
Chapter 2: A Predicament

(Alexander’s POV)

"Mr. Griffin, there is a woman outside that wants to speak with you, she says that it is urgent."

I looked up from the book that I was reading, feeling my glasses slip a little down my nose. Yet another woman had found her way to my house and was demanding to see me. If I hadn't learned how to master the art of control and patience he probably wouldn't be as calm as I was now.

I set my glasses down on the small table next to the chair that I was sitting in and pulled a checkbook from the side pocket of my slacks. Taking a pen from the small pocket of my button-down, I wrote out a check for a hundred grand and handed it to Albert.

"Albert, give this to the woman outside and tell her that she can only cash it if she agrees never to set foot near me or this property ever again."

Albert gently took the check from my hand and gave me a slight nod, "Very good sir." he said, before heading towards the door.

"Afternoon Albert, what's good." I looked up to see my best friend, Harry pat Albert on the shoulder before he made his way over to me. Harry was almost always coming over to see Alexander, so that staff became so used to him that if they saw him through the peephole they would just let him in without even asking who he was before they opened the door.

"What have you started bringing your conquests home with you? I thought that wasn't the style of Alexander the Great." Harry said, pointing behind him, a slight look of amusement etched across his face.

I set my book and glasses down, figuring that now that Harry was here I would not be able to continue reading. "My style of bedding women hasn't changed, Harry, you of all people should know that. I would never bring a woman here, it's too personal letting her into my home and that's not the impression that I am trying to give."

Harry slipped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a firm pat on the chest, "Hey man, I know you better than anybody we've been best friends for years. You're such a cold-hearted and meticulous bastard when it comes to females you would never change the way that you treat them."

I slipped myself from my friend's grip, "That is because women want only one thing from me and that is my money. I would never be able to form a healthy attachment with a woman especially if all she wanted from me was my money."

“Well my friend, maybe that attitude of yours towards females shall change, maybe it’s just because you haven’t met the right woman yet.”

I was known by many to be a playboy, the tabloids made sure to document my every move when it came to my personal life. Sure, I thought the label that the media gave my was crass but that’s who I was a playboy millionaire and I was fine with being that way.

"So, I was thinking tonight we could hit up the town see if we can't pick up some beautiful women. That model, Valeska that you hooked up with last year I heard she's back in town." Harry said, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Not tonight, Harry I've got something that I've got to take care of. Besides, I don't hook up with the same woman twice, it just makes them think that they can come back for more."

Harry bringing up Valeska made me suddenly think about her, we had met at one of my father's events last year. I had been attracted to her and I made my move and like any other woman that came within my vicinity, Valeska was caught, hook, line and sinker. The night that we had spent together had been amazing and just as I did with every other woman I left her and then paid her off so she would never come into contact with me again. Valeska had been one of the few women to throw a drink in my face before taking the check and walking away.

But tonight, I had bigger problems to worry about besides women, my father, Matthew Griffin, had called me earlier this morning asking me to come into the office this evening because he had to talk to me about something urgent. I had no clue what it could be about but I hoped it was my father confirming my position as the CEO of Griffin International.

Harry just shrugged, "Oh well I guess, your loss. Let me know if you want to join me later, I'll save you someone."

With that Harry left and I was left to continue reading my book, not noticing that the time had gone by and it was now evening and time to meet my father. I dreaded having to meet my father, not because I was scared of the man but because my father was not exactly the warmest and paternal person in the world. I guess like my sister said, I had inherited my father's cold-heart and ruthlessness, and yet that still wasn't enough for me to gain my father's approval.

By the time that I arrived at my father's office, mostly everyone had gone home except for my father's secretary, Abigail. Abigail lifted her eyes to meet mine as I strode by her desk, and I caught note of how her posture straightened and she began to fluff up her brunette hair, giving me a flirty smile as I walked by. Abigail was just like all the other women I had been around, desperate, and like all the other women Alexander had slept with Abigail too. Although I later realized that it had been a big mistake to make that decision seeing as though every time I came here, she put on that same desperate, flirty act.

I reached the door of my father's office and knocked. I heard from the other side my father's voice to come in and I opened the door, closing it behind me as I made my way to my father's desk.

"Sit down Alexander, we need to have a chat son." I took a seat in the chair in front of my father's desk while my father placed his elbows on the desk in front of him, his hands folded in front of his face.

"Son the board of directors thinks that you shouldn't take over your position in two months as originally planned and I agree with them. At the meeting, your personal life was called into question, specifically, your relationships with women and we agreed that it makes your ability to be CEO questionable."

"So that is what this is about, you and the board think that because of my relationships I am incapable of being CEO." I sighed, glaring at my father, "I'll have you know what I do in the bedroom has no bearing on my capability of being CEO."

My father stood up and made his way over to sit on the edge of the front of his desk, "But we feel that it taints your image as the CEO that is why I came up with a suggestion that I hope you will take into consideration. If you can find a respectable woman to marry within two months, you can take your position as originally planned."

I was dumbfounded but he managed to get out, "Not in your lifetime, Father, I will get my position even if I have to rip it from you and the board's hands."

I saw that my father’s demeanor had shifted from calm to annoyed, “My father and your grandfather built this company from the ground up. I will not have you destroying everything that they worked for because you can’t seem to keep it in your pants.’

I finally understood, “This isn’t about me tainting the company’s image is it, it’s about your need to control me, to control everything that I do. That’s why you want to tie me down with a wife so that you can have her keep an eye on me.”

Matthew glared at me, “Don’t you dare disrespect me, Alexander, this is my company and if you ever want to be in control of it you will do as I say.”

I laughed, sardonically, “I can’t believe you, I wonder what Mother would have to say about this.”

Matthew came closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, “Son, you are 26 years old almost 30, don’t you think it’s time to mature, stop fooling around and settle down?”

I stood up so my father’s hand was removed from my shoulder, “This is my life, Father, I will do with it what I so well please.”

“Not if you want this company you won’t.”

I turned around and glared at my father, “So that’s how this is going to be, unless I marry someone that you approve of then I can’t have a position that was rightfully mine since birth?”

My father strode up to me so that once again we were eye to eye, “Son, Griffin International needs a leader that will continue to lead the company into the future. When your grandfather started this company, he started it with the mindset of making the world a better place and helping those that needed it. If you continue to live your life the way that you are now, this company has no hope of succeeding.”

I got closer to my father and pointed my finger at his chest, “Mark my words, if I go through with your ridiculous plan then the woman that will become my future wife will be of my choice, not yours.”

With that I strode out of my father’s office, slamming the door behind me. As I made my way out of the building, I dialed Harry’s number, if I was soon to be engaged I might as well enjoy my last few nights of debauchery.

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