
Questions yet to be answered.

Divus was sleeping when a certain person was wandering about. Divus knew this person, although never talked to her because when he saw her, she was shivering in fright. Her name was Vania. Now that Divus was sleeping, it was time to get revenge. She had never really done it before, but she thought it was only fair right? Scaring the living death out of her she needed some revenge. So she had gotten her markers, and went outside the house to look for Divus with a large smile on her face waiting with anticipation.

She had finally found the person she had been looking for, sleeping near her house on grass and rocks. She did feel a little bad, but he was a big meanie sent by the devil in her mind, she held the black marker, and then started drawing, ever so lightly on the brow of his head, then to his cheeks, then making his eyes look droopy, and fifteen minutes he looks like an artist's nightmare unfolded. She then proudly looked at her work while having a quick snicker. She thought, 'hmm I have done quite a good job if I do say so myself.' She quickly ran back to her house right before the devil decided to wake.


Divus' mind was currently in disarray, his mom was everything to him. The thought of never seeing her again really made him want to cry. Alfalogia was the only person in his life. Literally, so it was no understatement that he was attached. He decided to get up and train for a few hours to see where he would get. His mom told him that his magic training was the best she had ever seen, so he always put off training, saying it was something he could do when he was older. Now that Alfalogia was gone, the struggle wasn't learning the techniques, but the creation of them, because he had no guidance. He then looked at his skills from his Stats Tab:



Wings of the Fairy Dragon (Attack)

Wings of the Fairy Dragon (Flight)

Breath of the Fairy Dragon

Sword of the Fairy Dragon

Sheild of the Fairy Dragon

Eyes of the Fairy Dragon (Stage 2)

(Magical Color, Truth Detector)

Fairy Cloak

Fairy Sphere (10 Person cast needed)

Fairy Law.


He tried to think of new ways to use this and evolve his skills. The first thing he looked at was one of the main skills he used in 1 versus 1 combat: Fairy Shield. The shield was very good at protecting him, but that was only him. If he wanted to complete the current task he had well, he needed to protect the old man well. So he thought 'How about I make it bigger? Seems simple enough' he took the fairy essence inside of him and shifted it in front of his hand like the normally cast version, but this time he imagined a wall, like a wall that a king protected his citizens with. A great big X was cast out, cutting through nearby trees, and then 'what next? An X won't protect much.' Then he put more magic into the barrier, making a large pane of magic, with an X touching each of corners. He looked like a valiant knight protecting absolutely nothing.

After 20 minutes of holding it up, he fell to the ground covered in sweat. He looked at his magic stat, 3.5>3.9. 'Wow, I didn't practice, heh.' He continued on to practice until his magic stat reached 4.3 and he could hold it for 40 minutes. He was dying inside and then collapsed. He caused so much commotion that the old man and the girl heard and went to take a look, and the emotion they saw on his face scared them. They knew that this was only defense, and didn't want to know what offense looked like. The old man and the black-haired girl slipped away before Divus noticed them. The girl felt slightly bad about graffiti on his face, which made her giggle the whole time with a seeming serious unaware of all the markers on his face. All the old man, Quintin, could do was nod his head, taking in on the prank as well.

The three continued onto the next day without qualms between each other at all. The next week was a timeframe that Divus was truly afraid of seeing Because in that timeframe he would get an answer to the question permanently on his mind.

All Perchilds and Woperchilds, I love all your gracious comments of satisfaction from this story. It really means a lot. I’m trying to make it so that my characters aren’t one dimensional and I’m trying that currently with Vania. So look out for her.

Ikwillyoucreators' thoughts
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