
Chapter 39

these days, many people in Ice City have discovered a strange phenomenon, a layout of the Longjiang Daily, now only a few words every day.

Today, I said that in the hot summer days, the breeze came, and yesterday I said that the sun was empty, and the gift was sent, the day before yesterday...

But every time at the bottom of the layout, there is an ad word: wind and rain fan, your summer partner!

For five days in a row, every time you read the newspaper, you will see this unique layout, and this layout will quickly become the talk of everyone after a meal, even surpassing the news that the legal newspaper has cracked a murder case. This kind of news was before. The focus of everyone's talk.

Feng Yu knew that his advertisement was successful when he heard people talking about the wind and rain fan on the street. Now ask the electric fan, these people will instinctively think of the storm card!

On the fifth day, 20,000 electric fans have been overworked by the motor factory. Eighty percent of the payment has been paid, but Feng Yu did not take all the goods away, only took two thousand. station.

The people in the motor factory also feel strange, even if they are 80%, they are also making money. This Feng boss paid the money, but did not take things away. Isn't that want to return?

Director Li and Director Zhao also discussed it. If Feng Yu wants to return the goods, he can't promise. And also specifically informed Feng Yu, the end of the month must be cleared before the end of the month, otherwise their factory will be all the goods deducted!

These defective products can not be sold, can also be issued to employees, to pay wages, anyway, the money has been earned back!

Feng Yu simply ignored the notice from the motor factory. He had no place in the warehouse. After shipping to the malls and supply and marketing agencies, there were still 600 piles left in the warehouse. If 20,000 units are proposed, his warehouse must be expanded by at least ten times. There is a free warehouse in the motor factory, no need to use it!

On the sixth day, a real advertisement appeared in the newspaper. A picture, a picture of a desk fan, and written in red characters: a wind and rain table fan, a shocking price of 59 yuan!

In the evening, Feng Yu was in the warehouse and gave the company a meeting.

"How are you counting today? Which mall is selling well, which one is not selling well? Is there any mall that deliberately does not put our electric fan out, has there been any price adjustment?"

This type of agency sales, the most fear is that agents engage in ghosts. Either deliberately say that the product is not easy to sell, let you give a bigger discount; either look at your product is too good to sell, increase the price; or use your product as a foil to promote the same type of products with higher profits.

Feng Yu wrote these terms clearly on the contract. Once the contract was breached, not only did the good agency fee not be given a dime, the deposit was not refunded, and the other party had to compensate him at least 10,000 yuan.

Feng Yuben thought that they would say that someone had breached the contract, or all of them had breached the contract. In this year, public units, one is more than one horizontal, and there is a blind sense of superiority. Which private enterprise dares to sue public institutions?

But things are not quite the same as Feng Yu thinks, no one defaults, but the electric fan simply can't sell!

"Feng, the supply and marketing cooperatives sold three units today. I clearly see that the supply and marketing cooperatives are working hard to sell them, but no one buys them!"

"The same is the first department store. It is placed in a prominent position on the electrical counter. There are not many people who can buy it. Today, only five are sold."

"You are still pretty good, and the power department store is one."

"You are still open, and Taiping Department Store has not sold it!"

"Feng, these electric fans, is it in your hands?"


Everyone said with a slap in the face, Feng Yu listened carefully and nodded. They all seriously investigated, and none of them were lazy.

"Feng, this electric fan can't be sold at all, what should we do?"

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Wait, after three days, you will see the result! You will be like this tomorrow..."

On the seventh day, the last day of the daily newspaper advertisement, this time is the 49 fan, and it is equipped with two pictures, one is the appearance of the electric fan on the table, one is a truck, the picture from the motor factory .

In the afternoon, Su's manager of the supply and marketing cooperatives frowned. The electric fan was not as good as he thought. The price was more than half cheaper, but there was no visibility. Feng Yu is not saying that he is advertising? Just two pictures in the newspaper, a few words, this is also called advertising?

"Hello, what do you want to buy?"

"Is there a wind and rain fan?"

"Yes, there are two styles, each style has a variety of colors, which one do you want?" The salesman said sloppily.

"On this newspaper, is it really 49 yuan?"

The sales clerk looked at the newspaper and pulled out an electric fan of the same color and style from the counter. "Yes, 49 yuan."

"Well, I want one, no, two, and I will buy one for my old man."

"Okay, what color do you want?" The sales clerk is happy, Su said, this electric fan sells one, and gives her a commission of one dollar!

"Well, hurry, find money!" Ten big unity shot on the counter, the salesman Ma Li collected money to find money, handed two electric fan boxes to the guests.

"No, how is the box so small? The fans can't put it down!" The guest looked suspiciously at the salesperson, and the look was as if the salesperson was cheating him.

"Look, this leaf is separate. After you go home, open it yourself and tighten the screw. This kind of work will be done by children."

"Oh, it's quite interesting, just take it back and give my son a toy."

Manager Su saw that one person bought two at once, and his face finally showed a little smile. But he is very curious, how did this person buy two?

What did he think of, and quickly flipped through today's Longjiang Daily, a photo taken from the motor factory. It turns out that everyone knows that it is the product of the motor factory, and the quality is assured.

Manager Su does not know, the reason is not limited to this.

Feng Yu let the company's people, today, go to crowded places to spread the news. Let everyone believe that this wind and rain fan is produced by the motor factory.

What happened to the plastic? The plastic is as strong! And it's just a hair dryer. Plastic is no smaller than the wind of iron. Besides, how much does the electric fan cost? How much is this one? I bought a piece of money in the past, and now I buy a few!

And there is also a benefit, this plastic, it is not rust! If the color is good, you can wipe it clean with a rag. Also, this little thing, when it is not used in winter, it is convenient to put it away, unlike the big one, it is the boss.

Another advantage is that it is safe, the fingers are sticking in, and it just hurts, there is no injury!

The newspaper has been on the shelves for a week. Can this thing be inferior goods? Besides, can the motor factory produce inferior goods? You listen, the old Wu family's kid, bought a piece for Lao Wu, Lao Wu showed off with us for more than an hour yesterday, this time at home is enjoying it!

After such an agitation, some people were tempted, and went to the mall or the supply and marketing agency to ask, this electric fan, really so cheap? After seeing the samples, some people bought it on the spot, and some people went home to consider it, and decided to buy it tomorrow.

In the afternoon of the same day, the city's major shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives sold more than 100 electric fans, and only three were other brands, and the rest were all wind and rain!

No way, I read the newspaper for a week. Everyone said the electric fan. I don't know why. The first reaction was the wind and rain card. I didn't want to buy the wind and rain card. I changed my mind temporarily.

Wind and rain electric fan, fire!