
Chapter 1

"Help! Help! Somebody help me please! Help! " A young lady of about 19 years of age screams running through the woods. " Shout all you want! No one is going to here you. No one will help you. " A middle aged man utters running after her. He runs after her for some minutes before he manages to catch her and drag her to the ground holding her firmly that she can't move an inch. " Mr. Tomas, please let me go. Let me go! " The lady cries. " Oh poor Victoria, I will let you go after am done with you! " Tomas says as he tares her clothes. " Nooo! Please don't _don't do this to me! " Victoria cries trying hard not to let Tomas have his way with her but the man is too strong for her. " Don't be afraid Victoria. It won't hurt a bit maybe it will hurt but a little, I promise. " Tomas utters getting in between her legs. " I beg you in the name of God please don't. I'm begging you sir. " Victoria cries as Tomas undoes his trousers zipper.

Victoria's POV.

Please lord. Help me. Let him not have his way with me. I beg of you.

" Your little, tight cunt is all mine today. Finally! I will have you even if it is just for a few minutes. I will make you a woman tonight. " He utters and the next thing I can feel is something tearing me apart..

" Let me go! Let me go! Let me_ " I scream as I wake up. " Dear are you okay? " An old lady asks. " godmother. " I cry as I tightly hug her as if he will be back for me. I hate that devil of a man!

" It's okay dear. Calm down. " godmother utters soothing me.

" Rosita, what happened? " godfather asks rushing into my bedroom. " godfather. " I cry as he hugs me. " Calm down child. It's okay he's not here. He will not harm you in any sort of way. We are here for you. " godfather utters. " Am scared. Am scared. " I cry till I fall asleep.

Las Parade Ranch.

Tomas' POV.

" Tomas you will go down if the girl provides enough evidence. " Jamel, my attorney utters making me laugh. He gives me a puzzled look as if not getting me. What an idiot I have for a lawyer! " I assaulted her yes but, I had her cleaned and I hid her for two good weeks Jamel! She has no evidence. Not even a medical report. Nothing! Nothing at all except for her word. That is, her word against mine and thanks to the rivalry between the Domingas and the Jacobos, I have managed to flip the tables on her. Who do you think people believe? A crazy lady who is obsessed in destroying me or a well respected member of the town? " I query. " Well, everyone will believe you. " Jamel utters. " Absolutely. The case has been on for a few months now, why don't I, If  proven not guilty, sue her and her entire family. Then they will know who really is Tomas Jacobo! " I utter as I laugh devishly. " But sir, don't you think that, that's too much. You should just let it go_ " I cut Jamel short. " That is not going to happen. " I utter banging the the table. " To think of it, you will be the one who wants to make peace with them. You will be the good guy once again. Don't you think? " Jamel asks and to think of it he is right. He uses his head after all. " You are right, don't take any legal actions on them. " I utter as my wife budges into my study.

" If you will excuse me sir. " Jamel utters leaving the study.

" Tomas Jacobo Reyes. What kind of a man are you? " She asks.

" Huliana, what are you talking about? " I ask. " You have no shame at all! So that poor girl wasn't lying. You actually assaulted her. She's almost Fernando's age. In fact younger than him. Ho_ " I cut her short. " Yes even if I did assault her, what will you do about it? " I ask moving closer to her. " You are dispeakable Tomas. " She utters tears rolling down her cheeks. " Oh please! Don't give me that crap! You have been sleeping around with young guys the same age as El Manuel and others are Fernando's age mates and you are here blabbing about that girl. Who is the dispeakable one among us?  " I query and am sure you would like to see her face right now. " That happened three years ago. It's in the past remember? " She utters. " I do. And I assaulted her seven months ago . It's in the past remember ? " I ask sarcasm taking over my voice. " Whatever! " She utters leaving my study. I've got her where I need her to be. Am fed up with old cunts. I wonder what those small boys see in them.


El Domingo Ranch.

Arturo's POV.

This case isn't going anywhere. No evidence, no witnesses and on top of it all, the town thinks we are lying against that whore of a man. " Darn it! " I utter banging the table. " Darling, what's wrong? " Rosita asks. " I'm just angry. Angry that our daughter was assaulted and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. " I utter. " Mmmh! That Tomas Reyes is a beast! " Rosita cries. " Mom, dad. There's no way we can win this case and Victoria needs to see a psychiatrist that will help her move on. Her mental status is more important than this case. Let's first take care of her then later she will eventually get justice. Justice delayed isn't justice denied. " Lola utters and I give it a thought. Why can't we just withdraw the case and take care of Victoria first? Maybe Lola is right. " Honey. Lola is right. Victoria's mentality is more important than the case. Victoria is loosing it. " Rosita utters. " Okay. I will see into it that Victoria is taken care off and out of this town. " I utter.


Lola's POV.

" Vicky. You will be leaving this town but not for good. It's just for your own good. " I utter. " Lola, (sniffles ) I just want to die. " Victoria cries. " Don't say that Vicky. You have to be strong for yourself and us. You have to, so that one day you will eventually get your revenge on his entire household. " I utter as I comfort her. " I will make him pay. I WILL MAKE HIM PAY! " She utters angrily. You will pay Tomas. You and your entire family will pay.


