
Era of True Immortals

Tian Shen who had live a life of misery due an illness that left unable to do what a normal child should experience, However, even with his fate was cruel had kept living to the fullest until finding himself in a new world where only seen in the work of fiction. Now he desire to live to the fullest that soar through the sky and grasped the boundless stars!

ChesterCure · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 15 - Child of a harlot

The Azure Dragon City, though it called a city had a large mass comparable to a small country letting it contain smaller backwater towns that one of them being the place where Tian Shen resides. The town was called [Roaring Wind] Town due to the occasional sound of roaring tiger though this is not due to the [Blood-soaked winged Tiger].

The name came from the nearby mountain valley that sound like a roaring tiger when strong winds blew between the gaps of the valley. This town's strongest cultivator was only [Qi condensation] which was the town lord excluding the people in Institutions. The town was a speck of dust compared to the main capital and the reason for such low cultivation.

This town had a small institute for cultivation which is why the Myriad library had few cultivations and ancient books untranslated on the higher floor came from these cultivation institutions. Though, it was an ant compared to the academy located in the capital didn't mean it was a place anyone can enter.

Only with talent that commoners and small influential individuals can enter that will be given the chance to go on the main capital if they can have the passing mark.

Tian Shen only knew from Senior Yin who had his daughter join this institute to grow stronger had told him that if someone from the cultivation institutions can reach [Martial Vein] at the age of eighteen would be allowed to go on the capital.

This was extremely high due to the lack of resources and sloppy cultivation methods that only a few had successfully gone to the capital.

Regardless, these institutions are vital for people who wanted to walk into the road of martial art and gain recognition from the main capital.

Tian Shen stood in front of a pristine architecture path a material made from expensive stones and decoration that only people who are in high status in Roaring Wind town. The places were the branch of the merchant guild from the capital that sold countless items and products that some are gain by exploring the outside city.

It was a place where only middle-class and high-class individuals are able to step into the extravagant place. Though, commoners are able to experience the inside if they are an employee and servants.

If he was a normal individual would have been scoff out from his messy dark robes and baggy pants but Tian Shen wasn't a normal individual who is well known in the merchant shopped. Though, some higher status stared at him in disgust ignored them, and heard them say something that made him stop.

"Tch! I can't believe this allows a beggar to get closer.".

"Hahaha, perhaps his child of a harlot."

Tian Shen turned toward the one who insulted his mother showed a bloodshot eye ready to turn them to shred that made them flinch in fear. Though, he had only been training for only a few days had already memorized the feeling of bloodlust, and was able to produce a similar effect.

Yet, it wasn't perfect enough to make anyone pass out and be drenched in sweat only able to make them flinch. Tian Shen would have let them be if their mockery was only him, However, to insult his mother who hadn't given him anything but love and affection was beyond his limit.

He knew that someone from someone with a backing would prove troublesome and would bring harm to the orphanage. Regardless, Tian Shen can't always let them insult those he loves dearly and took a step towards them.

"I would have remained silent and ignore your empty mockery yet how bold of you to insult my mother."

"Ha! Then what are you going to do beggar fight me? Your nothing but a mortal while I'm a genius from the [Jade Stone Institute]! My name is Sun Yan I am a peak stage of [Martial blood]!"

The Jade stone institute is one of the seven Institution within the Roaring Wind town that held a competition to decide who will be sent to the capital to study under the academies that are able to produce [Qi condensation] stage geniuses.

Thus someone who is at the [Mortal Blood] can easily be the number one genius of the Jade Stone institute provide large influence and backing. Tian Shen understood that trying to fight the person would result in fighting the Jade Stone Institution.

Tian Shen who was only a [Mortal Bone] would not have been his opponent, however, he wasn't a normal [Martial Bone]. The battle prowess of [Star Forging Bone] is capable of defeating someone at peak [Body tempering] without including his [Thorn of heaven] that gives a guaranteed win.

"How childish relying on some backing you are more coward than a herd of sheep!"

Regardless, the risk of provoking someone who has backing may prove troublesome for the orphanage Tian Shen doesn't care about himself due to being able to survive relatively well yet the people in the orphanage are a different story. In the end, Tian Shen decided could only rely on provocation that made the arrogant young man feel infuriated by the insult.

The arrogant young man felt humiliated being easily insulted by a mortal and a commoner no less! He had seen commoners bowed their heads in reverence when walking down the streets as if he was a God and never offend him yet someone who had nothing more than dirty clothes had the courage to offend him!

"Truly a child of a harlot that hadn't been taught to know who to offend or not! This young master is kind and would let you go if you lick my feet while begging for forgiveness."

