

Ling Dynasty

The Ling Dynasty is a minor force of the Godly Mainland. It is ruled by the royal Ling family and below it are the 3 mayor forces respectively - Yun family, Jade Palace and Spirit Sect.

Yun family

"It's a son" - said Yun Lunfeng looking at his newborn son with hard to hide excitement, because his Yun family can finally have a successor.

"He's so cute," - said his wife, Wu Ling, looking at her son with shining eyes.

"He's name shall be Yun Qi then"- said Yun Lunfeng.


While they were talking they didn't take notice of the fact that the newborn Yun Qi wasn't crying like a normal newborn should but was looking at the new environment with strange eyes while thinking "where the f*ck am I, didn't I already die?"

Taking a few more looks around he suddenly came to a realization - I was reborn.

Upon thinking till here he slightly raised his lips to form a creepy smile but as it was barely exposed no one noticed it.

Hehe even the the heaven's don't want me dead so I will live and take revenge at these hypocritical son of a b*tches.

In his past life he was also called Yun Qi however he was an abandoned orphan thrown into the Demonic Forest from which only 1 of 10000 would get out alive, eh if you could even call them alive.

Those that got out alive were crippled with severed limbs and getting completely mad.

So you can imagine how hard life was for a kid with no cultivating base to be tossed there.

However he was born incredibly smart so by making traps to kill extremely weak beasts he could barely survive.

One day however across his trap came an incredibly strong beast and he had to run really long before he managed to get to a strange looking cave.

Eh the only reason that he even managed to get to that cave was because the beast was only playing with him and didn't really try hard to kill him otherwise with it's strength it could kill him as easily as squashing an ant.

When he entered the cave he found an array made of blood and an ancient old and tattered book at the center of the array.

He new that it was dangerous to get the book however left with no choice over the fact that if a miracle didn't happen he would either die ot hunger or become beast food.

He was betting on the fact that this book was his miracle.

He get to the middle of the array, got the book but still nothing happened, so he decided to open the book and upon opening it there were only a few useless sentences so he became dejected.

It seems that this book is useless but I don't want to die.

After uttering this sentence in his head he closed the book totally not noticing the fact that the blood of the array have gotten darker.

When he noticed what was happening it was already late.

The array have activated.


10 seconds later - no change

1 minute later - no change

5 minutes later - no change

Could it be that this array is already useless?

Just as this thought entered his head he felt a head splitting pain followed by an ancient and wicked voice:

You are the first one that will cultivate the Divine Evil Technique so don't waste it, become the Divine Evil and prove your capabilities by surpassing the Godking stage

So by cultivating this technique he managed to escape the Demonic Forest, make a name for himself and become invincible.

However his meteoritic rise caught the attention and greed of the leader of several factions that coveted the way he rose so quicky so they demanded it from him.

He obviously declined so they fought him by bringing righteousness on their side and justisfying their actions as "exterminating evil and saving manking".

He managed to kill them all however he was gravelly injured and soon after died.

Who would have thought that he would get reborn.

By cultivating the Divine Evil Technique I will once more reach the top or even surpass it.

The legend of the Divine Evil God Yun Qi continues!