In two days, Arturo withdraws the case against Tomas and he accompanies her to Mexico City.

Arturo's POV.

" The city is beautiful godfather. " Victoria utters. " It is a beautiful city indeed. " I utter parking the car outside an apartment. I just hope that you will get over what happened to you dear. " New surrounding, new people and new life. " Victoria utters as we alight. " That's the spirit girl. " Lola utters.

A week later after enrolling her at the hospital with a psychiatrist, I head back leaving her with Lola. Just hope she gets well.


Victoria's  POV.

As we walk out of the hospital, " So how was today's session? " Lola asks. " As if it would be any different from the previous sessions. " I utter as we walk to the car. " Don't tell me you aren't getting anything new? " Lola utters. " Oh sure, I am. " I reply. " And what could that be? " She asks. " Boredom. " I utter as we slide into the car and she drives off. I hate this life of living on pills to calm me down. Only if it wasn't for that beast. I hate him with all I have got. I will make him pay! " What is on your mind Vicky? " Lola asks. " Nothing in particular, just thinking. " I reply. " Oh...kay. " She replies.


Back at the hospital.

" We are glad to have you over here doctor Javier El Manuel Jacobo. " A middle aged doctor utters walking into an office. " It's my pleasure to be here Doctor Luis. " El Manuel utters. " Are you alright? " Doctor Luis asks. " Yeah, am okay. It's just that I had a long flight and this is my first stop from the airport. I will just go home freshen up then I will be as good as new. " El Manuel utters. " Some rest will do you good. This is your office from today doctor Javier. I will walk you out. " Dr. Luis utters as they leave the office.


El Manuel parks his car outside his apartment and as he gets out of the car, someone hits him with some leftovers.

" Darn! Mmmmh! " He sighs locking his car and climbs the stairs of his apartment. Suddenly Lola runs after him. " Hey neighbour? Am sorry about the_the_ " Lola says pointing at his ruined shirt. " Oh this? " El Manuel asks picking a tiny piece of pizza from his shoulder. " Yeah, actually my cousin did it. She isn't feeling well. " Lola states. " Re.....eally? " El Manuel asks doubtfully. " Yes. " Lola replies. " Lola, what the heck are you doing? " Victoria asks. " Vicky, am apologizing to him. " Lola states. " Why? " Victoria asks. " Because you did this to him intentionally. " Lola states. " So it was intentional. " El Manuel states. " You should at least apologize to him. " Lola says. " I should do what? Let him suck my dick. " Victoria utters walking back into the apartment leaving Lola and El Manuel speechless. " Wooow! She's very sick in deed. " El Manuel mutters. " Am sorry once again. " Lola utters rushing back to the apartment. El Manuel walks into his apartment and as he freshens up all that he thinks of is Victoria.


The following day at the hospital, Lola, Victoria and El Manuel meet at the parking lot.

El Manuel's  POV.

This lady is pretty except for her attitude. " Hello ladies? " I greet but only one greets back while the arrogant one walks ahead. " What's up with her? " I ask. " You better not inquire about that or else you want to see the other her. " Her cousin replies. " Okay. Am El Manuel. " I utter. " Am Lola. " She replies. " A beautiful name you have. And what's hers? " I query. " She's Victoria. " Lola utters. Victoria. Uhm! As beautiful as the owner but not her character. If only she was nice like Lola. She would make a good girlfriend and wife_ Cool down bro. I will get all of her details and I think helping her will be a good start.

" See you later neighbours." I utter walking past them. " I hope the doctor who does your surgery leaves something in your head to stuff it. " Victoria utters. " And I hope the doctor leaves something in your heart. " I utter and turn around to see her smiling. "Lola, this guy is really crazy..." Victoria's voice fades.


" Dr. Luis. Please let me handle her case. " I plead. " Javier, her case is a difficult one. She doesn't cooperate at all. I do the talking and all she does is just sit till time is up then she just leaves. Javier, are you sure you will be able to handle her? " Dr. Luis asks. " I'll try my best. " I reply. " All the best Javier. " Dr. Luis utters.


I walk into my office and meet her already there.

" Morning Miss Troublesome? " I greet her taking my seat. " Am sorry crazy guy but you are supposed to be at the Theatre and not here. " She utters. Am crazy? She's the one who is totally crazy. " Interesting. " I utter. " What's interesting in here? " She queries. " Dr. Luis mentioned that you don't talk yet you do Miss troublesome. That's what's interesting to me. Oh sorry, Dr. El Manuel Javier. " I utter. " I don't usually talk....doctor. " She replies. " Victoria, am here to help you. So where do we start? " I ask but she just looks at me dumbstruck.

" Mmmh! What will you do to that person when you get the chance? " I ask but still nothing. Mmmhm! It's no longer interesting at all. " Mind doing a practical? " I query but still nothing. " Right now assume that am the person that hurt you in the past and you are given a chance to do anything to that person, what will you do to that person? " I query but still nothing. A tear drop rolls down her cheek then out of the blue, she's kicking the hell out of me but I manage to calm her down but not totally though she has hurt me physically pretty bad.

" Nooo. Please don't. Don't do this to me_ " She repeats the same statement over and over again, shuttered, scared of the unknown. What happened to her? She cries the same statement until she falls asleep.


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