on the roof of my mansion on the outskirts of the city, wearing all black with a hoodie, breathing in the warm air and listening to the voices of scared people and it's frightful roar ten's of kilometers away and suddenly covered by a dark mist emerged as a swarm of bats. 

I got to the place in time to see the beast kill a cop, damn I could have saved him I thought and shifted back in mid air flipped myself to land on a nearby car roof,rolled off and landed on my feet but I aimed at him from behind he shifted suddenly in his human form and turned also aiming a pistol at me. 

" What!" I said. 

" Hello Drexel" the stranger who turned out to be Blackhawk one of Scar's trusted men said

" What...why... when" I stammered. 

" Boss he of what happened and decided to dig out the corpse of that man of yours in what was his name again? Ha! Anthony yeah his corpse was used to improve our body strength now we're no longer mortals I'm beginning to enjoy the bloodlust" 

" Sorry you did what?" I said unable to believe what I'd just heard. 

" Bit of an American stand off we've got here huh? I'll tell you what, we both SIMULTANEOUSLY! drop the guns and I'll let you leave here with your dignity" he said and I considered the offer and dropped it along with him but moved and landed a well placed fist in his jaw enough to crack it within seconds while he extended his claws I extended my crescent daggers and we both ran at each other. He was remarkably easy I avoided his attacks all the while fighting back throwing punches to his jaw torso and stabbing rapidly at his right arm suddenly seeing my opening I gave a roundhouse kick hard enough that a few pounds of extra force would have beheaded him making him stumble back. 

" You're a good fighter but I think you should work on your speed and concentration in your next life, if such exists" I said before he noticed a silver dagger buried in his chest obviously had already split his heart into two like a ripe apple. 

I knew that I'd involved myself in scar's game of archery where which I was the target since I killed one of his men but all thoughts of that when down the drain at least for now the moment I heard a siren and saw some fangs officers alight from a Jeep. 

" Shit!" I said and turned immediately to the group of bats which scattered in different related directions I'm not ready for their confrontation today. 

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