
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 11; The outbreak in Florida


 We had begun working on a cohesive plan to counter the incoming chaos in Florida, when Drexel and the Xi'an arrived apart from Logan, there was a stranger in a white lab coat flanking Xi'an, some fangs officers with Xi'an's help got him cuffed and taken away. 

" Who the doctor?" I asked. 

" The scientist working with Scar" Xi'an replied and Aaron strolled into the room. 

" Aaron I've got to go back there" Drexel said and he shook his head in disagreement. 

" No we can't let you do that look at the time, it's nearly five as it is, we're all ready working on a cohesive plan either way they can't cause much damage today either" Aaron responded " we've got from now till midnight" he added. 

" Hey Drex they've got some pounds of silver, how'd you like to forge yourself some new weapons" I said to lighten up his mood. 

" Fine" he said and walked away from the room, leaving me with the fangs chief commander. 

" How'd you know that'll work" he asked and I grinned. 

" There's a reason his codename is Forge" I explained. 

*** *** ***

It was four pm and we were putting the finishing touches on our preparations, the scientist had been drilled by Xi'an and Martin a Fangs officer, he was no trained soldier so with a little push he had revealed everything he knew and we found out Scar's bizarre plan of creating a team of paranormals, damn that means more freaks to eliminate that was as far as we knew for now until either Drex or Xi'an comes and fill us in on the full details, In the mean time I along with Oyumar and Oscar worked on reloading our guns and checking our equipment. 

I walked into the Fangs training center and found Drex in a duel with Xi'an, I always marveled with the way they used real weapons instead of their wooden or plastic counterparts and Drex was leading the attack with his newly forged dual blades only three quarters of what you'd call a normal sword's length, made from eighty percent silver and lined with titanium the perfect weapon of slaughter for a paranormal hunt. I noticed that Drex had his gloves on probably to keep his hands safe from contact with it's blade, they charged and tried to slash at each other with the ferocity of an ongoing combat between two enemies, they noticed me for they suddenly increased their fighting speed and to my surprise and his also, the tip of Drexel's sword made slight contact with Xi'an's neck. 

" It seems your swordsmanship skills needs sharpening Xi'an" Drexel teased

" Drex's got you this time Xi'an" I agreed and all Xi'an did was to nod a little towards below drex's neck my eyes followed his gaze and a wave of surprise swept over me, pointed directly at his heart was the handle of Xi'an's sword from which a short blade had emerged, a quick move was all that was needed. 

" Oh! Sorry boss but it seems you can't beat Xi'an when it comes to the use of swords" I said in awe. 

" He cheated!!" he cried

" Of course I did" he replied sarcastically and added " you had dual swords while I was with just one, it was only right I took the one that was specially made"

" When's the meeting gonna start?" I asked and tossed a towel to Drex, only to get an answer from the blinking lights in the room. 

" Right 'bout now" he drawled. 

*** *** ***

We converged at the boardroom with some guys from the Fangs to accompany us on the left side of the table were Xi'an, Oyumar, Oscar and I and on the right the members of the Fangs were seated. 

" So what do we know so far" Aaron said to move the meeting along. 

" Well scar's whereabouts are still unknown, but we learned that he has various facilities to turn humans into beasts which these facilities are known as transition facilities and many of which are set up here in New York however one of them, the testing facility was located in Florida and following an unexpected dust-up during an op, those beasts has been released as a result of which, a small contingent of soldiers made up of the Drexel's men and the fangs will be despatched" Xi'an said. 

" Thanks Xi'an, we'll you've heard it for yourself men you're gonna stop those things from making Florida a cemetery"

" What about scar's whereabouts?" I asked. 

" He can't hide forever, he'll show up sooner or later" Drexel said and with a wicked gleam in his eyes he added " whenever he does I'll be prepared for him" 

" Good" Aaron commented 

*** *** ***

We were on a plane headed for Florida and burned the time checking and double checking each other's equipment in silence until Oyumar spoke up. 

" Hey Xander how do you feel about this op?"

" Probably better than you and the newbies feel that's for sure" I replied and nodded towards some members of the Fangs, that moment Drex emerged from nowhere and began speaking. 

" Hello brothers! As you probably well know my name is Drexel Stone the person in charge of this op I want you to give this mission your all as it will not only be for your good but for the good of your families and the whole of our beloved America, I know I might not have the right to say this to you because I'm also not human but I assure you that after this is cleared you can do with me as you please however for now let us work together for a better America I don't know if this will be the only wave and I'm aware that they were once humans some of them our folks even however that's all behind us now and they're now a threat to the living and it's fully necessary for their eliminate let's do this with a thirst for vengeance to who made them so, let's make sure this makes a difference that we make a difference we're all powerful in our own way and we're gonna show Scar that so who's with me!" He yelled. 

" We are" we all chorused

" There's only one thing to make sure of when the battle starts" he said

" And what's that?" Oscar asked. 

" Don't get killed or rather turned on the first day" he replied to the laughter of the others then a voice on the intercom squawked. 

" ETA five minutes" and in response we all except Drexel donned our parachutes

" Let's do this" 

*** *** ***