
The only thing standing between you and your dreams is reluctance.

In a serene field, with only the vast expanse of grass and sky as company, a piano sits, its presence both striking and enigmatic.

The soothing melody of Chopin's Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9, No. 2 fills the air, played by a mysterious woman with flowing blonde hair. Her attire, simple yet elegant, complements the aura of tranquility that surrounds her. She smiled.


"The only thing standing between you and your dreams is reluctance."

― Carroll Bryant


"Remember, life's narrative isn't written in words but in deeds. Your thoughts bear no weight; it's your actions that shape who you are and what you become."

As Shou's eyes gently close, he finds himself enveloped in his father's embrace.


As Shou gradually awakens, he finds himself nestled in a serene field, laying beneath the comforting shade of a nearby tree. The gentle rustle of leaves above soothes his senses, a welcome from the warmth of the sun. With a soft breeze caressing his skin, Shou starts to wake up.

Standing beneath the sunset, Shou is entranced by its breathtaking beauty. The colorful sky fills him with wonder and admiration as he stands, captivated by its beauty. Shou looks around, only to be interrupted by the distant call of a voice, its origin obscured by the haze.

"Shou, come on!"

"I'm coming!"

With a mixture of familiarity and confusion, Shou hastens towards the beckoning figure, her features evoking a sense of recognition yet remaining tantalizingly elusive in his memory.


As the scene transitions, we find Shou making his way to school, his thoughts briefly interrupted by a fleeting flashback. Amidst the dense foliage of the forest, the path to the school unfolds, shrouded in an aura of mystery that sets it apart from the urban landscape. Towering trees, their ancient branches reaching towards the heavens, line the route, their gnarled roots entwined with secrets of ages past.

Navigating the forest paths, Shou is keenly aware of the forest's imposing presence, serving as both protector and barrier to the school beyond.

As Shou walked, someone bumped behind Shou.

"Hey! What where you're going-"

When Shou turns around, he sees a familiar face.

"Wait, are you who I think you are!?"

They both looked at each other confused.

"But are you who I think you are and you think I'm the one who you think I am!?"

"No, no, no. Are you really who I think you are while you think I'm the one you think I am but I'm really the one you think is wrong!?"

"Wait, hold up! Wait, wait! Are you, like, totally the person I'm thinking you are, while you're like, thinking I'm the one you think I am, but really, I'm the one you're thinking is all wrong? It's like, confusing, you know? Like, a brain twister wrapped in a riddle, inside a puzzle, or something!"

"Actually, look what's that?"

Shou pointed behind him. He looked behind him out of curiosity but received a sudden slap on the back of his neck instead.

He was knocked back, then glanced back at Shou, only to catch sight of him running away.

The man rushed toward Shou until Shou gave up, allowing him to slap him on the neck. After the slap, the man hugged Shou tightly.

"Oh man! Long time no see! How have you been?"

"Come on Nao how could you forget?"

Meet Imamura Nao, Shou's childhood best friend. Nao was Shou's very first friend, but he had to move away because of family reasons.

"Probably cause you look so different if it wasn't for that burn mark on your neck."

"You're the reason why I have this remember?"

Nao tries to act clueless

"I don't know what you're talking about. Wait, are we getting late? We should get going."

"Wait really?"

Shou checks his watch and discovers that he only has five minutes left to reach his destination on time. He realizes that he lost track of time because he's been lost in his thoughts.

They both started sprinting, rushing through the busy path filled with students attending the same academy.

In a serene landscape where mysterious, beautiful trees with pink-purple blossoms burst into bloom, their flowers swaying gently in the breeze, two friends, Shou and Nao, share a moment of camaraderie as they sprint together along the pathways. Their laughter resonates amidst the bustling crowd of students, all eagerly making their way to the same academy.

Enshrined within a secluded mountain sanctuary, Hiromi Academy remains hidden from the dangers of the wilderness, its existence known only to those who seek it. Here, amidst the tranquil beauty of nature, the academy seamlessly blends into its surroundings, its architecture echoing the grandeur of the towering peaks and verdant forests that envelop it.

As students traverse the pathways of Hiromi Academy, they are greeted by the soothing melodies of birdsong and the rustling of leaves, a symphony of nature guiding their journey. Within these hallowed halls, knowledge is not just acquired, but discovered amidst the harmonious interplay of academia and the natural world.

This prestigious institution opens its doors to those who seek top-notch education and genuine friendships in its welcoming halls, blending elegance with a global charm.

We see Shou and Nao approach the prestigious academy with all the students walking in the facility.

As they enter the gates of Hiromi Academy, they encounter many students who are truly extraordinary. Some of them belong to rare species,

But all of them are going to the big building which leads to the auditorium. 

Shou and Nao are headed there until someone smacks them both from behind.

"What the hell man why the hell-"

Shou looks behind and sees a familiar face. When Nao turned around, he instantly knew exactly who it was.

"Kohaku? You're also here!?"

Nao jumps at Kohaku to hug him, but he overjumped and instead falls face-first to the ground.

