
Chapter 3


I got up from the sitting position and opened my status, and on the screen.

[Fire Bending Lvl 9]

'Well the meditaion worked but I need more candles if I want to meditate more," I thought as I looked at the shrank candle. 

"Well, let's test this." I said as I thrust my fist forward and a powerful blast of flame burst forward and was about to burn the things in the storage room but with another movement of Alex's hand, the flame died down and extinguished.

"That's good enough." A grin spread on my face as I felt the excitement.

'If at level 9, it was this strong and the control on it was much greater than before , then what will it be like when it reaches the level 100'.

*Knock* *Knock* 

A knock was heard as I opened the door of the room.

"Yes." I looked up at the maid who came inside the room.

"Princess Azula is calling you for her session of training, get ready and this is your food for the morning, also these are the clothes that Princess Azula wanted you to wear for training." The maid gave me a tray of food and gave me a set of pants and shirts.

"I see." I took the things from the maid and closed the door.

I ate the food and got ready for whatever the crazy princess wanted.

I was taken to a room which Azula uses to train and get pointers from the two twin sisters Lo and Li. Even though they are non-benders, they have the studied the art of fire bending, to different feats.

I entered and saw Azula sparing with one of the adult fire benders.

And making him a burning corpse, multiple burn spots were on his feet, probably from Azula's attempt to knock off her opponent.

"Oh you are here." Azula said as she wiped her sweat.

"Yes." I said as I ignored the burning body.

Azula smiled as she grabbed my hand. " Come here".

She took me near the burning corpse, "What do you think of him?"

'Pathetic, it first comes to mind but it's what it is.' I thought as I looked down.

"Nothing." I said which caused Azula to tilt her head in question.

"Nothing?" Azula asked.

"Well, he died, it is nothing but a body, he lost his identity when he died."

"Interesting." Azula said as she walked behind me and with a sudden movement she pushed me at the fire burning the corpse.

But I side stepped and Azula was gonna fall in the fire.

"PRINCESS!" The twin sisters yelled as they saw her falling in her fire.



"Are you okay?" I asked as I grabbed her hand, if I didn't have her she would've been burnt badly by her own flame.

Azula had a puzzled expression as she looked at me as she squinted her eyes.

She slapped my hand away, "Yeah, I'm okay, now come let's fight."

She said as she walked in the middle and faced me with her hands up.

"You know I am not a fire bender." I lied as I looked at her getting in her firebending form.

"I don't know I may have seen someone practicing, I guess I must've been wrong." She said sarcastically.

'So it was her, at night I thought I heard someone, I guess there is no hiding it anymore and I should not defeat her in the spar or I may as well be hunted down by her if I win.' I thought to myself as I got into the position of hand to hand combat.


As soon as the said person yelled.

I lashed out toward her with my style mixed with some firebending and held back tremendously.

Azula 'dodged' my every punch and countered it with her style with fire, and I dodged it.

We fought for hours, dodging each other's attack and counters and the other looked at us with their mouths touching the floor.

Since Azula was a prodigy which came every hundred years and no one was able to defeat her, and at such a young age she perfectly mastered 14 firebending forms which even some adults fire benders find difficult to do so.

But now they were both perfectly dodging each other's attacks and both didn't seem to be backing down.

Azula dodged a fire aimed at her feet by splitting with her own fire and countered it with a fire to Alex's face and then to his legs, 'He's good but not good enough, I can easily kill him, and this ends it.'

Azula, along with the two attacks in an instant, swiped his legs and aimed her fist at him.

"You Died." Azula said as Alex laid on the ground while she was sitting on his stomach with her fist aimed at him, which was already producing fire ready to attack again.


Azula thrust her first forward and burned his face, but Alex tilted his head, barely dodging the attack.

"I yield." I said as I looked at Azula as she looked back at me with an eerie grin on her face.


Azula clicked her tongue seemingly disappointed at the seemingly outcome.

[Quest Completed!]

[New Skill learned {Energy Bending Lvl 1}]

Ignoring the pop-up I got up and sighed, 'I guess I will continue to practice Fire Bending until I reach a proper age to escape this place, it is still weird to be in this body and it is awkward to move in in, and I need to increase my physical strength, no matter how many techniques I know, it is useless if I don't have strength backing it up and today was the proof of it, even though I could have killed her in the start but her last attack took me by surprise, I saw it coming towards me but I couldn't move my body as I was able to in my previous one, I thought that I would've need to hold back as much as I can but instead she was the one who was holding back.'


Author: Sad didn't reach the goal. Anyway, here's the chapter.

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