
Well shit

As Sam was walking through his town he was passing by an ally and saw a girl getting mugged. Sam looked for a second and saw that the thieves had a gun so he just continued walking thinking 'not my problem' but unfortunately for Sam the thieves noticed him and knew that he saw their face and as anyone knows leaving loose ends is a bad thing so they shoot him and the girl then run. As Sam lays there in a pool of his own blood his thoughts were in disarray but there were a few prevailing thoughts 'I'm unwilling to die because I just happened to be walking by I did nothing but because of the unfortunate circumstances I have to die.' And 'well shit I guess I'm gonna die'

In an unknown forest in the world of earth but this earth was different, in this earth Magic, dragons, elves, and gods exist. In an unknown forest on this earth a being that would be feared across the earth woke up

Sam woke up in a forest and looked around he got up and wondered what happened because he clearly remembers his death. When Sam realized he was alive he was extremely happy but this happiness was cut short by seeing the hole in his chest. " WHAT THE FUCK, WHY IS THERE A HOLE IN MY CHEST!!!" But after he said this his head suddenly felt pain as he remembered a lot of information.

He remembered that after he died he met with a God that granted him espada powers that correlate to his aspect of death and trained him in hierro, sonído, and all the other espada techniques. He even got a resureccíon. When Sam remembered all this all he could say was "fuck yes". As Sam calmed down he checked his power level and saw that he could fight against Aizen before the Hogyoku which is saying something considering Aizen before the Hogyoku was still way more powerful then all the espada combined. Then Sam decided to check his appearance so he found a lake and looked into it but when he did he was shocked at how handsome he was, he had tanned skin,a toned body, blue eyes and black hair. Then he noticed he was naked and used reiatsu to create a blue shirt and black hoodie with long blue pants and some black sneakers as he was now satisfied he used sonído to rush out of the forest

Eventually he found a town and was about to enter but was stopped by the guards who asked " who are you and state your buisness." Sam thought for a moment and said "my name is Sam and I'm just passing by" but this wasn't enough to get through as the guards didn't sense an ounce of magical power on Sam and he just walked out of Beast forest unharmed "what were you doing in Beast Forest and how did you escape the forest?" The guard said with suspicion. "I woke up in the forest and just walked out nothing much happened on the way out" Sam said with an innocent face. The guard thought for a minute and said "fine go" Sam just nodded and walked by saying " thanks" but whispered so that no one could hear "not that I needed your permission I just didn't want to make a scene."

As Sam is walking through the town he sees that the town looks like it's from medieval times and there was an adventurers guild and a magical item shop he thought to himself with excitement 'so this is a magical world I wonder if there will be a princess I have to save or a demon I have to kill' as he was walking through the town he heard a noise coming from an ally and he saw a young lady being robbed by a group of bandits with knives and swords but this didn't scare Sam who in a blink of an eye killed all of them then left before the lady could see him. Sam continuing his walk. he walked into an adventurers guild and walked up to the front desk and asked to become a adventurer but to become one they had to test his magic power so he was given a crystal ball to place his hand on and put his magic power in. As he put his hand on the ball he put as little reiatsu as he could which lit the entire room up causing everyone to be shocked the the guild worker stuttered " A grade ran-ranking" this entire guild became loud as teams of adventurers shouted at Sam to join their team but Sam joined a team that seemed sincere. The team had 2 guys and 3 girls, one of the guys named John who had brown hair and silver armor with a bright smile was a swordsman the other guy who was named Todd was a paladin while a girl name Zoe was a archer with blue hair and an confident smile while the other two girls were twins both had black hair and green eyes and a shy smile, their names were Remy and Ramy one was a Mage while the other was a healer. As Sam looked at all these people he thought 'these people are gonna be my team members I can't wait to go on adventures with them

[a few months later]

As Sam and his team got back they were congratulated by the guild because they have completed many quest and were a rising star in the guild, mostly thanks to Sam dealing with any threats. But today was not going to be a day to celebrate as when Sam walked through the door of the building John decided to play a prank on him and sneak attack him because he knew Sam could doge but what he didn't except was that his attack was so weak it wouldn't even hurt Sam but Sam didn't want to put him down so he made it look like the attack only missed by a bit and cut his cloths off but he forgot about his hollow hole so when his shirt fell off his hollow hole was exposed and everyone saw it and everyone was horrified Sam heard Todd scream in disgust "what kind of monster are you!?" And he heard the girls scream the guild was in an uproar all getting ready to attack Sam even the guild master who went to see what all the commotion was about, when he saw the hollow hole he was freaked out and tried to kill Sam. As everyone was launching attacks at Sam he just stood there and took it with a blank expression on his face he was in shock. His thoughts were 'to think that the people who I've spent months with the ones who I've saved so many times I can't count, the guild that has always welcomed me and has been a fun place, all of them changed in an instant because of my hollow hole. Do they think having this changes me do they not realize I'm the same I've always been. Why why why?' Truth be told Sam knew he got too attached to the guild and his teammates because he was scared and this was a place of warmth. Even with all the power he held he was still just a teenager on earth and being thrown into a new land is always scary but now he realized how stupid and naive he'd been to trust humans is like trusting a hungry tiger to not eat you because you said please, it's stupid and now Sam realizes it once he thought this through he just wanted to get this over with and leave this place so he activated his resureccíon by saying " show yourself reacio" when Sam said that his reiatsu exploded killing all of the guild members except his teammates. He now looked like the grim reaper, he had a black cloak that covered his body and face except for a small part of his hollow mask that had a permanent smile on it, he also had a long black scythe. As he looked at his trembling teammates he laughed "to think I trusted you guys how stupid of me" his teammates begged him to let them go but he just said " do you know what I guess I am a monster I'm an espada and all espada have an aspect of death do you know what my aspect of death is? I'll tell you it's unwillingness. The unwillingness to die. Everyone wants to live and no matter what they say if there is a chance to live everyone takes that chance because they are unwilling to die everyone is unwilling to die because it's a basic instinct of all creatures and my power has many uses most importantly in this form, the area around me is like a domain where my enemy's unwillingness to die becomes a poison to them it kills them the more unwilling they are to die the stronger the poison this causes them to be even more unwilling to die which causes the poison to be even stronger creating a vicious cycle. But good news is this poison on its own doesn't kill anyone but it does affect your brain making your thinking erratic but the bad news is when I touch you or hit you with this scythe the poison becomes deadly as it destroys your body and the stronger the poison in you the more pain you suffer during death well now let's see how unwilling you all are to die"

as he said that he tapped all of them with the scythe and watched them die in agony then he flew up into the sky and blasted the town with a gran ray cero obliterating it then just walking away not sure where he was going

I just wanted to write a novel on the side so updates might be kinda slow also if you haven't check out my other novel "venom through the multiverse"

Also look up reacio on a Spanish to English translator

Forthebluethingscreators' thoughts
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