

Sitting in my room, completely horrified, after hearing the news. My mom was dead. I couldn't believe it, yesterday she was baking cookies for me. Today she's no longer here, i'd never see her again.

Turning on the news to distract myself while I go get a drink, I hear "A woman was found stabbed 16 times in the stomach, we are still unclear who this is, due to extreme disfigurement, but rest assured we have people on the case investigating who she is to give her family closure."

I blur out the rest of the talking, dozing off with a beer can in my hand. Just then, a loud knock booms at the front door.


"My dog is hurt! He got ran over by a car!" It's a man's voice. I talk through the door and say "Alright, i'll help, i'll let you in!" as I open the door, the girl scurries in with a small dog in her arms.

"I'll get my medical stuff, im a vet so I'm used to treating animal injuries"

I say as I put on gloves and take out a small first aid kit meant for animals.

As I walk back into the living room where the man and the dog are, I notice something, that voice...

Doesn't match the face of a woman's!

immediately I look at their face, its hard to tell, but they look like... stitches, stitches connecting a face onto someone's head!

As soon as I realize it, its too late, the man pulls out a small revolver and says calmly.

"Follow me."

I do as I am told, he walks over to a red car, the license plate is torn off, the man points to the trunk

I climb into it and he ties my hands before slaming the trunk down


After who knows how long, the car finally stops, the trunk opens and I'm dragged out and onto the floor

"Get up"

Just then I notice how close he is to me after he dragged me out, I could try to take the gun!

I wait for him to get closer as he to pick me up off the ground, once I'm no longer on the ground, I immediately spring to action, running into him with my shoulder.

Unfortunately, the man is quick to get back onto his feet and before I know it, the gun is trained onto my chest.

I immediately freeze, not knowing what to do now that the gun is being aimed at me

"Tch, I knew it, it was too easy" were the last things I heard before he slammed the revolver on my face, and fell backwards, knocked out cold.



Ugh, what happened?

A flood of memories come back to me, I was in my room, I got kidnapped and I was brought here. A wooden mask is stuck to my face.

The room is illuminated by the faint red light coming from the bulb above me, I am tied to a rusty pipe with a chain, looking around me there are various tools and a workbench, however its across the room. I spot bolt cutters on top of one of the many counters.

I can't reach the bolt cutters with my hands so I turn around and try to kick the bolt cutters down. They land with a clang as they fall down onto the floor. I slide my foot over it and take it into my hands, I then cut the chain on my arm, taking the cutters with me.

I don't know where I am, but I have to get out of here, who knows what that psycho will do to me!

Going to the door, the handle is ripped off and something is blocking the way, I push through and find out what was blocking the doorway

A body, a faceless body.

I try my best not to throw up, and push on. Looking around me, there is a meat hook, being used by a corpse.

I get an idea, I get the bolt cutters out and cut the peice connecting the hook to the very short roof having the hook drop to the ground with its current occupant

"Sorry dead guy, ill just have to pull this hook out real quick..."

Pulling it out I now have a weapon, although crude, I can defend myself now. Maybe I can get payback for this dead guy.

I look up and see a hatch, slowly opening it with hook in hand ready for a swing. Lowering my weapon I see a large abandoned warehouse. Behind me is the hatch I crawled out of, the person who kidnapped me dug a huge tunnel.

I begin to hear a whirring sound, as it gets closer I realize, it was a police siren. Stumbling out the front door I scream


The cops were already driving toward me before I'd screamed, which was odd considering this was along a dirt path.

They pull over a good distance from me, and scream


I put my hands up, confused, another officer tackles me to the ground and handcuffs me.

What did I ever do?