

AT OF AWAKENING YOU HAVE AWAKENED AS S CLASS - ELEMENTAL SWORDSMAN ERROR EROOR ERROR ERROR ERROR YOU ARE NOT IDENTIFYED AS FROM THIS PLANET RETRIVING SYSTEM, ERROR ERROR CHANGING CLASS TO FRANK GOBLIN SUCCES..... Separating THE SYSTEM FROM the main system SUCESSS........ Our main protagonist, Airen (reincarnation), has awakened in the game world of Nexus as an S-class Elemental Swordsman. However, the system is unable to identify them as being from the planet and encounters errors. As a result, their class is changed to F-rank Goblin, and the system is separated from the main system. Airen knows that they will face many unimaginable situations and wonders if they will be able to maintain their sanity. They question whether they will become a savior, victim, or monster in this new world.

Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


I am lying down on my bed and remembering how tiredly the day was still, but due to the intervention and the less perusing nature of the Fallen Knight, I can get out of the blizzard situation.

As I was in a group, I couldn't pay attention to the achievement notification. However, now that I am free, I quickly checked my status.





LEVEL - 2/5 


STR-4 INT- 4


DIV.- 18










The bonus point shows me hope if my idea is correct then every difference in the stats shows a massive difference in power.

Seeing the light is out in everyone's home and it is getting late I switch off the morning and go to sleep but till the movement, I ask myself what evolution is.

Again, I felt myself drowning in the ocean of the dream, but it was red it was an ocean of blood. As I drowned deeper I felt myself leave myself it was something that I never experienced and it looked like it was never meant to be experienced by someone this is a feeling of the unknown.


I woke up and realized it was Monday. Like every other day, it was busy, but today was also a school day.

The day may just be any other day for any student but for me, it is a race against time. 

I walk toward my school after finishing my daily routine

I am walking faster than usual due to lack of my control it seems like a sudden increase in power can be sometimes not so good as I adjust my speed I hear a voice from behind me.

Hey isn't there a mad whale? A boy with somewhat larger than usual and larger bangs.

I ignore them and start walking like that i never listen to them in the first place.

Hey, don't you know who I am?

Before he could start balling again I spoke up, Aren't you the floating B rank hunter son who is nothing but just a tiger made of paper, Ito you are grown up move on from your habit otherwise you shall regret it.

I am telling him about the future, In-the game some of the NPCs are designed as astonished he is one of them which means he is a newbie boss,

He becomes the king of Silvest City in the future which will be known as the city of ghouls it is also because he awakened as a C-rank hunter with the class Ghoul king.

But now I have stopped the outbreak of the future it is very unlikely he will hardy become a strong villain.

Ito who is unable to take the facts shouted. You son of a cripple. 

I turn around as I look toward the Ito and say, WHAT

Ito smirk as he continues, Now you understand everyone knows that your crippled mother doesn't have much time left and when she dies, I make sure to kill you, and even if that bitch won't die I make sure to kill ...

A single kick broke Ito's nose and he fell.

I put down my bag on the ground as I walked closer to Ito who was still dazed on the ground 

You know Ito why do they call me a mad whale, many people know my mother is known as a sky whale so having a whale in my name is quite common but do you know where the Mad got added to my name?

while speaking I already pulled up to them as he was standing in front of me and he was huge for a teenager.

As Ito was still trying to understand what happened, I spoke don't you ask why, well it is not a common and popular story well make sure to know why next time.

I picked up my bag and started moving as it was already late but Ito was still standing there unconscious

In the last movement when I pull him up I knock him out of conciseness.

Reaching the hallway of the school even if I was not in a proper dress no one dared to stop my movement it was clear no one wanted to get in trouble with me except for one person 

Airen Shizua a loud voice rang in the hallway.

A girl with dark blue hair and with specks and an arm collar on her hand on which is written Class president.

Oh class president I wave my hand toward her but in response, she grabs my collar and drags me toward the empty class and closes the door.

Oh, Aizawa don't be like this we are not close. I tried to joke with her but without any further delay, she slapped me.

Don't be like this, do you think you are strong enough you should be considerate of yourself. what are you doing even there fighting in the middle of the street?

It is not like this you know and who do you think fights the Mad Whale, I replied to her to make her calm.

Aizawa sighs as she looks toward me, What can I even do to you, it feels like a second that you will create new trouble.

Aizawa is the daughter of Mother's subordinate and she is my childhood friend.

From childhood, she excelled in management skills but has zero talent when it comes to combat.

Aizawa san maybe we have a chat together I said seriously while looking into her eyes.

In the Lunch break. She replied and moved out of the room.

I also move out of the room and go into the classroom where I see Ito sitting on the backbench. It was an experience that he will not forget soon.

The classes started and my will to leave the classroom increased over time but because of Aizawa, I can not leave the classroom soon.

The suffering came to an end and I am standing on the roof of the school building.

So how can I help you now? Aizawa said with an unwillingness to help.

I am going to take a week's break and I need you to testify about my leave from school. I stated my needs without any extra lines.

Are you planning to leave the school? Aizawa questioned me with a hitch in her voice.

No, I bluntly replied to her

Don't tell me you are going to beat a Hunter again, Her face shows signs of exception whenever she remembers the incident.

1 year ago when the association members started to come daily to force AIREN to forfeit Shizu license in a tempest of emotions, AIREN faced off against an F-rank hunter, even though they were the lowest in their class. Despite their rank, they were still a hunter, and during my victory in that encounter Airen earned the nickname "MAD WHALE." 

NO, with my sudden answer, her train of thought came to an end.

Why are you taking a week's leave you know Hunter Academy entrance Is coming so why are you so stubborn Can't you wait for a week or two. she said with a worried and complained in her voice.

Please help me, the voice is full of ple that I could muster

Don't act in front of me and this will be the last time you better remember she left with a warning but she still agreed.

She may act like this, but when I needed help, she extended her hand. Afterward, I took a half day and walked home, carrying her promise as a relief for my plans 

I pack my bag as tonight I am going on a trip to the next city, I hate the idea of leaving Mom alone for days but at least there is Miss Hina and she is a trustworthy ally so I can trust Mom to her for some time.

Packing my bags just looks like any normal tourist but the real deal is stored in my inventory and with my skill, no one can even tell that I am an awakener.

Let's move for my first illegal dungeon raid and Tanya's first legal raid.

illegal dungeon raid - when an unauthorized party or hunter raids the dungeon which is owned by another corporation

legal dungeon raid - raiding your owned dungeon by you or the corporation to which you belong. you can also raid if you have the permission of the owner

dungeon-owning limit - according to your completion rate you can increase or decrease your dungeon-owning limit

through dungeon auction - buying a dungeon right in a particular area.

beak dungeon - leaving a dungeon in government care if fails more than 3 times and can be varied for special cases.

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sorry for the short chapter but I am not that healthy but still trying my best

DEEPANSHU_PALcreators' thoughts