
Extra of My Own Novel

A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link. https://www.webnovel.com/book/extra-of-my-own-novel_22343756505850705 _____________________________________ Lucas, a small-time newbie writer, who may or may not have stolen a few key elements from different popular novels in hopes of earning some pocket money. But, it leads to him writing an absolute piece so sh*t that even the website he wrote it in deletes his account. However, opening his eyes, he finds himself in that same novel, and now reality comes to haunt him as his absolute garbage writing becomes his everyday life. Lucas thought he could easily reach his pinnacle with the various cheat items that he knows by being the author of the novel. *Ahem*(spoilers ahead) Plot twist It turns out he is a Demon, a noble at that but the family he belongs to is seen as an eyesore by other noble families. Now, the pressure is on him as he has to grow strong in this sh*t show of a world and also hide his demon identity because if the truth is known not only humans, the whole world will turn against him.

Shridal · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

8: A girl is staring at me in class!


Realizing that I would have to deal with these characters, I sighed out of annoyance.


After some twists and turns and some walking, I finally reached the 32-A class. I stared at the sign, which said 32-A, for a bit and walked in without standing there like a fool. Who are you kidding? I had read too many web novels in my past life. I knew what kind of fate awaited me if I stood there in front of the door. Either one of the future harem members of the MC will scold me for standing there, or any bully will notice me. I would get bullied day after day. During the bullying, I would undoubtedly get mad and fight back, during which I would inadvertently release all of my strength. That would make me a target of the Bully's whole 16 generations. If that wasn't enough, The Administration will get suspicious of me and call me to reexamine. Its results would again make me famous and target around 6 different races, including the Chaos Humans themselves. To top it off, I have no cheats like the MC, which can help me fight against foes who are a few levels above me. So, If any Tom, Duke, or Harry is stronger than me by a fair bit, I won't even be able to escape with 'Vitality Burning.' This reminds me that I haven't learned even that essential skill yet!

All in all, standing in the hallway like an idiot is a sure path to death. So no thanks!

After entering the room, I looked around for a bit to find my seat. Luckily, My seat wasn't at the back of the class where the Bully's sat. Neither was it at the front of the class where the MC and the gang sat. It was just in the middle of the class next to the window on the left side.

'Ah! The protagonist's seat!'

I mused to myself as I sat down. Just when I had sat down, A group consisting of three men and five girls entered the class. All of them were very handsome and beautiful. Everyone in the class stared at them in one way or another. Some looked at them with jealousy. Some looked at them with admiration, while others pretended not to be interested even one bit.

What about me? I looked at them as though I was looking at my painting, filled with pride and a sincere smile on my face with a hint of jealousy. I was pretty satisfied, seeing people I had described with words becoming living, breathing people. A peculiar feeling welled up inside of me when I saw them. Significantly, when I saw the tall, handsome, and kind-looking hunk between the two other boys with a foolish smile on his face. Looking at the hunk, who was around 175cm tall, had dark brown hair, milk-like smooth skin, and blue eyes, I thought.

'Is this how seeing your son become a good man feel like?'

Honestly, I didn't know since I was an orphan and didn't get married after turning into an adult. Probably what I'm feeling right now is something similar. Whatever this feeling was, it didn't feel bad.

Still smiling faintly, I looked down towards the holographic tablet I had just taken out from the drawer underneath. Just when I was opening the holographic tablet, I heard a half angry, half-mocking voice enter my ear.

"Oh! It seems that Mr Ross isn't absent today like the previous 'four' days."

The voice made a chill shoot throughout my spine. Looking up, I saw a middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes staring daggers at me through those square glasses.

"It seems that Mr Ross. Doesn't actually live under a rock since my messages do seem to have some effect after all."

Feeling my fight or flight instinct tingling, goosebumps appeared all throughout my body with his words.

"Ah, that... Watch"

I hurriedly tried to come up with an excuse. Maybe my calm mind had an effect since I instantly had a reason prepared.

"Yes, the batteries in my watch had died!"

Hearing my answer, everyone in the class started laughing. Even Seo-Jun, a girl I had designed to be an Ice queen, Laughed. While the professor, who I suspected was Mr. Han, just stared at me more fiercely. I was dumbfounded for a moment, but I soon realized why.

'Damn! I'm an Idiot! How did I not remember the fact that batteries were no longer a thing? Instead, every device has a mana crystal in it, which can last up to 6 years without a recharge.'

'Damn my mind, which still thinks I'm still in the 21st century!'

I blushed a bit since I felt really awkward.

"I guess I'll take my words back. It seems that Mr. Ross does live under a rock after all."

I blushed even harder after that comment. Just when I felt like trying to transform myself into thin air, A snarling remark came from the teacher, silencing the room.

"Come to my office after you have attended all the lectures for today! Are we Understood, Mr... Ross."


