
Chapter 75 Alex lectures a noble

We were led to an arena inside the mansion by Eon and Syn along with Rosa and the others who were interested in the outcome of the fight. The arena had white walls with all types of weapons sitting on racks and the floor was made of a golden brown wood. There was also a large glass wall where the others were viewing the fight from.

"Are you sure you don't want to back out while you still can, peasant?" Marcus smirked by now his face has completely healed including his missing teeth.

"I'm the one that should be asking you that." I said and he snorted. Then a shower of golden sparks surrounded his body and when it disappeared a fancy golden armour took it's place. Along with the armour came a golden long sword with a black hilt, these arnaments were obviously custom made.

"Mr. Eon, you wouldn't hold it against me if I broke a few of your son's bones would you?" I asked before I summoned my own arnaments.