
envy you

a mafia romance matching two souls

rue_blackwell · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

chapter 3


The red tint was now steadily leaving and my brown hues were now set back with adrenaline and relaxation. The black bags that were sunken under my eyes were now rising and turning back to my olive tone. My sleep hours were now improving as well as my appetite that was gone before.

The exams were finally over. Which meant I could either stress on my scores or I can go and enjoy life until they come back.

The hot water sprayed down like tiny streams and soothed my tensed muscles that contracted under my burning flesh. My eyes closed slowly-drowning in the water. I wish could say that I'm excited about college,or that I'm proud of myself forgetting this far. But in all reality I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted from fighting a battle with myself even though I end up getting shot and left on the field with no one to come help me. I wish for once I could hear a simple

'I'm proud of you Davina',

but it never comes out of anyone's mouth.

All this waiting and efforts I make to please my father are nothing, but as mall meaning to him. Because that's exactly what I am to him. A small meaning.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body-stepping out of the shower. My feet dragged along the tiled floor and into my bedroom where my phone went off.

I walk over to my bed and threw myself on it with a sigh escaping my lips.I grab my phone from under the comforter and see a message from my one and only friend, rayle

Wanna do lunch?

Sure, what place?

There's a bar and grill next to Target.

I'll be ready in 10.

Ok, sounds good

See you there ;)

Yeah, whatever

I grin at his message before getting up

and walking over to my closet.

rayle is my only friend... literally. We've been best friends since middle school and we both clicked as soon as we first met. He told me he was gay when he turned 15, which I guessed considering he drooled over James Kindley in the 5th grade and never once looked at the

popular' girls lunch table.I suppose he was the only first real person who understood me at the time

But sometimes I think he'll be the only person who understands me. Because who else would? Not my father that's for sure.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on , before grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs.

My mother sat at the breakfast nook and sipped on her red wine slowly. Her red lipstick leaving a mark on the glass cup.

Her head slowly turned towards me and gave me a small smile.

"Where must you be going dear?"

"Lunch with rayle", I said with my eyes trailed as her fingers tightened around the wineglass.

Her smile slowly faded and was replaced with a fake one.

"Oh. You still speak to that-, she couldn't

even finish her sentence before I chimed in.

"For the love of God mom will you just

get over it!"

"Well dear, he's just not... you know."

My mother secretly despises rayle. Well,guess I shouldn't say secretly because it's really obvious. And it wasn't because he was gay. It was more of the fact she walked in on him with another guy doing... stuff, one night. She never looked at him the same after that, but

honestly, when I found out I laughed at the whole thing.

"Im leaving now", I calmly said. She rolled her eyes a bit before nodding and turning back to her cherry, red wine and swirling it around in the cup.

"Maybe I just wanna be yours?I

wanna be yours, I wanna be yours",,

I sang along to my favorite song that was soaring through the speakers and into my ears.

My fingers drumming to the song and tapping the steering wheel.I placed a pair of sunglasses on my face and started moving my head back and forth while another song from my playlist Continues.

The traffic light was now switched to red, causing me to slow down and hit the breaks. Traffic was ahead and moving every 5 minutes. I bent over to the passenger seat- reaching for my phone and open up the messaging App.

*Might be a bit late. There's traffic*

I hit send and toss my phone back into

the seat before looking up and seeing the light is switched to green.I soon reached the cluster of cars and turn my music down a bit so no one would be annoyed at my music taste.

A black, shiny Mercedes was in front of me. The music was obviously loud coming from the car and I roll my eyes into the back of my head.I scan the dozen of cars before I look

back at the one in front of me.My eyes met the side mirror and before I know it a pair of grey, silver hues are looking back at me. His arm dangling off the car was covered in tattoos. A smirk was hanging so lazily off his

lips as he looked at me and then back into the road. His symmetric jawline sharpening like a knife. I couldn't help but blush while my eyes never left that damn mirror.

His jaw ticked back and forth and as I begin to look away he meets eye contact with me again- but this time there's no smirk. Instead, it's replaced with a deadly glare that I feel could kill me at this very moment. His car rolls away and I didn't even realize the traffic was now slowly leaving and the cars picked up their speed.

My phone goes off, so I reach over to get it and before I know it my car crashed into something and my foot hits the break immediately. My eyes grow wide as I look through the glass and see the Mercedes with a dent inthe back. We both pull into the side of the road and my face was stricken with fear.

Oh shit.

I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and open the door as fast as possible running to the front of my car.

"Are you fucking stupid?" A deep voice comes from behind me. I quickly turn around and I take in this man.

Oh god, this man.

His black hair that cascades over his long eyelashes and his grey (rage-filled)eyes were glaring back at me. His arms were fucking huge and complete muscle as one of them had a sleeve of tattoos that reached to his neck.

"Are you deaf", he practically shouts in my face. I snap out of admiring this God, gorgeous man and take in the fact that I just crashed into his car.

"Shit", I whisper. My father is going to beat my ass for putting a dent in the front of my car, which he bought. I fiddled with my ring and my breaths became heavy. My anxiety was rising as I thought about my father finding out. He would be disappointed in me.

"Are you just gonna stand there like a

fucking moron."

My eyes snapped over to his and I felt my blood begin to boil. I'm thinking about punching this dude if he calls me something else again.

"Look I'm sorry. I'll call the cops", I sigh

walking back to my car.

"No fucking forget it."

I paused and turned back around.He looked down at the ground and pinched the bridge of his nose, before rolling his tongue and looking back at me.

"Fucking stupid bitch", he muttered while turning around and getting back in his car.

I felt my heart hurt as he drove off and left me with a shit ton of shame.I deserved it.

I finally reached the grill and walked into the restaurant, looking for anybody with dirty blonde hair.

"Davina!" I heard someone call out. I

looked over my shoulder and saw rayle with a wide smile waving his hand in the air. I beamed a grin back and walked over to the booth.

"Sorry I took so long. I ran into this

guy's nice ass car and I thought he was gonna tear my head off", I sighed.

"Was he hot?"

I looked up and saw his eyes concentrating on mine, looking for a serious answer. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, a smile on my face.

"He was an Angel sent by God", I

dramatically grabbed my chest and


he laughs and grabs the menu.

"How do you know he's not the devil?"My mind wandered off thinking of his comment. That man was truly a very attractive person, but his personality wasn't an Angel at all.

Maybe he was the devil?


