
Chapter 76 Alex lectures a noble(2)

"Ho..how did you do that?" Marcus said after screaming for a solid five minutes.

"My Grace ability." I said simply

"But my armour...?" He said and I sighed

"Your armour doesn't protect you from everything, infact I doubt there is any armour that does." I said

"B-bu-but...." He started but I cut him off.

"But what? You paid a lot of money for it or is it because it's D rank or is it because your the one wearing it." I mocked and this left Marcus speechless and angry. He had never been mocked by anyone in his life, or injured for that matter, muchless by someone he saw as beneath him. And even worse that person was mocking him and he couldn't do a thing about it.

"Since I'm in a good mood, why don't I pass on some of my wisdom. Not every Grace ability can be blocked by a powerful armour, of that's the case what do you do?" I asked and Marcus just glared at me and I smirked.


"Ahhhhhhhh." Marcus screamed as his left middle finger bent at an unnatural angle.