
Ex-Cell: World's Collide

Waking up alone and surrounded by rotting corpses, Kei finds himself embroidered in a war between the holy countries of Valydria and Esmoge. He fights in order to escape from this hellish battlefield and start his life a new, but fate has other ideas... With no memory of his past. He's forced to pickup a weapon at a young age and fight for his freedom. Kei's journey to escape this hellish battlefield is full of challenges. After much hardships and bloodshed, he finally escapes to the peaceful world outside. He trades his sword for love, only to find that the world outside the battlefield isn't as peaceful as it seems. As the secrets of his past is slowly unraveled, Kei had no choice but to once again take hold of his weapon and walk further and further down the abyss.

DelinquentPrince · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

A Mother's Failure

Star Calendar 3147

At the hidden laboratory of Valydria, a group of armed soldiers were lined up in inside an aircraft hanger. All of them facing towards the large metallic doors. Meanwhile, in front of the metal hangar doors, a middle aged women sitting on the cold floor with a young boy weakly laying within her arms, his breathing in hard and labored breaths with his hands clasped onto the chains that bind him. Three other people circle around them, two feet away, not daring to come too near or too far. Each one covered from head to toe by thick black clothes and armed with a weapons.

"Haa, -elp uhg, haa, N-No more", a whisper as quite as a mosquito came from the boy's dry chapped lips.

The woman wrapped her hands tighter around the boy. She had not expected these people to be so cruel after only working there for two months. She found it ironic, how a neurologist like her, who studied in the medical field for years in order to help others, would one day end up in a place like this.

"Shhh, don't cry anymore" She gently coaxed the child in her arms, her voice brimming with pity and regret. She had a son of the same age as this child, he was a sweet child that was diagnosed with Neonatal seizure and Limitation syndrome. Her husband was from a prominent family and couldn't accept having such a child, devorcing completely. But that child was the light of her life, the reason that pushed her to continue her studies and research on nuerology. When her son died, she vowed to continue her research and find a cure, so that no mother would have to experience the agony she had gone through. Yet, here she was, in a shady underground laboratory that commits human experiments on innocent children. She truly was a failure and disgraced of everything she has lived by.

With red-rimmed eyes and a trembling voice, she said, "Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you anymore." She firmly held the boy in her arms, and said, "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay". Whether she was encouraging the boy or her self is unknown.

"Stop spouting nonsense and hand the icarus project over" One of the armed men ordered and pointed the weapon at her. His voice seeming lifeless and robotic.

The woman looked at the man anxiously but dared not let go of the child. After along while , the man took a step forward and further pressuring the woman, saying "Hand over the Icarus project and we can still let you go easy."

"Let go? And then what? You would kill me and continue in killing more?!"

She shouted back angrily with the boy pressed tightly to her chest, the pain in her heart overflowing. "I may be weak, but I will not sit still and watch you continue this monstrosity."

At her words, she stood up while supporting the boy and reach out her hand for the lever that opens the metallic doors behind her. She then pulled out a gun from behind her, a flash of madness and desperation in her eyes. "Stop. Hold your fire. Don't damage the Icarus project!" The soldiers that were watching her, raised there weapons to shoot, but was stopped by one of the men in front. The Icarus project was the main component of their years of research, without it, not only will they loose alot of precious data, but it will also completely shut down their progress. The orders they were given was to safely retrieve the Icarus project at all cost.

Sure enough, it was too risky for any of them to act. "Dr. O'Reillious, there's no need to act so rashly, your expertise in the field of neurology has played a major role in making this project possible. I'm sure the management will be lenient on you, even willing to grant some of your wishes." The man said, portraying a kind and amicable appearance.

Disregarding the man's words, the woman carefully made her way to one of the air shuttles nearby. This shuttle was much smaller than other aircrafts, it was specifically made for emergency situations and is well known for its speed, but due to the small size only one person can enter.

Placing the boy inside the shuttle, the tears in her eyes could no longer be held back. She could do nothing but sob as she frantically set the shuttle to autopilot.

At this time, she knows full well that she will surely die once this shuttle takes off. What that man said was true, without knowing, she has aided this group cold blooded murderers in pursuing a grand dream of power, in exchange for the lives of thousands of innocent people. She raised her hand to carress the boy's soft black hair, looking into his small pale face, remembering the short two months she spent with this young patient of hers.

This boy who looked at her with a pair of bright jade eyes and asked her, "Are you my mother?", on the first time they met. This boy, that made her once again experience the bittersweet joy of having a child. Even if it was fleetingly, it made her happy.

Her heartaches at the thought that becaused of her, that very same boy, was made to go through those treacherous experiments. "I'm sorry, Mother has failed you." , she whispered as she pressed her lips to his forhead.

She looked the gun in her hand with a deep firm gaze and then at the group of men aiming their weapons at her. She can no longer fail anymore than this, even if its just one last time, let her do the right thing. Filled with her final determination, she slamed the shuttle door shut, she raised her gun to fire at the group of men, pushing her other hand to reach for the ejection console a feet away from the shuttle.

'Bang! Bang!, Several shots were fired back as the group of men rushed in to stop her. She was hit twice in the stomach, but she pushed herself and slapped her hand on the console before falling heavily on the floor. the last thing she heard was the sound of the shuttle ejecting from aircraft hangar, as she lost consciousness with a smile on her face.