
Falling for the Playboy Billionaire

"I will do what you want, dear Madeline. But you have to pay me." "And how should I pay you?" I asked, eyeing him sharply. "Date me," he answered with a smirk. ***** Madeline knows better than to trust a playboy. Her brother and cousins and their friends are all womanizers, and Morris isn't an exception. But with fate playing with her, will she survive the deadly curse of this playboy billionaire wanting to consume her soul?

RileyRewis · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Big Brother Role

A series of knocks grabbed my attention. I was lazy to get up from lying down when I heard the voice of a maid.

"Miss Maddy, Sir Morris is asking you downstairs. Dinner is ready," he said.

I winced, not wanting to leave the room after what happened earlier. I'm still disgusted. Irritated with Morris. If he hadn't been carrying some woman that wouldn't have happened. But who am I to decide, anyway? I'm just hanging around their house. But still, he should have picked girls who have better etiquettes.

"Tell him, I'll eat later."

Laura isn't home so I find it fine to skip dinner. She's busy with her husband on some business stuff.

The maid didn't insist and just went back downstairs. I have no appetite. My scalp still hurts to this day. Damn that girl. I really hope he doesn't go here anymore. Because if he comes back, I won't be bathing him with a sprinkler but a hose. Annoying.

I jumped out of my bed. I went to the front of the dresser. Sit down and prefer to organize yourself. I combed my hair silently while looking at my reflection.

Why do I have to live in this mansion. I could have stayed at my cousins' house. I can't go out anymore, and I don't see anything good at all. IM so bored. I want to meet friends but my older brother won't let me. He said I was young and didn't want to get hurt.

Kid? I'm fifteen! I even look older than my age because of my height! I'm also about to turn sixteen so I don't understand why I have to be locked up here. I reasoned out to our mother, but she just said that I should follow my brother's order. He is said to be the older one.

Age discrimination again.

I angrily looked at the door when I heard it open. I would have screamed because I thought I was a maid, but I wasn't. My eyes narrowed looking at Morris holding a tray of food.

I slammed the comb down on the dresser and stood up to face him. I crossed my arms. He put the food on the bedside table. I followed his every move with my gaze.

"Why are you here?"

"I brought your food. You didn't want to come with us so I brought it here."

I sat up in bed irritated. He stayed standing. He crouched his head a bit, enough to look at me.

"You shouldn't have bothered. I'll come down later. I'm still not hungry. Maybe you're just doing this because you're guilty of your girlfriend's rude action. Where did you find that? Street manners "Such a bad taste."

"She's not my girlfriend, Maddy," he said firmly. I rolled my eyes.

"What is she, then? Your fuck buddy?"

His lips parted. Shocked by what I said.

"What the fuck, Madeline? You shouldn't use such words like that! Where did you learn those words?!"

"Don't act like a saint, Morris. Do you think I'm blind and deaf to what your friends are talking about and doing? I'm maybe younger than you, but I'm not that naive when it comes to those things."

His eyes became darker. Stunned in the senses and looks troubled.

"Don't talk like that again. It's inappropriate for your age."

"Oh, shut it. I'm in a democratic country, I can say what I want to say. I can be vulgar when I want to. Don't act like I'm Cheska. We're different. And you, stop acting like you're my brother."

"I just want you to act appropriately."

"If you can talk, imagine who's kind. Stop bullshitting me. Just manage your girls, well. Maybe next time, I won't just get tweaked. I don't like your type. Aggressive. Dangerous and warfreak."

"I don't have girls. Those girls are my friends," he said, seems like convincing me.

"Don't sugarcoat your actions. I already know you. You're a playboy just like your friends. It's impossible not to be yours with the many girls you bring."

He smiled and shook his head. "Let's stop talking about this nonsense. Eat more. Eat more so you could grow fast, Maddy."

I blinked and closed my mouth. I just followed her exit the room with my gaze. I just sighed and decided to eat the food he brought for me.

The following week they brought other women to the mansion. Like the usual, they are on the pool area, enjoying themselves. I could breathe in the barbecue they were cooking but I didn't bother to mingle. Obviously, I'm out of their league. Aside from being a few years younger, I also don't kavibes their women. Maybe it's because of the age gap, or maybe I just really don't like their attitudes at all.

"We cooked, Maddy. Go there, you'll enjoy," Livius said when he found me in the kitchen, drinking juice. He's holding a barbecue.

I leaned on the sink and watched him as he translated the water.

"Don't. Maybe your girls will fight me again. Your girls are aggressive. It's too annoying."

He laughed and came to me.

"Please hold me for a moment. I'll get something from the fridge." He handed me the barbecue that hadn't been bitten yet. A playful smile plastered on my face as I grabbed it.

While he was digging something in the fridge, I bit into the barbecue. I've been wanting to ask them for a while now

because my pride is getting the better of me. And since he gave me an opportunity to taste it, I want to satisfy myself.

"What the--"

I laughed at his reaction when he saw me chewing. His lips are half-open, frozen in place as if I had committed a great sin. I just smiled cutely and gave him a peace sign.

