head cheerleader, loved by everyone but terrible things keep happening to Emma. what happens when cheerleaders start dieing and there is a super hot detective in town. find out what happens in Envy.
"Emelie, what’s wrong?"
I turned around and saw my friends. It took two seconds for them to get to my locker where I was standing.
"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"Bianca curiously asked.
I placed a hand over my mouth and signed, "Somebody broke into my locker...and defaced my photo!" I cried out.
"What?!" Crystal screamed.
"Oh my god!" Skylar exclaimed.
"That’s horrible. What did the person do?" Bianca asked.
"He...she...crossed out my face...and..."
Bianca walked over to take a look at the picture and shouted, "OMG!"
"Are you okay?" Skylar asked.
"I'm...I'm okay - just a bit shocked."
"Oh, Marinette...come here." We all hugged each other but we were interrupted by Dylan.
"OMG! What happened to your photo?"
"I...I...I..." I stammered; I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. It seemed like he sensed my discomfort so he just walked away. Thank goodness.
Bianca coughed, getting our attention. "Emma, I have an idea! Why don't we redecorate your locker? I have some photos of the four of us in my notebook, you can choose a new one to put up in your locker."
"Yes! You can pick a nice wallpaper and we can decorate your locker together! We'll make it even prettier than before." Crystal agreed.
"And we'll write notes of how much we love you and put those up too.” Bianca added.
"Thanks for the suggestion, guys, but I just want to take down this photo and forget about the whole thing,” I sadly muttered.
"It’s okay, bestie...I totally understand."
"And you know what? I’ve always hated that photo anyway - It didn't show my good side.” Skylar tried lightening the air and it totally worked.
"I have another idea. How about we go to our favorite spot by Lac des minimes after school instead?" Crystal tried suggesting, still giggling.
Lac des Minimes: our favorite hangout spot after school during the summer. We often brought our bikinis with us to school if we ever felt like having a quick dip in the cool water, or just to work on our tans. The peaceful surroundings provided a refreshing contrast to our gossiping and laughter. There wasn't much laughing today, though.
"We need to find out who broke into your locker." Bianca frowned, crossing her hands over her chest.
"I mean, why would somebody do this?" Skylar said, rubbing her chin with her left hand. "You’re the freaking most popular girl in school!"
‘Well somebody hates me alright,’ I thought.
"Maybe it was some kind of joke," Crystal frowned, "A really sick, horrible joke.”
"But still, that’s like criminality!" Bianca said, messing up her hair.
"How could that person have your code anyway?" Skylar reasoned.
Well it wouldn’t have been difficult for anybody to watch while I entered my code. For example, we all hang out together so much. I’ve seen Crystal, Skylar and Bianca open their lockers a million times. I know all of their locker codes by heart. OK, that was a horrible thought.
"You should report it to the administration.” Bianca said.
I sighed, "Actually, I'd like to forget about it."
"You know we’re always there for you." Skylar reminded me.
Moved by their concern, I told my friends about the fight between my parents. About my mom’s drinking and how my dad might be cheating on her. After all that, I didn't realize that I was crying.
"Oh, boo, that's just...awful. Come here." I hugged her, Skylar and Bianca also joining the group hug.
"Thanks, guys." I thanked my all so wonderful best friends.
"OK guys! It's sweltering today so I'm going to jump in the lake - who's joining?" Skylar being Skylar asked, with her hands on her hips and a small smirk on her face (she was already in her bikini).
"Oh, you guys go ahead. I'm going to get started on my calculus assignment." We stared at Bianca with a look of pure shock.
Looking at her as though she had gone nuts, Skylar said "Are you serious? It’s such a nice day and you're going to do your homework instead?"
"I’m struggling a bit with calculus. I just need to spend more time working on it." She walked to the grass a few feet away from the lake and sat criss-cross, bringing out her calculus textbook from her backpack and focusing on it.
Meanwhile Skylar just scowled and walked over to the water, swaying her hips.
"Hey, Emma. Want to practice some of our new cheer routine for next week’s game?" Crystal asked.
Crystal loved being a cheerleader, probably more than the rest of us. I liked dancing and leading the rest of our school to cheer for our team. Skylar liked the attention and popularity that came with being a cheerleader, and Bianca basically joined the squad because the rest of us all did. But for Crystal, cheer-leading was her passion; she lived and breathed for it.
"I think I'm going to help Bianca with her homework." I answered.
Crystal shrugged. "Oh, okay...I'll just practice by myself then.”
I walked over to where Bianca was and sat down next to her. "Hey Bi, let’s go over the assignment together."
She squealed, "Yay!"
I knew I had to go home eventually, but right now, here by the lake with my friends...I was happy.
"What the...I think there are some guys peeping at us!" Crystal said out of the blue, stopping her cheer routine.
"What?!" I yelped.
"Peeping Toms? Where?” Skylar asked.
"I see them! They're behind that bush over there." Bianca pointed at some nearby bushes close to the lake. She smirked, “Hey! They're guys from our school! I bet you they're talking about us."
From our school! Could they have broken into my locker...or know anything about it?
"Let’s pretend to leave.” Chloe said, already out of the water and putting on her uniform.