The people began to gather witnessing the incident before them. They began to murmur among themselves seeing one of the genius from the Jade Stone institute confronting a young commoner. However, many recognize Tian Shen due to working many jobs in the Roaring Wind town.

They gave their sympathy for him yet we're far too afraid to offend someone from the Jade Stone Institute. Everyone close to Tian Shen was hopelessly watched unable to do anything besides give their silent prayers.

Tian Shen would not blame nor would he want them to help him because he's the one who decided to confront the egocentric youth and won't back down.

He was mentally older if his previous life is added which was twenty years and the current one being fourteen years that come in a total of 34 years of living. Though, age is nothing more than a number for cultivators due to being able to live for more than a thousand years.

Tian Shen had read about young masters in Xianxia being repetitive troupes that always ended up the filler young master to die by the protagonist. Yet, personally experience them was extremely annoying.

The crowd felt pity for Tian Shen who was a mortal in their eyes unable to sense that he was a [Martial bone] because only someone stronger would be able to sense his true strength.

"Is that Tian Shen? People from the Jade Stone institute are truly overbearing."

"Cultivators, though they have strength are not gods and dared to fight someone weaker than them!"

"I know right!? They seem to have stooped so low to pick on the weak!"

However, this wasn't a world where commoners would let themselves be bullied. They are some who gave their disgust in how cultivators had viewed themselves as an omnipotent god when they can still be easily killed.

The arrogant young man was infuriated by how the people are showing their hatred and ready to kill them but knew it would bring bad a name for their institute. He realizes his mistake of letting his ego act without thinking of the consequences.

Tian Shen had anticipated it even if they try to bring someone to kill him won't act harshly since they're not a fool like the arrogant young master. If they killed him then countless lives would be taken due to how well known Tian Shen is in the town.

"Tch! All of you dare mock a disciple of the Jade Stone Institute!! Commoners are nothing compared to me!! All of you are courting death!"

He shouted as his pride that higher than a blind fool had been tarnished by a commoner. The young man had only received praise and never mockery yet to receive the ridicule of a commoner trash made him senile and when Tian Shen chuckled hearing the famous lines from every xianxia arrogant young master had broken him causing the youth to quickly prepared for an attack Tian Shen.

"How dare you trash!"

The young man dashed in tremendous speed clenching his fist to kill Tian Shen who remain indifferent and unmoving that infuriated him even more. It was then in a blink of an eyes someone appeared between the two stopping the first of the young man that pushes the wind away producing a loud impact from the palm of the interfering.

Tian Shen observed the new arrival who was a middle-aged man that long brown hair that blew by the wind while dressed in elegant light green robes that gave him a regal and calmed aura. He couldn't see the face of the man but the arrogant young man's face contorts in despair.

He quickly knew base on the clothing that the person was someone who works for the Jade Stone Institute. Tian Shen appreciates the senior interference if not then his forces to show a bit of power. The power of the senior was at most a [Martial Veins] and opened the [Inner gate of Healing].

"Oh junior, you seem to have grown far too arrogant. Did our Jade Stone Institute not teach you never to confuse pride from arrogance?"

"S-Senior Gu, Forgive me but I wasn't in the wrong as this boy dared mock a student of our Jade Stone Institute! How can I, Sun Yan, let someone live?"

Senior Gu turned to look at Tian Shen intently observe his frame seeing he was well developed and his hands were someone who had train for battle. He knew the boy wasn't a normal mortal despite the lack of [Qi Essence].

The most surprising thing was the way he stood that showcase his someone who is proficient in close combat that easily proves he is not somebody to reckon with yet did not held any pride nor arrogance. He was sure if they had fought then Sun Yun would have been heavily injured by him.

"You fool! Do you think I wasn't observing you!? I knew you would grown too arrogant in the comfort of our institute therefore followed you. I must say you have disappointed me. The way you act had tarnished the name of our institute. Go back to the institute and I'll deal with you later!"


Senior Gu releases a massive killing intent cause the young man to pass out while the people kneel despite not fully receiving the pressure. He moves his hand where a flash of four hooded individuals appear then took the young man and the person with him disappearing into nothingness.

Tian Shen sense they were someone who is [Martial Flesh] that focuses on their speed and espionage of the Jade Stone Institution. Though, the name is institution still akin to a small sect within the Roaring wind town.

The people who witness everything couldn't help but be in awe of how a cultivator is capable that mortal could only dream of. Senior Gu sighed before turning to Tian Shen who was about to leave.

"Wait! Wait! young man let me speak with you!"