

Kane was a young prince in the Brunhilde empire. When his father's trusted general usurped the throne, he was sacrificed to the dao of space to buy time for his father and elder brother's escape. The earth had gained sentience and became self-sufficient. it now roams the universe in search of other planets to devour. With Kane's unique mutation, he converts all his suffering and pain into power. On a planet constantly evolving Kane embarks on a quest to amass strength and settle scores. Even gods will not be able to save themselves from his wrath. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first book so please be patient with me and always comment if there is anything that is not really clear. the story is going to be a little bit slow but it gets better, I promise. *The image does not belong to me and is only used for illustration*

Flashmaru · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
219 Chs

Finally a citizen

The next day the master and disciple duo made preparations to acquire a citizen identity card for Kane. They had to visit the black market since Kane was not born in Edan city nor did he get into the city from the gates and they did not want to answer some sensitive questions.

The duo had to drive to the business district as this was where the black market was also located.

After spending two days in the city, Kane was already aware of how large it was. The three locations he had been to, the slums, business district, and the residential area were specially made for mortals. They had yet to visit the part of the city which was reserved for cultivators and was separated from the mortal part of the city by a very big wall.

They arrived at a building that had a neon signboard that read 'Honest Tim's Antique Store'. They went in and were greeted by the sight of large wooden shelves neatly arranged around the room.

Each shelf contained peculiar antiques that were quite eye-catching. Some people were casually browsing through the collection of antiques. There was a slightly obese man behind a counter at the furthest end who seemed to have a permanent smile plastered on his face.

Abel approached the man with a similar smile on his face. "Good morning sir, welcome to the honest Tim antique store. What can I help you with?" asked the man as he saw the pair approaching.

"We would like to place a big order on computer parts so I would like to see your manager" Abel's reply confused Kane as this was an antique store that had nothing to do with computer parts.

"How soon would you like the parts to be delivered?" asked the man as if he found nothing wrong with Abel's request in the first place.

"Immediately" replied Able. "Ok. That would be 2000 dirham please" replied the man as he brought out a brown colored card which he promptly signed on.

"Here you go," said Abel as he took out the money seemingly from nowhere and handed it to the man before collecting the card. "You can head to the leaking tankard. Do have a nice day" said the man when he saw them turning around to leave.

The leaking tankard was a bar located in the business district and it wasn't too long before they arrived. It was still early so there were not too many customers in the bar.

"Good day sir, I'm afraid minors aren't allowed here." They were still at the entrance of the bar when they heard the voice. It came from the bartender who was currently cleaning cups behind the bar.

Kane and Abel moved closer to the bar as Abel produced the brown card. "We are here to pick up our large order of computer parts," said Abel while handing over the card.

The bartender took the card and checked the authenticity before pressing a button located under his bar. A door gently slid open by the side revealing a flight of stairs leading downwards.

The bartender handed the card back to Abel before saying "head down the stairs. It's the first room on the left. "Many thanks" replied Abel as he took the card and followed the bartender's directions.

They soon arrived in front of the door as directed. Able knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Come in," said a voice coming from within the room prompting them to enter.

The room was large, dimly lit, and was surprisingly well-ventilated and cold. Computers of various sizes could be found all over the place with their monitors displaying information that only scientists could barely understand not to talk of average people like Kane and his master.

There was a man in an unzipped down jacket sitting in a swivel chair and sliding between the different monitors. He had disheveled long hair as if he was struck by lightning and was currently eating a bowl of popcorn.

"Hello, Walter. You don't seem to ever change. Not even your clothes" said Abel with a grin on his face. "I do change my clothes, just that I have many pairs of this one. What can I do for you?" replied Walter as he made a 360-degree turn on his swivel chair.

"This is my student, Kane. I want an identity card for him" said Abel while pointing at Kane.

"Hello, good morning sir," said as he cupped his fists respectively.

"Okay, that will be two thousand low-grade mana crystals and we are good to go," said, Walter.

Abel winced but he eventually had to pay up. He knew bargaining was out of the question. We waved his hand and a pile of blue fist-sized crystals that were faintly glowing appeared on the floor in front of them.

Kane was not surprised after seeing what happened. He was not a country bumpkin after all. Cultivators who were in at least the evolved realm could make use of storage rings that store things that we are not sentient.

The crystals on the floor are called mana crystals. Mana crystals a divided into three grades Namely low-grade mana crystals, medium-grade mana crystals, and high-grade mana crystals.

Mana crystals were the currency used by cultivators as a means of exchange and because of their neutral elemental attribute, they can also be used as an energy source for cultivation.

Walter slid to the pile of mana crystals on the floor. After seemingly looking at the crystals for a while, nodded and waved his hand. The pile of mana crystals disappeared.

"Let's begin. Look at me" said Walter as he slid in front of Kane. Kane noticed a momentary glint in Walter's eyes and the entire monitors in the room displayed his face.

Kane was shocked and was jolted back to reality when he heard Walter asking for his name. "Kane Smith" Able was the one who answered on his behalf.

"Kane Smith" muttered Walter as he slid towards the monitor at the center of the cluster of computers. "I need your fingerprints" Walter slid back towards Kane with a fingerprint capturing device.

After collecting Kane's fingerprints, he slid back to the monitor in the center. Within a few breaths, a 3d printer by the side whirled to life as it began printing.

Moments later Walter handed a digital identity card over to Kane. "I've added your information into the Dyssiodian empire's database. Your looks and age will automatically update as you grow older so there is no need to bother about renewal. Anything else?" said Walter as he resumed eating his popcorn. Kane quickly noticed some circuit lines on Walter's wrist which were hidden by the cuffs of the down jacket.

"No that will be all. Thank you very much" said Abel as they turned to leave. Kane also thanked Walter which he responded to with a nod before they left the room.

They returned to the bar and Abel nodded toward the bartender before they left the building.

"Is he a robot?" asked Kane. He was totally confused. He saw the circuit lines on Walter's wrist and knew it even extended far into his body and the glint in Walter's eyes was very peculiar. He just didn't understand how a robot could eat popcorn.

Abel chuckled a bit before responding with a smile "he's not a robot. He's a human in the warrior realm and he is studying the dao of mechanization. Those computers are connected with his mind and his mind is connected to the internet which connects the entire Dyssiodian empire. That's why he can make identity cards"

"Wow" Kane was amazed and was thoroughly impressed by the power of the dao. Noticing his student's feelings he hurriedly said "your master is also very impressive. As a matter of fact, something very huge is about to happen".

Almost as if something was waiting for Abel to finish talking, there was indeed a huge commotion right after he finished speaking.

Fanfare that everyone could hear began to play. Fireworks seemingly from nowhere were shot into the sky prompting everyone to stop what they were doing and look above.

After a while, the exploding fireworks began to form words that read


When Kane saw this, his face immediately turned ugly and he clenched his fists tightly.

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