I replied in an attentive voice. The teacher, Mr. Han, let out a breath, turned around, and started teaching while taping on the holographic screen behind him.

The class was very interesting as the teacher talked about holographic technology and how it worked. He showed various parts of a holographic device similar to the tablets which we were currently using.

Being interesting didn't mean that I understood even a bit about what he was talking about. Like, what the hell was a 'Quantum Gate' and what's up with you showing various atomic structures of elements with waves and all. Wasn't this supposed to be a class about holograms? Why did you turn it into a chemistry class?

'I guess I will have to start reading all over again from the very beginning of elementary school. Damn! What a pain in the a*s!'

Since I couldn't understand even a bit due to lacking the fundamentals, I didn't even try. Instead, looking towards the MC from the corner of my eye, various things about the Novel 'From Zero to Hero' started popping into my mind.


The name of my MC was Issei Monroe, a very 'Original' name mind you. So anyway, like any other cliche protagonist out there, Issei didn't pass his awakening test at the age of 15.

Broken-hearted and ridiculed by his friends, Issei ran away from the Awakeners Association. Like any other protagonist out there, he fell into depression and despair. His parents, who I had made out to be the most caring parents in the world I could imagine since I lacked one myself, tried to cheer him up in any way possible.

Still hungover by his failure in not being able to awaken, this damn brat ran away from home in the middle of the night.

After running away from home, this idiot didn't go to another planet through the teleportation station. Instead, This idiot escaped to the city's outskirts, into the wilderness.

While roaming in the wilderness, this guy accidentally fell into a trap entrance of a dungeon. After which, it is again the same cliche. He almost dies in the dungeon and ends up with an absolute cheat-like system. Which, in actuality, is an upgraded prototype of the system that everyone else in this world possesses.

After which, this guy exits the dungeon, spending about a whole year in the dungeon but finds that it hasn't even been morning outside the dungeon. He returns home and slips inside the house the same way he exited.

Fast forward a year later,

Issei is now at around E+ level and is praised as a genius among Chaos Humans. Issei is currently at the peak of his life. Everyone around him praises him as a genius and has enrolled into the prestigious 'St. Doofinsmerts Academy'. He is also neighbors with various school beauties and has made two loyal friends, Choi Han and Van Elderbllood, and a rival, Jhon D. Lenon.

In short, This damn brat is living the perfect high school life.



I sighed, thinking up to this point. However, the sigh wasn't directed towards the MC Issei; Instead, it was towards the predicament I currently was in.

You see, Ever since I had entered the class, I could feel a certain girl's stare. At first, I thought she was just confused as to who I was since I hadn't come to the class for the last 4 days and also had become a bit more handsome than my predecessor. So maybe, I had caught her eye. That's what I thought at first, but it's already been over an hour, yet she is still staring at me.

The girl in question was petite, around 140 cm, had milky white skin, which looked a bit pale and had green eyes. It looked like she had partial albinism since a part of her brown hair was white towards the front.

Honestly speaking, I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited by the situation. More so because this girl was totally in my strike zone.


I sighed again because I knew everyone in this school except for the protagonist and his gang would die in the upcoming 6 years through one way or another.

'If I start dating her and that repeats again... I would genuinely fall into unending despair.'

My old girlfriend, whose name and face I had forgotten at this point, was the perfect girl. She was kind, caring, and decisive in her actions. That kindness led us to be separated 6 years into our relationship with her death in a car accident.

The incident had left me broken inside, so much so that I never had a girlfriend after her. Every time I thought of giving in to my desire and making a new girlfriend, the image of her covered in a pool of blood came to my mind. Even after I had turned 30, the memories of her still haunted me. Though the pain had almost disappeared after I transmigrated to my own Novel.

I am still hesitant. No, I am still scared. Scared to give my heart to a girl. Moreover, to a girl I knew would die in the future.

Thus, I steeled my heart. If she was going to approach me in any way, I would firmly reject it.

'It would be the best for both of us.'


After the class ended, I immediately exited the classroom. I wanted to return to my room and start practicing the sword, but I knew there was another place I needed to visit before that.

'I guess this is the room, huh!'

Sanding in front of a door in the hallway of the teacher's building, I thought to myself.

*Knock! Knock!*

I lightly knocked on the door and water for a moment.

"Come in."

Came the voice of Mr. Han, after which I opened the door and entered the room.

Entering the room, I felt an intense atmosphere enveloping me. The intense atmosphere, coupled with Mr. Han staring daggers at me, I felt like prostrating right then and there. However, the next moment, I truly felt my knees buckling, which I somehow stopped with sheer willpower.

"Is there something you should be saying about the current situation, Mr. Lucas Ross?"

Came a dark voice of Mr. Han, which had a slightly threatening undertone.

A/N: Please drop some power stones and comment if you like the novel so far.


A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link.
