
Chapter 7 Demon Lair!!(2)


* Slash*


[You have slain F ranked monster, Imp. You have gained 150 exp]


Name: Alex Shaw

Level: 7( 6150 exp to next level up)

HP: 290/700

MP: 12/70

Grace: Shadow Monarch

Skills:(Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense )

Grace abilities:()

Arnament:[Silver Raptor(D)]

SP: 54


Sitting on the ground was Alex as he panted heavily from exhaustion. Currently before him was a scene of pure carnage as the corpses of decapitated, sliced in half and dismembered imps littered the forest floor. Alex didn't come out of the battle unscathed. His body looked like a bloody used ragdoll as he was covered in imp blood, bite and claw marks that made it look like he came out of a horror movie.



Mana Manipulation(2 SP)(: A simple skill that gives you the knowledge to mana.

Simple Regeneration(50 SP): A general skill that gives you the knowledge to heal small wounds using mana.

Swordsmanship(35 SP): A general skill that gives you the knowledge to properly use a sword(doesn't matter what type).

Simple Analysis(50 SP ): An advanced skill that allows you to gain limited information on weak living organisms and objects.

Small inventory( 100 SP): An advanced skill that allows you to store objects( non living) in an alternate space.

Sprint(10 SP): A simple skill that gives you the knowledge to increase your speed using mana.

Catalogue(10 SP): A simple skill that records ingormation like a notepad.

Language (30 SP): An advanced skill that allows you to comprehend foreign languages.


" Purchase [Simple Regeneration]. "

[You have purchased the skill [Simple Regeneration]. Knowledge will be transferred in 3,2,1....]

Alex couldn't even scream this time due to how dry his throat felt. As silently endured the pain brought by the skill purchase his patience was rewarded.

[ Knowledge has been transferred. ]


Name: Alex Shaw

Level: 7( 6150 exp to next level up)

HP: 575/700

MP: 3/70

Grace: Shadow Monarch

Skills:(Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Simple Regeneration(10 SP to upgrade)

Grace abilities:()

Arnament:[Silver Raptor(D)]

SP: 4


Channelling his mana through his body Alex healed most of his wounds allowing him to stand once more. Lifting himself off the ground Alex left the area as quickly as possible since he did not know what other predators lurked inside the dungeon.

' I need to find a water source as quickly.' It took Alex an hour , in which surprisingly he didn't encounter any beasts or monsters, to find a water source, a river. Surprisingly the water was transparent filled with slightly growing green algae which made it look out of place in this scenery. At the bank of the river was a boar drinking from it. The boar was around one and half meters in height and two meters in length, it had black fur and large tusks. Watching the boar for fifteen minutes to make sure there weren't any beasts or monsters in the water or in the the immediate surrounding Alex ran towards the boar. Turning around the boar looked at him in surprise in it's red fiery eyes before charging at him in range. Leaping over the beast Alex slashed his sword at the beast while mid air wounding it across it's back. Landing on the ground he charged at the beast again this time blocking it's tusk with his sword which proved to be a huge mistake. Continuing to charge the beast rammed itself and Alex into a tree knocking the wind out of Alex's lungs.

[-15 HP]

Gasping for breath Alex angrily kicked it in the neck causing it to stumble backwards, lifting his sword Alex swung it down on the beasts snout causing it to squeal in pain. The beast once again charged at Alex but this time he dodged to the side causing it to slam into the tree. Slightly dazed the last thing the beast saw was Alex's sword coming towards it's neck as it was decapitated.

[You have slain F ranked mana beast, Demonic Boar. You have gained 100 exp.]

'Dinner is served, I guess.' Alex thought as his stomach growled in approval.