
Fallen In Love With My Best Friend

We are in 2nd Grade when we become close.It was an unforgetable moment for me.We also have more friends we all are supportive to each other.But one day when we were in 3rd Grade there was a relationship rumor about him and our other friend (a Girl), we were teasing them hardcore.Then Moving on to 4th Grade the day I Have Fallen For Him Until Now. At it was just a prank but it got too serius and my heart have been heart badly because all of my friends will tell someone until it reaches him so the only way that I can think of to get away with it is to say that I don't like him anymore and i have a new guy that I like, I must say it worked and i am still doing it now but, when we were at 6th Grade it went a little dramatic....

To Be Continued.