
Evolving Village

A vllage within a cultivation world, near the demonic creatures' frontier.

Erakel_Spargo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs


In a sphere of flesh was a 12-year-old teenager. He was the one managing the system, giving quests and rewards.

[Are you sure?] Louis's voice rang out.

''hmm'' The teenager nodded his head ''he still has to survive for the future to matter''

[The situation doesn't seem to require it]

''haha'' he gave a fake laugh ''are you really the one telling me that? Wasn't it you who showed me the past?''

[There are other ways]

''Probably. But you don't understand him enough''

[And what does it think? it doesn't seem to like it very much] at these words, the flesh sphere stirred a little, as if it had been called.

''I can still explain it to HIM.''

''And... I can always give Alain this technique in the future if he doesn't understand it, that is''

'' but enough of this, let me ask you. Do you still want to support him? You should be the first to know that the evolving village isn't a one-man-centered system.''


Without a word, he disappeared.

'Will I ever need to fight them?'

The teenager looked again at all these techniques who were beside him. Then he let out a sigh. Without soul or a body of his own, how could he train them? These techniques weren't more than words to him. And his understanding only allowed him to progress a little.

Obviously, the system wouldn't allow him everything. At best, he would get a little more than needed.

'But that's still enough.'

His eyes lit up briefly as the sphere was shaken. A few moments later, the sphere grew by less than a millimeter, leaving him exhausted.

'No one shall ever take what's mine'

Then, he returned to the darkness, watching what he believed should be his.


[Weekly Quest Completed! Reward: Self-healing-technique (low grade)]

[Self-healing-technique (low grade): Allows you to manipulate your body to heal it from within]

Once the building was built, Alain collected his reward.

Of course, it was hard to imagine a group of six finishing a house in two days - even if they had already collected all the materials. The fact is, these houses were different from those of the Middle Ages, both in their materials and construction methods. And this was all caused by cultivation. As one became able to increase his strength and possess energy, all aspects of life became easier, which explained the low value of money.

To take the newly constructed building as an example, the group didn't have to help themselves with leverage gears to transport wood, nor do they have to take as much time to precisely cut both wood and stone.

Energy could even weld the building together.

Without being in the creation of energy period, one could still modify its essence, that's basically how one created pure energy from impure energy. Thus, following the same principle, one could modify impure energy to make it stable, or at least a bit more stable - without it being tainted by its own energy.

In theory, this stabler energy could even be used in combat, but the degree of concentration required was far too great, as was the time required to create it. Also, the area in which the change was to take place had to remain the same.

Thus, other than the owners of the holy energy, that is, priests and paladins, no one could use it in combat.


After notifying his group, Alain sat cross-legged on his bed, eager to test this technique. At first, he hadn't planned to use the technique given to him by the system directly, judging that his energy center would still be too weak.

However, a quick reading let him realized its simplicity, as well as its advantages.

The main point being, no energy was needed. This was purely a body-centered technique, the technique being nothing more than a series of indications to inform his body. Then Alain would just need to direct it.

But as this technique didn't require any energy, it was incredibly weak, healing one over an extended period of time. Moreover, the amount of food he had to ingest will have to be greatly increased. Last but not least, being low-grade, this technique didn't allow him to bring back the dead nor does it allow him to create anything new. Thus, his arm wouldn't heal.


Still, in a cross-legged position, Alain opened his eyes before frowning.

'Why isn't it working?'

He did follow the instructions...

'Could it be defective ?'

Alain shook his head slightly refusing this thought, then closed his eyes. He believed in the veracity of the technique as the system has given it to him.

Time flew by as Alain tried his best to learn the technique.

But despite the hours that passed, he didn't get any results.


''I gave him a chance'' The teenager spoke to the system


Then, he wrote a message.


[Self-healing technique (low grade) detected! Would you like to activate it?]

Alain nodded.

Suddenly, his body warmed up as he urged to lie down. Then, time passed without him being able to do anything.

Well, he could actually, as he still has control over his body, however, his body seemed to tell him not to move, also causing a small anesthetic effect on his arms and legs. So he lay there all afternoon, closing his eyes and resting. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, and the heat warmed nicely his body.

After a while, he fell asleep.