
Eternal Blood Sovereign

Alex hart, a regular unlucky earthling dies in a road accident, he was hit by a truck after a late night shift, he transmigrated into the world of Arcanum, He now has a better opportunity to grow stronger with a set of heaven defying abilities, Blood Sovereign Sutra, The only Arcana technique for the powerful ELEMENT OF BLOOD. Eternal blood sovereign.

Zepardraconis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Vinicius Murphy

Standing before a massive building with an insignia of a man with a giant hammer, without further delay Aiden rushed into the building and was surprised to see hundreds of people willing to register for the academy competition, finally, it got his turn and Aiden was given a badge one similar to a man with a giant hammer same as the academy's logo, the only thing Aiden needed to do was to input his magic power, if he were in silver tier it would shine silver color and if he were in gold tier it will shine golden color, the peak stage bronze tier were cannon fodder and unless there is a genius amongst them who can fight above tiers, apart from that, the bronze tier was just to fill in the number.

After his registration Aiden took a deep breath and spoke to himself, finally, I will walk the path of prominence and un-defying might,

From the information Aiden received from the badge, the competition for the alpha academy would be held in thirty days and Aiden planned to train himself in actual combat the only way to do that was by visiting the beast's forest, he didn't need clothes since he could use his blood to create them nor food since he could do so by absorbing blood essence of both man and beast alike.

Rushing like the wind, he made his way into the complex terrain of the desolate forest, he had also bought a map that he could use to find his way to the north.

With this, he started his one-month journey to push his limits to squeeze out his potential.

A few days later Aiden was more sharper and faster in his reaction and attack.

Dodging an ice arrow by a hair's breadth, he whipped his eyes to that stupid fool for Dearing to attack him right at the periphery of the beast forest, then taking a giant leap, he burst upward as a blueish aura surged from his legs which enabled him to go even further, suddenly an earth pillar burst from the ground he just left moreover they wanted him airborne, since the fool decided to humor himself by jumping so high he might as well die they all thought in unison.

whoosh whoosh whoosh, the air nearly froze as countless ice needles shot straight at Aiden ten feet in the air Aiden looked down at the bandits, thirty or so of them ranging from mid silver tier to high silver tier with their leader at the peak of silver tier, Aiden was overjoyed, he needed training dummies and they served themselves at his door, he nearly shouted with glee, even though he was at mid silver tier he could already fight above tiers, so he could kill them if he adds a bit more of his trump cards.

These bandits came at him mostly due to the level of equipment on Aiden's body, oh goodness it worth lots of gold coin if they could successfully sell it to a wandering merchant, then they were set for life, they didn't even care if he was from a powerful clan or a powerful rogue mage, their most prominent thought was money and retirement.

A sonic boom reverberated through the air wiping out every single needle as Aiden punched at the incoming needles forming a bloody barrier with his gauntlet, a mist rose covering everyone's perception and during this time Aiden had long landed in their midst, suddenly the mist vanished, mostly due to everyone unleashing their magical attacks, alas it was a big mistake because Aiden instantly attacked, his hand grew into claws before aiming at the ice wielding bastard, a guy with silver hair and irises holding a pair of ice daggers, he was surprised to see Aiden right before his nose before he could even move a finger, his heart got stuffed into his mouth and with a roundhouse kick he got blasted into another bandits turning both into meat paste, immediately after Aiden leaped sideways as barrage of spells blasted the earth open like butter, Aiden didn't think much as he was already near his next victim, this time it was a lady with fairy red hair and deep blue irises, a young lady who exhelled at fire and lightning manipulation, seeing Aiden approach her she smirked, it seems this boy is pretty stupid, she was the second strongest here for crying out loud, wouldn't this means suicide afterall this young lass was only at the mid silver tier, there is no way a mid silver tier can defeat a high silver tier, right.

In truth, Aiden had long noticed these bandits were making a formation to trap him at the center and the most brutish way to break it was by killing as fast as possible, especially the ones manning the formation spell.

If they had a much stronger team then Aiden's plan could be snuffed out and he'd have to use his special techniques of snatching their blood from them and he needs that as a hidden trump card.

Aiden moved in a zigzag pattern as he arrived before the pretty arrogant-looking red head lady, he flashed something at her before dashing off to the next victim, tsk as expected he was still a coward suddenly she noticed if not too late as she felt a stinging pain and a sense of emptiness overwhelmed her whipping her face downward, her beautiful face twisted in pure horror as she noticed her left breast and heart was missing, she didn't even notice when it happened looking around she realized everyone else had a fist size hole in their chest cavity, she could only utter a word before falling powerlessly to death, "monster", it kept ringing in her head till her pupils lost their lights.

Everyone was killed brutally even before they could blink, except the leader of the bandits,

Vinicius Murphy was originally a promising young arcanist with the ability to control the earth, he had a bright future until his whole family members were killed brutally in his absence, after investing their murder, he realized that it was the nobles who plotted their deaths by paying a bunch assassins to finish them up, due to them knowing too many secrets, to cover their trails it was only natural to take them out, murphy upon knowing this started to train bitterly working hard and fighting dangerous battles, due to his intense hate for the nobles, he started stealing and snatching from those who had powerful backgrounds, after so many years he managed to reach the perfect silver tier, after solidifying his realm, he needed more opportunities to fly into the gold realm in one go, alas Aiden had plucked off his head before he could strike.

Guys I'm back, and you have my word, a minimum of one chapter per day and a maximum of five, well that depends on the motivation tho.

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