
Fangs {vamp vs wolf}

Drexel Stone is a man with the stone cold heart of an assassin with a moral code which had served him so well but that moral code was broken which lead him down a dark path away from the world of humans, is this fate's way of punishing him or helping him prepare for the battles he has ahead of him. It's one vampire, one pistol and one choice to make kill! or watch the world get claimed by a bunch of undead anomalies. .............................................. Hello author here please note that I upload new chapters three times a week i.e Monday, Wednesday and Friday and note no form of romance included. Thanks

Daniel_Louis · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10; Age of paranormals


 I was glad to see Drex save and sound, the slight change in his movement as a result of the gash on his stomach, was gone probably the wound would be too. 

" I see you managed to hang on to life, " I teased. 

" Yeah" he said and faced the rest of us " how are you guys feeling?" 

" Better than you're feeling, that's for sure" Oscar taunted before he got interrupted by Aaron's 'Big Announcement' switching our thoughts back to the professional. 

" What's your plan" Drex asked. 

" Well they don't actually have one, but they've got outlines of one" I responded. 

" We've got his possible location and we suspect that he might be the one behind recent reports of abduction across the country because at every one of those crime scenes our forensics officers always found strands of a wolf's fur, that was when we got interested need raid that place, remember the primary objective is to discover what his up to" seeing our surprised glances and added " rescuing my son is second to that" 

" Well, then I'll need my weapons back" Drexel started before Aaron cut him off. 

" They've been confiscated Drex"

" Well can't you go 'unconfiscate' it" Drexel asked. 

" It just doesn't work that way, but you will be fitted with some other weapons" he said and nodded at one of his men.

" A Glock, with mags containing silver tipped bullets, some silver throwing blades, a silver katana and finally a pair of silver crescent daggers" the man listed off. 

" Also you're gonna take some devices that'll enable us see what you see, hear what you hear and communicate with you" Aaron added

" Fine" he said curtly 

" I'll follow him to make sure he does what you just said sir" I volunteered. 

" Good! Good luck and Godspeed" he said as we left the room. 

***. *** ***

We were back at the Okefenokee refuge, we actually arrived in Florida the previous morning and loitered around till midnight before setting off to the refuge and got there in there twenty five minutes later, carefully surveying a patch of open grassland where a little hole that led to scar's underground cave laid. 

" How 'bout now?" I suggested and he seemed to give it a thought before agreeing. 

" Let's go" he said and we moved at once, but of course he got there first and broke the neck of the guard Manning the entrance in one rapid movement. 

" Xi'an you go, get Logan while I get to the bottom of what Scar is up to" he said and we separated and heard the sound of him slowly unsheathing his sword. 

Before long I came in contact with some men in a hallway, I watched as confusion turned to understanding and finally to anger and they all emerged their claws and charged at me, this was gonna be easy. 

*** *** ***


 This was harder than I thought a two men commando raid would have been suicidal if it weren't for the fact that I'm a master vamp which gave me an edge over them, I slashed, stabbed and fought slowly clearing some rooms to search for something useful and hiss in frustration before moving elsewhere and so I continued until while fighting with a guard who was a werewolf and crashed him through the wall to meet myself almost where I never thought could exist. In the room laid a containment tube filled with an acid. They contained people within, what the hell was he doing to them i thought and spotted a scientist who gasped at the sight of me. 

" What the hell is going on here?" I inquired and noticed someone enter the room, I recognized him as Nigel having seen him briefly someyears ago, he was a big guy with almost the same height dimensions as Big O only taller. 

" What's going on here" I asked again. 

" Your funeral" he spat and came at me partly shifted into a big brown werewolf but still had some characteristics of human and was standing on two legs. I tightened the grip on my sword and fought back dodging his most fatal attacks, but that changed when I lost my hold on my sword then it turned to a brawl against the massive beast. 

*** *** ***

I was bashed up against the wall which gave way and I tumbled helplessly into another containment filled with the same large glass cylinders but these contained animals of various kinds and tubes ran from them to the previous room, I recollected what Aaron in his little voice said and then a dark realization sank in.

" Are you actually planning on turning those innocent people to beasts?" I fumed and to my surprise the bastard actually laughed, a feeling one so dark and bloodthirsty born of pure animal rage got uncaged within me, I closed my eyes from the brutality of the pounding headache crashing against my skull but strangely it still felt like I was seeing everything going on around me as my feral senses had painfully increased to a fever pitch, I could even feel Nigel coming at me right now. 

I moved to dodged a wave of his massive clawed paw and planted a fist on his torso sending him tumbling back and his blue eyes showed a fleeting fear that didn't go unnoticed, 'good' I thought, he should be scared, I'm just getting started he tried to throw a punch at me, while moving at ten times the speed of an average human I caught his hand and connected the ball of my knee with his gut, he growled in pain and stumbled back before using his last option he fully shifted into a large wolf and lunged at me, in that split second I pulled out a silver coin I always had on me and threw it blindly as I only had one shot at this, luckily it entered his opened mouth and went down his throat.

He shifted back to human choking and gasping he tried to cough but the coin was unyielding and he spat out sizzling blood and entrails instead. I planned on giving him a slow death and left him who was already down to his knees and shaking sporadically to endure the few hours of torture I turned on hearing a ruckus and pointed a pistol in that direction. 

" Easy" Xi'an cautioned " here's Logan, oh and I found this guy running from this direction in the hallway" he added and pushed the scientist forward the rage came over me again and I took aim at the scientist's head. 

" No! Drex! No! We need him at the Fangs you no longer kill humans remember!" He said and slowly I put me hand down but not without ramming the butt of my pistol into the side of his head and he crumpled wordlessly to the ground and the alarms suddenly went off and those cylinders exploded into chips of broken glass shards releasing their occupants who came to life immediately and groaned in agony as they slowly shifted and Nigel made a weird gaggling sound as a result of trying to laugh and black blood came out instead. 

" It's already done, you're too late" he said and raised a bloodied hand to reveal a watch, I was familiar with it, he linked his heart beat with the machines, so when ever the watch detected a dangerous change in his heart beat, will let off the alarm, Xi'an shot a bullet into the bastards heart and we hurriedly misted out of there appearing in the Fangs facility with Logan safe and sound.