"Sorry, it smells good."

"It's Maddy, eh! That's mine!" He put the canned soft drinks on the table and came to me. It looks like there is a plan to take over the barbecue. I laughed with his reaction.

"You've cooked a lot! It's just me. I'm hungry, don't you pity me? Don't fight me. I'll report you to my brother."

"That's my favorite! It's mine, Maddy!"

I lifted the stick and waved it even though I knew he could still reach it because he was taller than me.

"C'mon, Livius. Why is this barbecue a big deal to you? There are many others out there. I only have this one, please?" I pouted.

"They've taken it all. I'm sure they won't give it to me. But if you were the one to ask, they would give it to you for sure. So it's mine, Maddy."

"I don't want to go there. That's why you can't steal it." I chuckled.

"Gotcha!" He laughed when he captured my wrist. I frowned.

"I've been bitten. Don't grab me. You're like a starving man." I shrugged at his touch, with no intention of snatching the barbecue.

"Oh!" I stopped when I noticed that his cheek was injured. For sure it was hit by the stick's sharp edge.

"Oh my... sorry!" I was quick and bent down to see his wound. It was just a scar and it bled a little. I bit my lower lip. Now, I feel guilty for playing around. I keep on sinning.

"Fuck! My handsome face is injured!"

"Sorry," I smiled. "It's you, why didn't you just give me the barbecue. You're too childish that's why you got hit. You're at fault too."

I touched his jaw to examine the wound. I was about to step back when I saw Morris entered the kitchen.

"What the fuck Livius?!" His voice thundered. I leaned against the sink again. Livius faced him, holding his cheek as if being injured was a big deal for him.

"Maddy hurt me. Damn, my face is ruined!"

"Don't overreact, Livius. It's just small," I said and continued eating the barbecue.

Morris looked back and forth between us. He seems irritated for some unknown reason.

"What are you doing? Huh?" I can sense a hint of accusation on his voice. He looked sharply at Livius. I just stayed standing, watching them two.

"I'm not doing anything, Morris. Maddy stole my barbecue so I tried to take it. And look what happened!"

I laughed while chewing.

"I already apologized! Stop acting like a gay, Livius. It's just a little, you're still handsome. So, don't worry."

Morris looked at me sharply. My smile immediately disappeared. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Get out, Livius, before we get caught in your map!"

"Map? Fuck you!" her cry before walking out of the kitchen.

I was about to leave when Morris walked up. I straightened up, as if afraid that he would notice something about me. He stopped a few inches away from me, blocking my sight with his build. He is tall, of medium build. But I admit, aside from his friends, he looks more mature than the boys his age. Maybe because of his build and height. Maybe because of the way he moves, which is like a full grown man.

And that gap between us intimidates me more for some reason I can't fathom.

"What? I'm leaving and I'll pass!"

"Why do you have to steal Livius' barbecue? You can go there and ask for us if you want."

I pushed him but instead of leaving he raised both hands on the sink. Locking me with his arms.

"Are you crazy? I don't want to be there? I hate your girls! Maybe later I'll be mistaken for a maid again and get pulled over!"

"You should have called me instead! Not who you're asking!"

"Why would I? We're not close." I dreamed.

"And you're close with Livius? Huh?" His eyes turned darker. I was swallowed by the intensity of his gaze.

"I like him."


"Are you deaf?! Go away!"

"Tangina what did you say?! You want that bitch?! Get organized Maddy!"

I frowned.

"What are you thinking? I mean, I like his behavior better than yours! That doesn't mean I like him romantically! Don't be stupid, Morris!"

I pushed him so hard that there was space for me to leave. I quickly grabbed the opportunity to walk away from him. But before I could leave the kitchen, I heard her loud cry.

"Make sure of that Maddy!"

I just ignored him and ran towards the staircase.

I was out of breath when I entered the library from running so fast. Cheska's eyes shifted to me. He was sitting in front of a table, reading a book as usual. I finished the barbecue first and threw the stick in the trash on the side before approaching him.

"Someone is chasing you?" she asked casually. Compared to his brother, she has these angelic features. He was also kind and sober. Very different from his brother.

I pulled up a ch

air and sat across from him. I shook my head.

Her eyes narrowed.

"Did you do something bad?"

"Oh, don't accuse me like that Cheska! I'm not like that. I ran because your older brother is annoying. Is he interfering with what I'm doing. He's such a feeling woman! Annoying!"

She chuckled.

"You really hate him, don't you?"

"Oh, you said more!"

In the following days I became more and more bored. Even though I begged mommy the last time she called, she still didn't let me go out and meet my friends. It's summer, but I feel like I'm a prisoner. I can't even do what I want. Meanwhile, brother is enjoying every bit of this. Because he can do everything he wants. And that's because he's older than me. Because of that, I can't help but wish that time would go a little faster.

"You look sluggish right now, Maddy. Is there a problem, hija?" Aunt Laura asked as we shared the table.

I looked up.

"Ah, nothing. Just thinking about something."

