
Etheric World

The years have passed and an alien invasion is ravaging the Earth. Without respite, humanity fights fervently. Ether, an element that was believed to be nonexistent, has appeared and changed the course of human history forever. Amidst all this disaster, a young man with amnesia and a strange ability will make his way and uncover the secrets hidden in the depths of this conflict.

killerdeathlol · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Squadron Battle

The new training was developing the etheric abilities in directions that the students had not foreseen. Luis, for example, had managed to make his tracking ability usable continuously. Additionally, in that state, his senses and reflexes increased enormously, making him very useful in battle. The new ability was named "etheric vision."

On the contrary, Bruno already had a decent combat body and abilities, so his training focused on improving control over this power. Being a passive-type ability, control was quite difficult, but Bruno achieved it. Now he could strengthen specific parts of his body at the cost of reducing his strength in other areas. This ability was named "combat reinforcement."

Lina, on the other hand, improved her control over the wind and her overall resistance by constantly using etheric abilities. The etheric signature, or so-called etheric body, was subjected to great tension when using abilities, so continuous use improved the capacity to store and handle more etheric power. In the last 30 years, the density of the element known as ether had barely decreased, so it remained very abundant.

The girl with shoulder-length blue hair named Tania had to study multiple etheric abilities and understand the central axis of the etheric body. Her bard abilities allowed her to improve the three types of bodies present in living beings, so through poems, stories, or songs, she could stimulate and enhance them. She had managed to master 2 poems and a story so far, and the more she captivated and evoked the emotions of the target, the stronger the benefit. Because of this, songs were the most powerful.

Finally, Kaller had managed to calm his defective ability. Through meditation, he could balance his bodies, allowing him to relax the tension his mind was under. While it still worked all the time, the situation had become more tolerable.

The star squadron and others had made enormous progress in these days, and a jubilant and expectant atmosphere could be felt in the air.

"We're already on day 18," Luis commented.

"Yes, time flies. I wonder what kind of exam we'll have," Lina replied while having lunch with the squadron.

"Hmm, I think it will be some kind of team mission," Kaller added after taking a bite of meat.

Before continuing the discussion, a holographic screen appeared across the camp, and thousands of students stopped eating to watch the message that appeared.









The star squadron carefully observed the holographic screen, a doubtful expression could be seen on Kaller and company, they were thinking the same thing at this moment: the distribution of the groups. After a few seconds, a second holographic screen appeared.


Kaller - Phase 1 Fighter.

Lina Airgood - Phase 2 Wind Mage.

Luis González - Phase 2 Archer.

Bruno Santos - Phase 1 Warrior.

Tania Schmidt - Phase 2 Bard.


Pedro Rodríguez - Phase 2 Swordsman.

Diego Rodríguez - Phase 2 Lancer.

Javiera Quispe - Phase 2 Priestess.

Camila Moreira - Phase 2 Fire Mage.

Emilia Diaz - Phase 2 Assassin.

The arrogant and indifferent Lina broke into a cold sweat as she observed the opposing squadron; her confidence wavered a bit. The Mortal Squadron was the top 3 in the ranking, and each of its members was Phase 2 and specialized in a class.

"Damn," Tania said aloud, filled with anxiety.

"Even a priest... I thought there weren't any," Bruno added, his face showing hesitation.

"Ugh... we got a tough draw. What distribution will we make, leader?" Luis looked at Lina with a worried expression.

"Uh... I don't know," Lina responded sincerely, still frowning at the holographic screen.

"Vice-leader, any ideas?" Tania looked in Kaller's direction, who showed no emotion about what was happening.

"Lina and I will be the first group, Bruno, Tania, and Luis will be the second group, with Bruno acting as the vanguard and Luis in the rear guard. Tania will be the key to victory," Kaller stood up and looked at his companions.

"I've fought with Lina many times; I know her combat and fighting style. We can complement each other well and win in a 3 vs. 2. In contrast, you haven't trained together often, so today you will train together while we go to the first battle," the rest of the squadron nodded in agreement and quickly finished what was left of lunch.

Watching his companions eat, Kaller thought about another situation that had been worrying him lately. The higher-ups had been distant from the students, and they hadn't even called a meeting to notify them of the exam. "They notified us through a hologram, quite strange for those old folks who love attention."

Somewhere in the Amazon.

"General Riskgood, any news?" asked a woman in her thirties, with brown hair, a body with marked curves but well-toned, and a serious expression with a trace of concern in her eyes.

"No news, Subcommander Sofia," General Riskgood replied in a normal tone without raising his voice.

"Tchh... Commander Stevenson has not contacted us for 3 days," she commented, looking around cautiously.

"They had reported traces of suspicious activity a week ago, but the informants in charge did not contact us again," General Riskgood had been notified a few days ago of the situation on the border. However, the patrol in charge of the area did not report back, and their trail was lost.

