
Eternal Blood Sovereign

Alex hart, a regular unlucky earthling dies in a road accident, he was hit by a truck after a late night shift, he transmigrated into the world of Arcanum, He now has a better opportunity to grow stronger with a set of heaven defying abilities, Blood Sovereign Sutra, The only Arcana technique for the powerful ELEMENT OF BLOOD. Eternal blood sovereign.

Zepardraconis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

World of Arcanum

Arcanum is a low world filled with powerful mages, the hierarchy of power touches the gold tier, but there's the legendary diamond tier, without reaching the peak of the diamond tier there's no other way to break the barrier of the world of Arcanum, most of the diamond tier powerhouses decided to stay on Arcanum playing as God, grandmasters, ancestors they all gave themselves awkward titles because they knew one thing, should they transcend the barrier and move to a mid world, they'll be starting over, as diamond tier was considered the beginning of cultivation in most mid worlds, moreso they were all either at the last stretch of their lifespan which could range from a thousand to a few thousand years, or they've used up their potential, thus every time there's a powerful relic, treasure or natural resources, these old fogeys would fight bitterly for it causing calamitous earthquakes and countless disasters to overwhelm the inhabitants of Arcanum,

one would think that the world spirit of Arcanum was so dumb, but no, it was just weak, it couldn't forcibly throw out these old fogeys, it could only put severe pressure on anyone in the peak of diamond tier, and many weren't at the peak but those at the peak were strong enough to shrug it off with their aura alone,

Arcanum was a beautiful world with countless powerful beasts, a large expanse of land covered by oceans, divided into east, south, west, north, and middle belt,

The northern part of Arcanum seated the imperial palace, and the most powerful academy, the alpha academy, the emperor and the dean were both diamond-tier powerhouses, the north was filled with geniuses and opportunities, but it was filled with noble clans and families and hierarchical crap, the strong preyed on the weak behind the scenes,

The direct royal family were known for their purple hair and silver irises, with most of them wielding the spatial and ice element, in Arcanum a good number of people had either the same hair or eye color of their element,

Aside from the north, the other parts of Arcanum were called wasteland, the land of cannon fodder, everyone there were of a lower status, third rate clans were the best in the wasteland, while banditry was the method rogue mages used to seize cultivation resources from unsuspecting victims, sometimes killing them in the process, in fact some clans use the hands of rogue bandits to attack each other, it was only a matter of who held more resources, after all they fought for resources everyday thus it was always a battle of who could pay rogue bandits more, but the most dangerous part of the wasteland was the presence of powerful beasts, and in fact a beasts tide could occur any freaking moment, so if you weren't strong enough in the wasteland then death was the only option.

Aiden happened to be born in the western part of Arcanum, their clan was neither the strongest nor the weakest but at least they didn't get wiped out all this while either,

The north was a land that accepted only geniuses, and the only way in was through the academy and after graduating you could choose to bring your family over, it was only a matter of choice, which is why clans in the wasteland always groom one or two geniuses in hopes of getting into the northern capital, gathering all their resources they'll pour it on the geniuses and try to get them into peak bronze tier or even silver tier, depending on their potential to grow, as sometimes they don't get to have a single genius in a whole generation,

The clan where Aiden was born happened to see the birth of two geniuses, Aiden's sister Alison was already at the lower silver tier, and another boy, Cass was at the peak of the bronze tier, with nurturing from the academy he'll surely reach the silver tier very soon,

The registration for the alpha academy was just around the corner and the patriarch of the Frost-fire clan was elated even the parents of the boy couldn't help but smile smugly, even though the registration took place every year Alison chose to cultivate to reach the silver tier before registering, she wanted to breeze through and win in one fell swoop, she was a lightning mage so she felt confident in her self, super fast attacks and blinding speed was something to be proud of, Cass, on the other hand, was an earth mage, the ground was his natural domain, he already read through all the techniques in the clans library on the versatility of his elemental affinity, he was virtually a walking tank with deadly attacks, earth spike, earth burrowing, name it, he couldn't help but feel a hint of pride well up within him,

Aiden knew he had to find a branch of Alpha Academy, making his way to the washroom he disintegrated his clothes with his aura alone and took a bath, he noticed that after his breakthrough his body seemed too clean he noticed his body could automatically push out dirt from his pores, all he needed was to circulate blood all over his body and voila he'd become clean, extracting his blood from his body he noticed it smelled like nothing he only felt like it was an energy liquid or something, feels good huh, he was now an overpowered version of his former self, moving to the mirror, he almost screamed who the hell are you, the difference was too much for him to handle, am I even cultivating to get stronger or using some beauty products in secret, or maybe my eyes are playing tricks with me, he wondered in perplexion, sigh no wonder my future version had a mask on, it seems like this will be the only solution to this,

Snapping his fingers he made his blood form a protective mask on his face, looking at his perfect naked body he could only sigh and cloth himself in a tight-fitting spandex like the superheroes in his past life, he even added a cape, he made a pair of gauntlets, and nice boots to match and lastly he drew blood runes on the clothes he made, it could function like a symbiotic suit to protect it's master, and constantly draw blood to fix itself, and lastly he made a pair of short swords. time to move out,

With hurried paces, he made his way toward the nearest registration outlet for Alpha Academy.

Thanks everyone for your support so far, i really appreciate it,

now get ready for some action in the next episode,

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