
Escaped Love

Chung Li An, the 16 year old daughter of a billionaire gets kidnapped while shopping in Hong Kong. Taken hostage by the most notorious gang in all of East Asia, the Golden Dragon Gang. Known for their brutal tortures and unimaginable prisons, they sell their hostages as prostitutes to men and women of the top one percent. Chung Li An could only try to escape from their clutches for her own freedom. However, she meets a mysterious man while in captivity. Who is this man? Will she manage to escape from the Golden Dragon Gang? Or will she be sold as a prostitute to a man she’s never met? Please note that most chapters are written in the point of view of the characters, which will be indicated at the beginning of each chapter. Some chapters will be written as the Author’s POV.

Maria_Natakusuma · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Call

POV: Chung Li An

"Hello? Bao bei*? Where are you! Mr Hu told me you called him to pick you up at Nathan Road but couldn't find you! Do you know how worried we are! Why didn't you call earlier!"

I could only cry at the sound of my father. All I wanted was to be at home with him re-watching Crash Landing on You for the hundredth time like we had planned. But here I am being held hostage by the boss of the Golden Blood Dragon gang.

"Someone wants to talk to you daddy."

I could only whisper those words as I clenched my fist in anxiety as cold sweat dripped down my forehead.

"Good morning Chung. How are you today?"

"What do you want!"

"Well you see Mr Chung, I currently have your precious bao bei here as my hostage and I would like to trade her for $30,000,000. What do you think?"

"Who the hell are you to threaten me for something like this. Once I get the police to find you, you are going to be DEAD!"

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Li Sheng Nan, a close friend of the Chief of Hong Kong Police"

There was only silence on the other side. I could only hear my heart beating in my chest as I waited for my father to respond. I prayed in my heart that my father would pay the ransom. Or at least the police can find me soon. I just wanted to get out of this whole ordeal. I don't even know why a person as innocent as me was targeted by the gang. I have been well hidden from the public. No one knows that I am the daughter of Chung enterprises, even my closest friends in school have no idea of my real identity. How could this guy even know who I am? 

"I don't agree! You can ask for any amount  from me but I will never agree. I will never fall into the hands of criminals!"

" Oh really Mr Chung?"

The boss laughed evilly as his mouth slowly became a menacing smirk.

"Well Mr Chung… I guess that it is time for you to say goodbye to your daughter."

Mr Chung heard a gunshot and the line went dead

*Bao Bei (宝贝) in this situation means darling/baby