"We can only wait. Notify the other generals and continue exploring sectors. In case of any trace or abnormal situation, report immediately to the central camp and to me," after giving instructions, General Riskgood disappeared into the trees as he moved quickly.

Subcommander Sofia had taken charge due to the sudden disappearance of Commander Stevenson. He had gone with a group of 4 soldiers to explore the area where the patrol disappeared, but none of them had contacted back in the last few days.

This area was considered of low danger; the only dangers were mutated beasts and humans corrupted by the ether, wandering like zombies. However, as they were far from civilization, they were rarely seen. The Central American region, on the other hand, was uninhabited and destroyed. Thirty years ago, during the early stages of the war, a great battle took place here, and it is rumored that humans used some kind of secret weapon that destroyed enemies and allies alike. The extraterrestrials could not take control of the area, but neither could the humans.

Therefore, due to the rugged terrain, they had to send their most powerful forces to explore. Generals Riskgood, Martínez, García, and Sánchez were more than enough to deal with these dangers; each was Phase 4 and belonged to a specialized class.

Sofia Escalante was flying quickly, dodging branches and trees. As a Phase 5 wind mage, flying was something she could do unconsciously. The forces deployed for exploration consisted of a subcommander, 4 generals, 6 captains, and 30 soldiers. The objective was to confirm the situation on the border and find any clues about the missing individuals.

Hours passed, and night fell quickly. The military personnel involved in the exploration set up a temporary camp in the middle of the jungle and took turns every 4 hours to stand guard.

"Subcommander Sofia, at this rate, we'll have to cancel the exam. We can only keep exploring for one more day; those are direct orders from the South American headquarters," a soldier with fine features and a penetrating gaze, the secretary in charge of communications, notified her.

"I understand, Lieutenant Raymond. When the sun rises, we will explore by sectors again until 5 p.m. If we find nothing, the mission will be aborted, and we will return to the central camp to cancel the exam," Sofia said without hesitation, while staring fixedly at the blazing fire that illuminated the dark forest.

"The headquarters says there was extraterrestrial activity 2 months ago; they were spotted at the border, but disappeared quickly. Therefore, if this situation persists, it will be classified as urgent, and a world power will be sent to take charge," Lieutenant Raymond reported fluently the orders while maintaining a serene face.

"Sebastián Airgood?" Sofia asked with an unflappable appearance.

"Yes, the Reaper will take care of the situation," affirmed Lieutenant Raymond.

Day 18 in the afternoon, central camp.

A large crowd of students gathered around the central arena to watch the team battles. Compared to the previous exam, these battles were much more flashy and dynamic. By using etheric abilities and advanced battle tactics, the students were able to show much more of themselves; the training they had undergone under the command of the captains had had an effect and noticeably improved their abilities.

"Mathias put on a great show! That fire cat tore them apart!" Tania was with Luis and Bruno, analyzing the tactics and strategies of their comrades. They had trained together, and their coordination was good; they just needed to polish their synergy.

"It was to be expected from a Flamegood. In that 2 vs. 3 battle, he completely destroyed them with his battle arts," Bruno recalled what had happened. Mathias had greater control over fire, allowing him to demonstrate a series of refined and artistic abilities, as if a great fire tiger were dancing on the arena and defeated the opposing squadron.

"Mathias' teammates were just as good," Luis added thoughtfully. If it had been another squadron, he was confident they would win, but knowing the power of their opponents made him hesitate. However, remembering what happened days ago ignited a strong feeling of overcoming in the heart of young Luis; he would give everything for victory.

"Lina and Kaller haven't contacted us all day; they disappeared early," Tania said anxiously about her companions. They could be delayed and lose by not showing up; dozens of similar ideas were popping up in Tania's head.

A couple of battles passed in the blink of an eye, and it was nearing the turn of the star squadron. Kaller and Lina still hadn't shown up, so Tania's theories began to multiply by the thousands in her head. Tania climbed onto the arena fence to search for her companions among the crowd.

Bruno and Luis, seeing Tania's anxiety, also became infected and began to look among the spectators for their companions.

"Don't tell me something happened to them," Luis said with a confused expression, looking towards Bruno.

"It's impossible, Luis. They wouldn't miss this... would they?"

"LINA! KALLER! COME QUICKLY!" Consumed by anxiety, Tania began to shout from atop the fence.

The Mortal Squadron had arrived a few minutes ago, and 3 girls were waiting for their rivals: Javiera the priestess, Camila the mage, and Emilia the assassin.

"I can only wait one more minute, or they'll forfeit," the supervisor said to the blue-haired girl standing on the fence.

"They'll come! Just wait a little longer!" Tania responded nervously.

In the distance, a girl with long blond hair, with an infantile yet beautiful face, walked covered in dirt and mud. Her military uniform was scratched and dirty. Beside her was a tall boy with dark, short hair, his face full of wounds and scratches, and his uniform was a mess.

"LINA! KALLER!" Tania screamed, frightened. Her companions were coming, covered in wounds and with torn clothes, ready to fight.