
EP - 3

Redding was smiling widely when I came in the next day.

"My boy! I never fucking thought you be such a diamond." He came over and hugged me hard. I hated him. He was just a stepping stone, nothing else.

"Paralyzed Shane Dawson! I never saw anything like in my fucking entire life!" He was screaming happily. He turned towards me.

"You, boy are going to go places. I have ten thousand quid for you. I have never given this much money to any other young bloke on their first time!"

I was thrilled. On my first job, I literally earned half of what my father earned in his entire fucking life. Goddamn I was happy.

He poured two tiny glasses of brandy and gave one to me. It was in small quantity, so I didn't mind at all. I gulped the entire drink, and Redding poured me another. I drank that and kept the glass on his table.

"Those drugs you got from Shane, I need you to find that fucker's dealer. He got really good shit, and as I am in the business, I need to know everything. I need you to go to the hospital, where he is and get the address. After that, you can do what you want with him."

I nodded slowly. My mind was completely clouded, and I couldn't think properly. I knew it was the fucking alcohol.

I took the money and headed towards my home. My mother had not seen a pound in years, and this was going to make her happy.

Rebecca Brown was my mother, and I loved her to a vengeance. I never screamed, shouted or swore at her, because she was the person who had dealt with most in my life. She had already faced countless hardships with my asshole of a father. Last thing she needed was a swearing son.

"Mum, I got a gift for you."

My mum was watching her show and a damn small black and white TV. It was the goddamn 21st century and we still lived in 1960s. She was squinting her eyes and looking at it. The TV kept blinking on and off. The audio was barely audible.

"Hold on son." She said, pausing her breath. She was really into it, whatever the fuck she was watching through the black hole.

I went towards the TV and pulled the plug.

My mother looked at me sternly.

"Eddy Brown, will you care to explain why you did this?"

"To give you this." I went over and brought out a box from my jacket, and opened it. It was a necklace, and it cost me two thousand pounds.

"Eddy, what is this?" She asked smiling, confused and happy at the same time. The only other jewelry she owned was her wedding ring, and that was far by the most cheapest thing I had seen in my life.

I put the necklace around her neck and took her to a mirror. It was very dirty and cracked in many places. But her happiness was very clear.

She didn't question, what I did, where I was or how I got the money.

She just smiled and kept looking at the necklace.

"Now get up mum. We gonna buy you some new clothes and a brand new TV, yeah?"

"Oh, the old one is fine, son."

I went and lifted the TV and dropped it into the floor. The wooden floor boards cracked and TV broke. Fuck. I just wanted to damage the TV.

"C'mon, mum. We need a new TV."