I noticed Morris' persistent stares at me. He poured water into the glass, eyes still watching me. Beside him is Cheska who looks absent minded. My brother was just quiet by my side.

I looked away.

"Is it a boy? Your crush, perhaps? Or maybe a boyfriend?" She smiled like it's just a normal topic for her.

"Uh... no."

"She's not allowed to have a boyfriend, 'Ma. She's still too young,'" said Morris.

I glared at him. Still really engaging.

"But it's okay to have a crush. Right, hija?"

I nodded to the lady.

"But that's all for now, aunt. She can have a boyfriend later when she's of legal age. But for sure, I'll have a headache if she'll start entertaining suitors," said the older brother who joined the conversation.

Although I don't want to be the topic, I don't want to be rude to them. So, I just ended up answering aunt's questions.

"Well..." Aunt laughed a bit. "You're really going to have a hard time, son. Maddy is just so beautiful. Young men will really pick it up when they grow up."

Morris glanced at me again. I raised an eyebrow at him. He just smirked darkly.

"Cheska is beautiful too," I said, diverting the conversation.

Cheska looked at me, as if she had just come to her senses after hearing the name. But he did not speak and remained silent.

"Of course, but she's not that active when it comes to these things. She'd rather read her books. She loves it so much."

Well, I already know that.

After we ate, I didn't have to help with the dishes because of the number of housemates. Also, I'm not used to that either because I'm a princess in our mansion. It's really an advantage if you're born rich. You don't even have to think about small things because someone else will do it for you.

"You have a crush? Huh?"

I turned around. My brow shot up when I confirmed who it was. He actually followed me here on the terrace.

"What about it?" I asked irritably.

"You're not allowed to like someone, Maddy."

I gave him an annoyed look.

"No one can tell me what to do, especially if it's you. You don't have a hold on me, Morris."

"You're too young. That's not what you should be doing."

"What a nice advice from a playboy!"

I really can't get him. He always acts like an honorable person, when he knows that I saw how he plays with different girls at a time. Or maybe, for him, I'm a little sister he needs to take care of. Maybe he treats me like a brother so he just preaches to me like that.

That thought made me hate him, a lot. I don't know. Maybe because I don't want him to control or command me. Maybe because I don't need another brother's care. Maybe that's the reason why I get more and more annoyed with him every time he acts like I'm his brother.

"Mom, please? Just one time," I convinced mom again. I really want to hangout with my friends even just for once.

"But, Maddy..."

"I'm so bored here. I feel like I'm a prisoner! I can't do anything but browse social media accounts and watch them having fun. I can't even join because I'm way younger than them. Mama , please..."

"No. That's final."

I locked myself in the room due to excessive irritation. I can't get it. They just let the older brother go. But when I am not even able to give in even once.

It was afternoon when I went out that day. Still irritated because of our conversation with mom earlier. After eating some snacks, I went on the wide front yard. There was a long chair made of wood so I stayed there first.

The mansion is peaceful. Their older brother's friends are gone so no one is making noise. But I wonder if brother is around. I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe he's out with his friends. It was good and they thought of having fun somewhere else. I'm so tired of watching them flirt with random girls.

When I got bored of looking at the flowers, I chose to use the cell phone.

I opened an app and saw a lot of messages from my friends and acquaintances.

There are also boys who are trying to hit me through chat. Th

e usual cheap tactics of today's generation. I replied to close friends and just ignored the rest.

I was in that position when I heard a giggle. I looked up and searched for the voices. In the distance, I saw two women entering the gate. Next to enter were Jonas and Morris. The other girl held Jonas' arm. The other stuck to Morris like a leech.

What a beautiful sight.

"Hi, Maddy!" Jonas waved. Girls looked up at me. They whispered. When they smile at me. Maybe Jonas told them that I'm Revo Mongreco's sister that's why they're smiling. It's always like that, they act that they like me because of my brother.

Nothing's new.

I smiled sparingly. Morris just stared at me blankly. It seems that there is no attention to what the woman on the side is saying.

"Just you? They brother?"

"They have a different walk," he said. Morris looked at him. He said something and Jonas immediately nodded then led the two companions into the mansion.

Morris was left. My grip on the cellphone tightened when he walked closer.

"Maybe Revo isn't really what you're looking for?"


He's still at it? Does he still think I like Livius? Napakagago talaga. He also informs that.

"You're still too young to like anyone, Maddy."

"You don't decide for me, Morris. And I don't like any of your friends. I have high standards. I won't settle for a playboy like you," I rolled my eyes. "What happened to your last woman? Is it different now?"

He smirked.

"Why do you look so bothered with my girls, anyway?"

"I'm not! Why would I? I don't care what you do! You take care of your life."

I glared at him, showing how I despise his attitude. I stood up and walked away, leaving him alone. I just went back to the room instead of his wife watching them. They'll just make my eyes hurt and it's annoying.

That summer I spent in their house was the worst summer I've experienced in my life. Thank God, the following three years, I didn't need to see him anymore.