
CH 4

So I made the flashbacks a little tooo long so as to get to the action sooner I summed up the last bit of it and finished it today for you guys.


Nicolas arrived in the midst of a large banquet. For a moment he just stood there in awe, this was something he had never seen something like this in his entire life. The place was decorated beautifully in reds and golds Looking around he saw the emperor, empress and maybe a concubine seated above on a platform while the other people were seated low to the floor. There were musicians and dancers scattered about and servants carrying food in. The whole atmosphere looked festive to him.

"Ana is this the banquet where Ziyi gets a title from the emperor?"

'Yes, it is, big brother. Do you see that servant over there carrying a drink to the girl closest to the platform where the Emporer is sitting.' 

Nicolas looked over to where Ana was gesturing and replied that he does see the girl.