They both laughed at Nao falling face-first. Nao's face got dirty because of this. He wiped the debris from his face using a napkin, trying to brush off the embarrassment of his failed attempt at a hug.

Shou laughs joyfully as he says, "It's been 10 years since we last talked, and you're still that clumsy."

"Come on man! At least I changed unlike your fashion style"

Nao tries to make a comeback but failed because of how much both Kohaku and Shou are laughing.

"You know what fine. You two can laugh all you want. Let's go before we get scolded for being late."

Both of them tries to calm down before they all head to the auditorium.

As they enter, they see such an elegant auditorium. Of course we expect such a prestigious school to look this good but despite it's reputation, THIS IS MORE THAN WHAT IT SHOULD BE!

The chandelier is so big. Made out of many types of gems while fitting the theme of the school. Outside, it looks like an ancient building but it's just the theme outside. The big quartz pillars, the golden designs that shows elegance while some vines fall through top of the walls. Making it look elegant while keeping it look natural at the same time. The whole building is an embodiment of beauty of nature itself. The three friends was so astonished and amazed that all they can do is scream, "HOW ON EARTH DOES AN AUDITORIUM LOOK THIS GOOD!?"

They got shushed by the other students and some faculty members. for shouting like that.

Kohaku screamed, "THERE'S EVEN A RED CARPET!?"

Both Nao and Shou looked unimpressed. They both said at the same time, "You're just telling us that you're broke Kohaku..."

"No I'm not!"

Their conversation got interrupted when the speaker started announcing something.

"Good morning, esteemed attendees! In just a mere 10 minutes, our grand entrance ceremony shall commence. Once more, I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you to Hiromi Academy."

After that announcement, Shou, Nao and Kohaku decided to take a seat already while the other students took some time before they settled in.

At the big screen, a timer displayed three minutes, offering everyone extra time to settle into their seats. The comfortable seating added to the comfort throughout the room. It's like this is more of an awarding ceremony than an entrance ceremony.

As Jazz Swing Band on the side starts playing, a spotlight point to a man walking in the middle of the podium.

"Hello Hiromi Academy!"

The crowd responds.

"Huh? I can't hear you all! Again, hello Hiromi Academy!"

The crowd responds a bit louder while some people laughed seeing how persuasive this person was. Everyone likes how this man approached the crowd.

"Now that everyone's in a good mood. I'd like to introduce myself. I am Chiba Shinji. I am the Student Council President of Hiromi Academy for this year. And I would like to welcome you all to such a prestigious school!"

Everyone clapped. The crowd liked his approach with everyone.

"I am thankful for everyone who came here but I am not the main speaker. Everyone, give your round of applause for our SCHOOL PRINCESS, NISHIMURA HIROKO!"

An elegant woman starts walking up to the podium. Her floor-length dress with a lot of sky blue and white, her white hair gently swayed in the soft breeze of the auditorium while having a gentle smile, everyone was filled with admiration.

As she holds the mic given by Shinji, she clears her throat before speaking.

"Hello Hiromi Academy. I am Princess Nishimura Hiroko and I am exited to see everyone this year! Thank you for choosing us to educate you. That's all I'm gonna say and let the school year start!"

Everyone cheered for Princess Hiroko.

Confused, Shou asked, "Wait, Princess?"

Nao responds, "According to the website, unlike other academies, Hiromi Academy is an academy made by a royal family. And we are standing inside the former kingdom of Hiromi. In the past, the kingdom decided to become an academy not only to profit more than going into war, this place will become more popular while keeping it's royalty. But kings and queens are only ruling every 100 years. And it seems that Princess Nishimura has not found a lover..."

Kohaku cuts him off and says, "Not this again with your harem plan. Nao after all these years huh?"

Nao responds, "I'm just kidding! But this school is sure interesting. Very interesting..."

The opening ceremony ended and it's time to start the school year. Everyone must complete a series of test to determine what class you'll be in.

The test consist on 5 major test.

The Magic Test, Mana Output assessment, Physical Test, MBTI evaluation, and Duel.

If you fail all 5 test, you are out and transferred to another school.

The line for the first test stretched endlessly, evoking a swirling mix of anxiety, excitement, sadness, and happiness among those waiting.

An hour has passed, and finally, it was Nao's turn. Behind him was Shou, and behind Shou was Kohaku.

The first test was a magic orb. Focusing your magic can determine what your element is.

Nao takes the test. He extends his palm and channels his element. To everyone's surprise, plants emerge from his hand. Among them, a stunning Middlemist Red Flower blossoms, one of the rarest and most unique flowers known to exist.

Nao noticed a girl nearby who caught his eye. She appeared both cute and strong, a combination that intrigued him. He gave her the Middlemist Red Flower and said,

"With this flower, I offer a humble token of my admiration for your unparalleled beauty, my dear."

The girl was flustered with this move. But in the amidst of the commotion, while no one was paying attention, Shou discreetly approached one of the orbs.

Shou closes his eyes and whispers,

"Please don't fail me now."

He holds the orbs and it glows... Weird...

To be continued...

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