
Eye of Shadow

A world for a stage and people for puppets, seldom do they free themselves from their forced destiny's. A journey of a 150 tears and 150 false redemptions. The truth once assumed concealed is the passing joy of another, or the mocking call of the many. They are followed by the world of old viewing upon them eternal judgement, and total alienation from their past inner and outer being.

wizard_zez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
179 Chs


Vera eyes were bloodshot, as she stared at the room full of skeletons. She was controlling over a hundred of them, they weren't complete skeletons though. They looked like a skull floating in the air, with a black shadow based body below it. Not all were skulls some were fingers, some were femurs floating they filled nearly the whole necromancy room.

"Good job, you mastered the skeleton spell. You can build a undead now just off a piece of undead, instead of needing an entire body."

Mereth was shocked at her quick growth, she knew Vera had more dark energy then most now. But her pure raw dedication to improving was not normal at all, even for someone who got their brain 'fixed' with a berserker potion. She spent everyday, every moment to learning necromancy.

"An urgent meeting has been called. I must go, you wait here."

Mereth left in a hurry after Quela whispered to her, she had a look of panic on her face. Vera didn't care at all, she just wanted to perfect this spell. She could take each bone from a person and build an entire skeleton army off just one dead body, it wasn't enough to her. She wanted more, more power than this.

After several hours Mereth came back, her face was paler and she looked spooked.

"The prince of slaughter has destroyed all the cults in his way, and will soon arrive here in a less than a month. Vera, you must leave."

"No! I will fight in this war!"

She wanted the bloodshed, the hatred, the malice in her was not going away. Instead it pushed her even further. Mereth wasn't able to reason with her anymore, she was just a maniac that listened to herself now.

"This is an order! You will go back to the retreat point, and stay there in two weeks time!"

"I don't care about orders, I will go to the frontline!"

The two constantly butted heads now, Mereth was looking forward to her breaking now. She was sick of this talk, it was pointless to argue with someone soon to be mentally broken. Even if the prince of slaughter didn't come Vera was being sent to her destruction by Mereth, she was going to solve her once and for all.

"Are you really going to do that to her?"

"You try to reason with her, she deserves it."

The two were outside the necromancy room chatting, it was hard for Quela to know what was coming to her fellow apprentice, but she still did as Mereth said. The two switched topic to the war, it was totally different to the past conflicts already.

"Ilnor the archbishop, also known as the prince of slaughter has gained the full support from the Zotts family. They gave him weapons called guns, cannons, and a system of rails for free. He went from being a monster that was terrifying to a unstoppable monster that destroyed everyone in his way."

"He slaughtered every single heretical cult in the holy land, and now before we could react he launched an assault on us. He didn't kill all the cults, just the major threat ones."

The two were worried, Ilnor was known to be cruel and a slaughter to all who opposed the church. It was different to others who spared them or captured them, he was a true fanatic.

Chapter Traditions

"I think we should consider surrender, he won't break tradition on us."

"That life is miserable."

Succubus would always surrender in war, even with the church. They would be forced to become nun's and swear loyalty for life, but they were able to live very long life's that way. Some willing joined so they could pursue scholarly crafts, but who wanted to live a life where you must serve for near eternity?

"They still let us feed but it's very limited, it's also only with people they want us to."

"Sounds rough."

They wanted to jump from one man to the next as their native instinct, being made into a housepet was not for them. They knew of some that did so, but to them it was not for them. Vampires would get sealed away forever, heretic magic users would get slaughtered and any other demon race was killed no questions asked.

Succubus never had encountered a war they couldn't surrender, even if a queen sat on the throne and ordered their deaths. The knights, nobles, and rich merchants would hide them for their own pleasure, it always kept them alive. They never stopped supporting patriarchal systems, because only a matriarchy would kill them they knew from experience.

"The Monroe family will hold the mountains, but this fortress might be lost."

"Only time will tell."

"Thankfully the church won the war, the other deviations wanted to change the traditions. If they did, the nun system would have been abolished and all of those succubus would be slaughtered."

"He did enforce that law, so we should be safe. But he has a rumor of killing all the female war prisoners out of spite."

"He is a odd fellow, we should be careful."

Only succubus filled the ranks of nun's, they were influential and held official power but the power was real. The deviations wanted to end the nun system simply because it was a corrupt measure made by a past pope, it allowed them to protect demons just because they were enjoyable ones.

"During the church's civil war the people broke into many churches butchering them, some were several century years old members of the church."

"It was a tragedy."

It was direct complaint many commoners had, they wanted the demons dead and gone. But the church was sheltering them, nothing less pointed to the fact they were corrupted by the demons. So they broke in butchering them, it was chaos between fanatic followers and reformers.