"Okay," I replied, chuckling. We packed our things and pretended like we were leaving.
"Awww man - they're leaving already?" They both stood up from where they were hiding behind the bushes.
"Hey, wanna jump in the water and cool down?"
"Yeah, why not?" he shrugged. They stripped off their clothes and got into the water.
"OMG, they’re skinny dipping!" Bianca yelled.
"Shh!" Skylar shushed her
"OMG, I can totally see their..." We looked over to the swimming boys, they seemed to be having a conversation
"Man, that Emelie is something else, isn't she?"
"Bro, I could look at her all day."
"She always looks good in her cheer-leading uniform..."
"Woah! Calm down there, buddy! May I remind you that you're not wearing anything?”
We chuckled. "OMG! He's totally getting a b..." Bianca said with a disgusted look on her face.
"I have an idea! Let’s EAVESDROP on them, and PRANK them!” Skylar suggested.
"We can steal their clothes!" Crystal smirked.
Bianca chuckled, "That'll teach them not to peep on us."
It would be fun to prank them with my girls, and maybe I could also find out if they broke into my locker! But that would be bad, so let’s just leave."Let’s just leave, guys." I said with a grimace.
Crystal just shrugged. "Yeah, they're so gross, they don't even deserve our attention."
We called a taxi and went home.
I got home and met my mom talking to a man, he looked like some sort of private. What’s a private eye doing in my home? I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"It wasn't easy getting those photos." The private eye said, showing my mom pictures of my dad kissing some woman, the face of the woman wasn't quite clear in the picture. “Your husband has been very careful for a long time."
"Good work, Mr. Smith," my mom thanked the P.E, "So, who is this bitch?" she asked him.
"Her name is Lola Collins, aged twenty-five; she's his secretary.” the P.E replied, repositioning his glasses on his broad nose.
Lola? But...she seemed so nice when I saw her in Dad's office. She's only a few years older than me.
Mom frowned, "His secretary. Twenty-five years old.” With that mom started laughing, "I got married to such a sad, cliche of a person - well, not for much longer! With these photos, I'll get custody of Emelie, the house and a good alimony. When I'm done with him, he won't have any more money to spend on this slut."
The private eye seemed to notice that i was standing at the door way. “Umm...is that your daughter?" he asked Mom.
With that I just cried and ran upstairs into my room, slamming the door shut. I cried my eyes out until I heard a knock at my door and Mom coming into my room. She gave me a sympathetic look.
"Oh, Emma. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but you must have seen this coming.” She walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "honey, it will be better after we get divorced. You know that, right?" she asked me.
Mom was right. This wasn't surprising - so why did it feel like my heart was being ripped out?
"Talk to me, honey."
I sobbed loudly, "It just hurts so much, Mom."
Mom looked short of words, so she just hugged me instead. We clung to each other like we were drowning because, in a way we were.
I just lay down on my bed, thinking. Dad didn't come home that night, and I couldn’t sleep. If I go up to the roof, my new neighbor might see me again. That's it. It’s my spot! I'm going up there, neighbor or no neighbor!
I quickly wore an unzipped hoodie over my spaghetti pajama top and shorts and went up to the attic.
I felt better as soon as the cool air hit my face. I know, it’s a bit weird to sit on one’s roof, but here under the night sky, I feel at peace under the millions and billions of stars; nobody's looking at me, or judging me. I don't have to impress anybody.
"Rooftop girl." I turned around and there he was again... that beautiful boy. Why was he always topless? I mean, not that I was complaining.
"Hello, window boy." I replied.
"So, is this a bedtime routine?" he asked with his hands under his chin. "You sit on your roof every night.”
"No I don't, actually." I replied.
"Did you come out here looking for me then?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
The nerve of this guy. "I couldn't sleep... I wouldn't mind a bit of conversation, actually."
He chuckled, “You went up on your roof looking for some conversation?"
"Are you always this annoying?" I asked, clearly irritated at this handsome guy.
He chuckled again, damn that chuckle, "Am I annoying you?”
"Do you always answer every question with a question?”
He shrugged, “Do you?"
I burst out into little giggles and soon after he followed.
"Nice hoodie, by the way. It reminds me of...never mind."
What does my hoodie remind him of? I shrugged it off. “Well, yeah... I can't come out in just my lingerie anymore now that you're always here, can I?"
He laughed, "Sorry if I'm cramping your style. Seriously though, hasn't anyone told you that you shouldn't sit on your roof? It’s not the safest past-time, you know.”
I shook my head. "Don't lecture me like I’m some kid. You're the same age as me!”
"I am not."
"How old are you, then?" I asked him.
Crossing his hands over his toned abs, he replied, “I’m twenty-one."
"So...what do you do?” I asked awkwardly.
He stared at me without speaking. Did I say something wrong? “You should really get some sleep."
"I-“ He cut me off.
"Goodnight." and he disappeared into his room.
I could feel my face getting hot with embarrassment and indignation as I stared at his dark, empty window. I was just trying to be friendly. I rubbed my elbows with my right palm to create some friction.
One moment he's friendly and charming, the next moment he's abrupt and distant, almost hostile. "What’s the matter with him, anyway?" I angrily said.