
Chapter 44: Party Time Part 2- Twister

() indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"Okay Suu what did we do next?" I asked the slime.

"Twister!" she cheered.



The party was still going strong, all the ladies were pretty out of it at this point, but there was more than enough alcohol to keep the party going.

"Twister!" Desirae cheered laying out the mat "Let's play."

"How does this work?" Miia asked.

"You spin the dial and put the corresponding body part on the color." She said "Oh but it's meant for people with two arms and legs so…I don't think some of you can play. Probably Miia, Rachnera, Oct, Mero and Cerea will have to sit out"

"Aww." Miia pouted.

"Sorry." Desirae said "And it'd be too easy for the bigger girls to reach and if they did fall they'd hurt someone, so none of them either So Tio and Cathyl will be out as well."

"We've got two mats so let's do two games." Zombina told me "Then the two winners can play each other on one board."

"Okay." Desirae put all the players in a hat and drew two sets.

"My board will have Me, Suu, Dopple, Cici and Lutz." Desirae said.

"And Mine will be Me, Kii, Polt, Lala and Draco." Zombina told her.

"Dopple no cheating and growing extra limbs got it, same for you transforming Lutz." Desirae said as they got ready.

"Fine." The dark-skinned girl sighed.

"Alright let's start, Mero will you spin for us?"

"Sure." The Mermaid smiled "We'll go from clockwise so Desirae will start…Left Foot Green."

The human simply walked up and placed her foot down on a circle.

"Okay Suu, Right Foot Blue."

The slime, who was in her adult form plopped a boot down on her circle.

"Dopple, Left Foot Green."

"What's up Bae." Dopple smirked standing on the circle next to Desirae.

"Right Foot Yellow for Cici and Right Hand Yellow for Lutz." Mero smiled.

The game continued for a while, the ladies naturally getting tangled up with one another.

"Right Hand Red." Mero told Desirae.

"HMPH!" the girl reached across the board and slapped her hand down "Oh hi Suu."

"Hello!" the slime smiled.

"Right Hand Blue."

The slime reached over and put her hand down, although now she was streaked over Desirae, the girl's face nuzzled right into her busty cleavage.

"I'm starting to like this game more and more." Dopple smirked as both she and Cici had to assumed poses that featured their butts stuck up.

"It is a little embarrassing." Lutz blushed as she reached over the girl, her large breasts smushing into the back of Dopple's head.

"Speak for yourself." Dopple hummed happily.

"Zombina that's cheating!" Polt yelled.

"What my hand's still on the circle!"

"You can't take out your stiches and throw it across the board!" Draco snapped.

"I'd be able to reach if your butt wasn't taking up half the row!" she snapped back.

"This is pathetic." Kii sighed as Polt's head found it's way between her legs for a stretch "HMM!"

The stretching and twisting kept up, the girls slowly finding themselves in compromising positions or falling over.

"Oh are you're having more fun than I thought." Dopple laughed as Desirae spread her legs over her "MWA!"

"HAA!" the human gasped and fell over when Dopple blew on her crotch.

"Going Stiff…" Cici groaned.

"Come on don't let zombie kind down!" Zombina cheered her rival on.

Soon players feel out and it was down to the final four who decided to start over on a new board for a winner take all. It was Suu, Dopple, Polt and Lala.

"I'm surprised you made it this far Lala." Polt laughed as she put one of her paws on a green circle "I figured my Yoga would give me some nice limberness but you've got me matched.

"This is easy when I can see the board from back here." Her head said as her body slid around.

"HMM!" Suu moaned as Lala's body grabbed her breasts instead of a blue circle.

"S-Sorry!" the reaper yelled as her body flopped down in a panic "Lala's out."

"Right foot red." Mero said as Dopple landed down.

Suu followed and it was Polt's turn once more.

"Left foot Yellow.

"That's across the board!" Tio gasped.

"You're done." Dopple smirked.

"We'll see about that…HMPH!" Polt stretched long and practically did a split "Easy!"

"No way!" Dopple yelled.

"Right Hand Yellow."

"Shit!" the dark monster girl hissed as she fell over.

The final match between Suu and Polt went on for some time, both limber ladies one upping each other until Suu started to fall behind.

"Thirsty…" she sighed a bit, her body having noticeably shrunk since this party game started.

"Suu's losing water." Miia gasped "Polt can win!"

"Here Suu!" Papi cheered throwing her a glass.

"HA!" Suu yelped as the water splashed all over her "HMM!"

"WAH!" Polt yelped as Suu grew, her jacket flying open and cuasing her breasts to smack the Kobald in the face and knock her over.

"Suu wins!" Mero clapped.

"What, come on Ref that was interference are you blind?!" Polt yelled.

"It's just a game." Mero blinked.

"Yay super Suu!" Papi cheered cupping the slime's breasts.

"Yay!" Suu smiled "I win!"

"I had that, you've gotta be kidding me!" Polt snapped "Dessy come on tell them that doesn't count…Dessy?"

"Oh she went off with Oct and Rachnera a while ago." Draco pointed out.

"Hey Suu let's go find Wifey!" Papi smiled.

"Okay, Suu will tell her she won!" the slime smiled as the two youthful monster girls scampered off and the others kept up with their party.

The two headed to the attic where Rachnera usually stayed, before they even got close to the door they could hear the moans.

"Sounds like they're having a party too!" Papi smiled pushing the door open.


The two saw Desirae inside suspended on Rachnera's string, her various holes were being filled by Oct's slimy tendrils while Rachnera watched happily.

"You know it's polite to knock." Rachnera told Papi and Suu.

"Sorry." Both pouted.

"Would you two like to join us?" Oct smirked as she didn't stop pumping her tentacles into Desirae "Here Suu, have this and play with Papi."

"Huh?" the slime was surprised as Oct dumped a bottle of water on her "HMM!"

Suu moaned as she got taller and her breasts pushed out to a larger size.

"Fufufu." She smiled at Papi, the slime now in her Salt Water Milf Form "Let's play Papi."

"Whoa!" Papi gasped as she was picked up by slimy appendages and stripped down "Suu what are you-HMM!"

Suu brought Papi into a kiss and started to slid her slimy self inside of the Harpy. Soon Papi was moaning with Desirae, the two getting tentacles fucked by Oct and Suu.

"Oh tonight fucking rocks." Rachnera laughed sipping wine "And it's still early.

Rachnera watched Suu and Papi really going at it, the Harpy getting into it and bobbing her head to suck the tentacle in her mouth.

"Yes Papi that's so good." Suu moaned "You're going to make me…HMM!"

"MMM!" Papi gagged a bit as her holes were filled with a slimy fluid.

"Nice job Suu." Rachnera said.

"Thank you…ready?" The slime asked.

"Ready for what?" Rachnera was confused as Suu walked over to her "Suu wait-!"



Desirae's POV

"That's enough of that!" Rachnera covered Suu's mouth.

Most people in the room were blushing at this point, Suu's story had been erotic but that was the most extreme up to that point.

"Was that it?" Desirae gulped hoping it was.

"Nope!" Suu smiled "Lots more fun!"



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

So I'm planning to make this party five parts (Not including the intro chapter of it) I still need two more idea.

1 – Boob Pong

2 – Twister + Oct and Rachnera Fun

3- Dance/Booty Contest

4- IDK need some ideas

5- IDK Need some ideas.

Till Next Time!

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