

Hey my name is Mila Hunter. If no one knows I was 18 years old when I was in the adoption center cause my real parents was murdered by a boy who was 18 years old like me. But somehow when I got home from school that day I didn't noticed anything when I walked in the house. I walked to my room and walked in my bedroom. I put my bag on the floor next to my bag. I walked to my radio on my bay window and turned on my radio. Turned on a country station to listen to some country songs. Soon I heard my mom screaming loudly in her and dad's room. I ran out of my bedroom to my parent's door and opened their door a little to see someone killing my dad with a knife. My dad falls on the floor. Then that person who killed my dad looks at my mom and says Go To sleep or I'll kill you in a creepy voice. My mom doesn't listen to him at all. He looks away from my mom and bends down to pull his knife out of my dad. He walks to my mom and stabs her in the stomach. He keeps stabbing her stomach still she starts to bleed and lost a lot of her blood. She looks at the door without him knowing and whispers to me to get my twin sister Ashley. I sneaked to Ashley's room quickly and licks her up. She was sleeping so I carried her to my room and put her on my bed. Soon I shut my door quietly. Out of nowhere I felt someone breathing down my neck. I turn around to see him looking at me. I started begging him to not hurt me or my sister. He chuckled and walks to me. I back up to my bedroom wall. He is so close to me and whispers I'll let you and your sister alive if you promise to live with me and my friends. I agreed and he smiled at me. Next he left out of my window. I decided to take Ashley to one of our neighbors. So I can go somewhere else.

My life was great cause I was in an adoption center for 9 years. No one wanted me cause I would be in my room all the time to cut myself on my arm. Till I was adopted by the Ash family. The Ash family took me in their family. Scarlett Ash and I got a long. We went anywhere together. The last time I went out was when I was with Toby my old friend. Toby always check on me since I told him about my real parent's death. He promised me he will never let anything happen to me till I meet my soulmate. Anyways I heard my phone ringing and Scarlett was calling me. I answered it and heard not Scarlett's voice but my parent's killer's voice. I dropped my phone and told Toby the killer who killed my real parents might have killed Scarlett and her family. So Toby took out his phone and called someone. That person too Toby to take me to the same adoption center I was in for 9 years so he can adopt me. Toby took me to the adoption center. Soon someone named Slender Man adopted me and took me in a huge house. I meet Sally, Ben, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Grace, Liu, Dr.Smiley, Ally, Hoodie, Bloody Painter, Masky, Arianna, Clockwork, Jane, Nightshade, Pinkamena and Jeff.