
Ethereal Equilibrium : The Dungeon Masters & The Heroes

A recent cosmic event split the world into two primary faction the Hero and The Dungeon Master maintain a delicate balance between two sides. "Ethereal Equilibrium: The Dungeon Masters & The Heroes" invites readers into a world shaped by the intricate dance between two powerful forces. In this realm, a rare cosmic occurrence has bestowed a unique Power upon 10% of the population, dividing them equally into two extraordinary beings—the Dungeon Masters and the Heroes, while the rest 90% have their own path to follow, However, in "Ethereal Equilibrium," the lines between darkness and light, good and evil, are not as clear-cut as they seem. As the story unfolds, readers witness the intricate complexities of the Dungeon Masters and the Heroes. Some Dungeon Masters exhibit unexpected compassion, while some Heroes are tempted by the allure of power. The webnovel delves deep into the personal struggles of these extraordinary beings, exploring the boundaries of power, morality, and the essence of humanity. It challenges conventional notions of heroism and villainy, delving into the shades of gray that color the decisions they make through the eyes of the MC himself. Author note: Pls do read my note before reading my first chapter - from your beloved author =>

Empyream · Fantasia
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49 Chs

Clash of Intentions: Reckoning of Betrayal

after they finish all of that they have finished preparing the ambush I activate the item that was made by Valthorian by using the restoration that was infuse in his barrier rune making that rune strengthening and adding an effect of self repair to the barrier making it an excellent shield and also a cage.

the sudden activation on this item is very subtle making none of the people in it's range notice it, after making sure no one can escape I make a decision to fire one of the magic that is already loaded using my magic loader skill and release sandstorm a combination of earth and wind magic that was combine using my spell weaver skill.

releasing a magic that cover their vison while also attacking their comrade forcing them to only use voice as a way to locate me.

"hurry up and remove the sandstorm from here."

Edric was commanding the caster to force the sandstorm to stop blowing, some of them used dispel to force the mana to become stagnant and ending the sandstorm, seeing this I used the time to used a tier 2 water magic rainfall to pour water on the area most concentrated with people and cast a tier 2 lighting magic Lighting strike.

after firing both spell this action cancel their dispel and remove most of their support, seeing this they started to panic and chaos ensued among them.

"calm down he is alone, we can kill him and then eliminate him since he can't support his dungeon."

with his word he command them to make a circle formation so the support and mage can be covered by the close range fighter.

seeing this I annoyed them by firing multiple Impaled spell to disturb them and injuring most of them in the process, making them use their potion or skill, even after the harassment they successfully guard themselves and removing the sandstorm, what they saw was the body of their friends that was pick out one by one by me while they are busy regrouping.

"now there's not so many of you left, after I finish this I will seek compensation from all of your team members, and it seems you Edric are one of the higher ups in the adventurer association it is interesting what would happen if this got out." while showing visible killing intent towards them to intimidate and demoralize them.

"do you think you can get out here alive?"

"yes, and it is quite easy." after saying that my spell Devouring Orb is finished, and I fired towards where they are standing.

the orb hit the ground and started to devour those who are late to jump without leaving anything behind after they are devoured.

those that were swallowed couldn't even scream because they haven't notice what happen to them.

fear was showing from the survivor.

"damn it"

"monster, y-you what did you just do?"

"monster huh, you guys are the last person that can say that, after all you guys are the one who want to fight in the first place."

the group of people led by Edric fire spell projectile to bombards me.

seeing this I used Warp Riposte from Void Stride Technique that open a dimension rift to redirect their shot towards themselves.

while they are left to deal their own attack I Blink and clad my sword with spatial energy and stab my sword, piercing the space and sending this attack towards Edric chest to give a finishing blow.

In the ensued confusion his heart was pierce by my sword without him noticing.

seeing all of this the survivor started to throw their weapon to the ground and surrender themselves.

I approach the dying Edric.

"so any last word before I cut your head off?"

after hearing my words his eyes showed deep fear realizing I won't spare his life.

"spare.....COUGH X2... me"

ignoring his plead I give him a painless death, after that the trap they make slowly dissipate and I undo my barrier as well.

outside of the barrier Valthorian is already waiting for me, seeing that there's a head of Austin in his hand.

"what are you going to do with that head you are holding."

"I intend to make a skull chalice for it sir."

"throw it away, that sounds barbaric if you want to make a skull chalice buy a plastic skull and then turn it into a chalice or use gold or other precious metal, at least that chalice can then be used as an item for you after you enchant it."

hearing my words he burn the head to ashes.

after that I order him to gather the corpse and make them a pile to be easily burn and cleaned up.

for the survivor Valthorian sent his subordinate to restrain them and capture them.

I order the bone dragon to land and carry the prisoner to the dungeon as well using one of them to fly towards the city and meet Alistair and Darius seeking for explanation from them.

after a few minute of flying I spot the city and order the bone dragon to fly low and passing the town to show their presence to the city guards.

seeing a huge shadow looming over the city, panicked sounds and people running can be heard and seen through the city.

when on the way here I already order Saul to fly above the clouds and release his dragonic aura when I arrive at the city with the other Bone Dragon, now many of the people living there feel huge amount of pressure forcing them to froze in place.

ordering the Bone Dragon to land on a rather empty place I jump down from it shoulder and walk towards the adventurer association.

arriving in front of the building I saw many people were waiting for me with a fully armed equipment and in front of them all stood a girl with a beautiful blond hair with a gentle but firm aura.

"you're the dungeon master that sign the alliance right, are you intending to break the alliance?"

"that's supposed to be my question to your city, when you guys invite me to a banquet some of those who sign the agreement intend to ambush me on my way to the here."

with that I order the Bone Dragon to throw the survivor and the body of those who sign the agreement with me.

"now I am waiting for Alistair and Darius to come back to discuss the compensation for the breach on the agreement, I made sure they have a chance to run so they will be safe."

because of my words many people there started to panic and become restless.

ignoring all of this the girl asked "where's the rest of the people, some of them that haven't comeback is also not among them."

"I don't know the rest of those who ambushed me is all ready dead, the one that survive all just lucky because I finish this idiot."

pointing at one of the body that was carried by the Bone Dragon.